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RankCategoryCall SignQTHYearScoreQSOsMultsHoursOperatorsClub
SO-MIX-HP  K7ABV MT 2011 415,488 1,349 128 11.0  Northern Rockies DX Association
SO-MIX-HP  K7RL WWA 2011 388,600 960 134 7.0  Western Washington DX Club
SO-MIX-HP  W7MEM ID 2011 304,258 985 149 22.0  Spokane DX Association
SO-MIX-HP  WX7P EWA 2011 219,780 859 110 15.0  Spokane DX Association
SO-MIX-HP  WA7PRC WWA 2011 150,586 642 103 9.0  Western Washington DX Club
SO-MIX-HP  K7JJ OR 2011 99,214 276 113 9.0 
SO-MIX-HP  KI7N OR 2011 28,280 139 70 6.0 
SO-MIX-HP  WG7X WWA 2011 13,908 113 57 8.0 

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Scores in italics were received after the deadline and/or are not eligible for awards.