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RankCategoryCall SignQTHYearScoreQSOsMultsHoursOperatorsClub160 80 40 20 15 10
MSHP  K6EZ EB 2020 1,293,672 1,743 228 24.0  JK3GAD K6AW KX7M W6NV   39/8   90/19   396/67   729/82   457/45   32/7
MSHP  N6WM EB 2020 1,026,267 1,478 227 23.8  K6KM N6RO N6WM NA6O W9KKN WD6T   32/11   103/21   519/62   581/78   233/50   10/5
MSHP  NX6T SDG 2020 495,672 1,531 114 23.3  K3PS N6ERD N6KI N6NC W6JBR W6ZAR WB6NBU WQ6X      15/2   574/50   912/47   30/15   
MSHP  N6AT SDG 2020 4,557 61 31 4.3  K6GO NA6MB         16/11   45/20      

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Scores in italics were received after the deadline and/or are not eligible for awards.