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RankCategoryCall SignQTHYearScoreQSOsMultsHoursOperatorsClub
SO-CW-LP  AB7R WWA 2011 420,648 1,039 102 16.0  Western Washington DX Club
SO-CW-LP  W7IJ WWA 2011 297,216 777 96 17.0  Western Washington DX Club
SO-CW-LP  KA7T ID 2011 291,960 823 90 17.0 
SO-CW-LP  W7WHO OR 2011 270,580 828 83 18.0 
SO-CW-LP  K7GS EWA 2011 215,908 709 77 13.0  Spokane DX Association
SO-CW-LP  NG7Z WWA 2011 125,244 445 71 9.0  Western Washington DX Club
SO-CW-LP  AB7RW WWA 2011 122,208 410 76 10.0  Western Washington DX Club
SO-CW-LP  W7VXS WWA 2011 99,960 369 70 9.0  Western Washington DX Club
SO-CW-LP  W7GB EWA 2011 86,688 315 72 7.0 
10  SO-CW-LP  WB7FJG WWA 2011 85,952 325 68 13.0 
11  SO-CW-LP  K7OVM OR 2011 83,928 273 78 9.0 
12  SO-CW-LP  W7MTL OR 2011 81,760 286 73 15.0 
13  SO-CW-LP  N7WA WWA 2011 77,792 376 52 7.0  Western Washington DX Club
14  SO-CW-LP  K7PJT OR 2011 66,000 251 66 11.0 
15  SO-CW-LP  W7ZI OR 2011 54,720 180 76   Willamette Valley DX Club
16  SO-CW-LP  W7POE WWA 2011 53,824 238 58 10.0 
17  SO-CW-LP  W7YMS OR 2011 39,672 176 57 13.0 
18  SO-CW-LP  N7EIE WWA 2011 37,600 193 50 9.0  Western Washington DX Club
19  SO-CW-LP  N7ZN ID 2011 28,380 131 55 4.0 
20  SO-CW-LP  N7FDU WWA 2011 25,944 155 46 7.0 
21  SO-CW-LP  KF7HB OR 2011 23,600 119 50 5.0 
22  SO-CW-LP  K1LKR WWA 2011 18,832 108 44 3.0 
23  SO-CW-LP  K7IP WWA 2011 17,808 87 53 6.0 
  SO-CW-LP  K7OVG ID 2011 17,808 114 42 6.0 
25  SO-CW-LP  KC7YE WWA 2011 15,656 103 38   Snohomish County Hams Club
26  SO-CW-LP  N6PZ OR 2011 8,832 70 32 6.0 
27  SO-CW-LP  N6MZ WWA 2011 8,064 58 36 2.0 
28  SO-CW-LP  WJ9B ID 2011 7,592 75 26 2.0 

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Scores in italics were received after the deadline and/or are not eligible for awards.