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RankCategoryCall SignQTHYearScoreQSOsMultsHoursOperatorsClub160 80 40 20 15 10
SOULP  NT5V NTX 2014 132,302 797 83 16.0  DFW Contest Group      14   49   268   264   202
SOULP  K5IID NTX 2014 89,216 544 82 13.0  DFW Contest Group      47   55   106   89   247
SOULP  N5VPC STX 2014 73,538 443 83 21.0       29   35   32   267   80
SOULP  K7XC NTX 2014 70,218 423 83 14.0  DFW Contest Group      4   108   95   3   213
SOULP  N5LFE NTX 2014 51,460 310 83 20.0       40   56   52   91   71
SOULP  W9BM NTX 2014 33,858 209 81 16.0  DFW Contest Group      8   43   44   44   70
SOULP  KB5WRK NTX 2014 31,824 204 78 16.0  DFW Contest Group      3   42   53   50   56
SOULP  NM5M NTX 2014 25,696 176 73 6.0  DFW Contest Group      17   23   37   44   55
SOULP  N5KB NTX 2014 19,710 135 73 8.0       6   33   35   24   37
10  SOULP  WB5JC NTX 2014 18,942 123 77 13.0       7   22   29   31   34
11  SOULP  K5GJ STX 2014 17,020 115 74 7.0       3   16   25   40   31

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Scores in italics were received after the deadline and/or are not eligible for awards.