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RankCategoryCall SignQTHYearScoreQSOsMultsHoursOperatorsClub
MSHP  NX6T SDG 2012 640,152 1,334 153 24.0  AF6WF K4RB K6KAL N6EEG N6ERD N6KI NI6H NN6X W2PWS Southern California Contest Club
MSHP  N7AT AZ 2012 512,298 1,042 159 24.0  K8IA N7LR N7RQ W9CF Arizona Outlaws Contest Club
MSHP  N6ED LAX 2012 367,948 996 119 13.0  Southern California Contest Club
MSHP  N6HC ORG 2012 326,334 794 137 14.0  Southern California Contest Club
MSHP  AK7AZ AZ 2012 324,000 776 135 21.0  AK7AR AK8E K0DVH KE7DX N3KCJ NG2Q Arizona Outlaws Contest Club
MSHP  AA7A AZ 2012 308,248 730 106 14.0  Arizona Outlaws Contest Club
MSHP  W7SW AZ 2012 95,232 375 64 4.0  Arizona Outlaws Contest Club
MSHP  N6QQ LAX 2012 72,546 234 107 6.0  Southern California Contest Club
MSHP  KY7M AZ 2012 63,700 265 70 4.0  Arizona Outlaws Contest Club
10  MSHP  NA2U AZ 2012 58,976 221 76 8.0  Arizona Outlaws Contest Club
11  MSHP  KO7AA AZ 2012 43,384 230 58 3.0  Arizona Outlaws Contest Club
12  MSHP  NK6A LAX 2012 32,448 209 39 5.0  Southern California Contest Club
13  MSHP  N6WIN ORG 2012 13,978 121 29 1.0  Southern California Contest Club
14  MSHP  W6KC LAX 2012 13,846 94 43 2.0 
15  MSHP  AG6AY SB 2012 1,156 35 17 1.0 
16  MSHP  AI6Z LAX 2012 520 16 10 2.0  Southern California DX Club

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Scores in italics were received after the deadline and/or are not eligible for awards.