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RankCategoryCall SignQTHYearScoreQSOsMultsHoursOperatorsClub160 80 40 20 15 10
MSLP  N2GZ CT 2014 105,410 635 83 24.0  K1JR KC2WQO N2GZ      225   22   144   150   94
MSLP  W1NRG CT 2014 51,460 310 83 21.0  K1VDF KC1ACN KC1AXJ KC1BAQ N1API N1ZN Meriden ARC      79   105   81   28   17
MSLP  W1FM EMA 2014 48,984 314 78 20.0  N1SOH W1FM Yankee Clipper Contest Club      110   45   52   88   19
MSLP  W1FY EMA 2014 38,640 276 70 22.0       73   31   158      14
MSLP  NA1RA CT 2014 18,120 151 60 9.0  K1OLY KB1TOR KB1VIS KB1VNO N1YV W1GC W8ZY WA1ZU            74   69   8
MSLP  NB1H WMA 2014 11,772 109 54 8.0          3   67   33   6

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Scores in italics were received after the deadline and/or are not eligible for awards.