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RankCategoryCall SignQTHYearScoreQSOsMultsHoursOperatorsClub
MSHP  N7AT AZ 2012 512,298 1,042 159 24.0  K8IA N7LR N7RQ W9CF Arizona Outlaws Contest Club
MSHP  AK7AZ AZ 2012 324,000 776 135 21.0  AK7AR AK8E K0DVH KE7DX N3KCJ NG2Q Arizona Outlaws Contest Club
MSHP  W7PU WWA 2012 314,800 984 100 20.0  AD7AV N7DOE N7EPD
MSHP  AA7A AZ 2012 308,248 730 106 14.0  Arizona Outlaws Contest Club
MSHP  W7RN NV 2012 292,544 1,141 112 15.0  K5RC K7STU Northern California Contest Club
MSHP  N7IP MT 2012 223,492 576 118 11.0  K0SN
MSHP  W7SW AZ 2012 95,232 375 64 4.0  Arizona Outlaws Contest Club
MSHP  KA6BIM OR 2012 81,152 645 64 12.0  Coos County Radio Club
MSHP  W7EB NV 2012 80,128 628 64 12.0  KT6VV W7EB
10  MSHP  KY7M AZ 2012 63,700 265 70 4.0  Arizona Outlaws Contest Club
11  MSHP  NA2U AZ 2012 58,976 221 76 8.0  Arizona Outlaws Contest Club
12  MSHP  KO7AA AZ 2012 43,384 230 58 3.0  Arizona Outlaws Contest Club
13  MSHP  K7NCG WWA 2012 32,310 348 45 6.0 
14  MSHP  W7CT UT 2012 25,676 133 49 3.0  Utah DX Association
15  MSHP  WX7P EWA 2012 14,208 108 48 4.0  K7CPO KF7QER WX7P Spokane DX Association
16  MSHP  N6TW OR 2012 8,772 63 43 3.0  Willamette Valley DX Club
17  MSHP  K7LV NV 2012 532 14 14 1.0 

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Scores in italics were received after the deadline and/or are not eligible for awards.