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RankCategoryCall SignQTHYearScoreQSOsMultsHoursOperatorsClub160 80 40 20 15 10
SOU-PH-HP  RM8A UA9 2020 727,814 958 179 15.7    4/4   11/10   111/35   662/69   132/37   38/24
SOU-PH-HP  A42K A4 2020 640,584 931 164 16.5  A41CK      13/12   108/42   571/65   231/38   8/7
SOU-PH-HP  JA3AOP JA 2020 121,440 307 115 14.4       5/4   60/27   194/54   42/24   6/6
SOU-PH-HP  5B60AIF 5B 2020 96,455 262 101 6.8       18/17   63/40   175/38   5/5   1/1
SOU-PH-HP  BD3CB BY 2020 23,760 151 60 6.3          45/14   60/32   45/13   1/1

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Scores in italics were received after the deadline and/or are not eligible for awards.