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RankCategoryCall SignQTHYearScoreQSOsMultsHoursOperatorsClub160 80 40 20 15 10
M2  W2FU WNY 2023 11,188,023 7,006 539 48.0  K0SM K2UA N2MG N2PP N2ZN   59/37   461/68   1,141/99   1,339/105   1,976/117   2,030/113
M2  N2AA NNJ 2023 9,022,572 6,000 507 47.2  K2TW K2XR W2CG W2MKM W2NO WA3AAN WW2Y Frankford Radio Club   65/36   434/67   1,108/89   1,442/105   1,472/106   1,479/104
M2  K2AX SNJ 2023 7,957,218 5,086 529 46.4  AK2S K2AX KE2D NY3B Frankford Radio Club   103/45   360/70   743/92   1,072/108   1,308/110   1,500/104
M2  W2CG NNJ 2023 3,243,879 2,459 447 31.6  N2WKS W2CG W2EN Frankford Radio Club   56/37   91/51   380/71   468/90   661/99   803/99

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Scores in italics were received after the deadline and/or are not eligible for awards.