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RankCategoryCall SignQTHYearScoreQSOsMultsHoursOperatorsClub
MSLP  K8WW OH 2012 141,456 429 84 19.0 
MSLP  WW8OH OH 2012 75,894 326 91 19.0  AC8GI AC8GX K8EM W3HKK Central Ohio Operators Klub
MSLP  K8BL OH 2012 38,280 199 58 8.0  North Coast Contesters
MSLP  KB8ZGL MI 2012 35,280 256 70 16.0  KB8ZGL KD8SLH Lowell ARC
MSLP  K8GT MI 2012 6,496 62 29 3.0  Mad River Radio Club
MSLP  KD8SPF OH 2012 3,886 69 29 7.0 
MSLP  W8PLP MI 2012 2,000 37 20 4.0  KC8LTL KC8QZB KD8MWA KD8OOS KI8C N8TSP NS8Q WX8MOJ Central Michigan Amateur Radio Club

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Scores in italics were received after the deadline and/or are not eligible for awards.