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RankCategoryCall SignQTHYearScoreQSOsMultsHoursOperatorsClub160 80 40 20 15 10
MSHP  K5TR STX 2023 333,200 1,960 85 24.0  K5TR N5TJ Central Texas DX and Contest Club      86   449   709   367   349
MSHP  W5RRR STX 2023 196,520 1,156 85 23.9  AB5SS W9TWJ      79   167   764   142   4
MSHP  KS5Z WTX 2023 158,950 935 85 23.2  AF5KV K5BEK K5LCL K8TE KE5PDG KE5PDK KS5Z WR5O      1   257   432   77   168
MSHP  N0VRP STX 2023 65,758 427 77 11.4  N0VRP N0ZGO Central Texas DX and Contest Club      3   93   66   205   60
MSHP  KG5VK NTX 2023 47,712 284 84 11.3  KG5VK W5PTX DFW Contest Group      13   136   36   60   39

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Scores in italics were received after the deadline and/or are not eligible for awards.