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RankCategoryCall SignQTHYearScoreQSOsMultsHoursOperatorsClub160 80 40 20 15 10
MSLP  N3FJP MDC 2014 97,774 589 83 21.0  N3FJP N3HCN Northeast Maryland Amateur Radio Contest Society      149   148   125   99   68
MSLP  WN3N MDC 2014 79,158 501 79 22.0  KB3MCL KB3MCQ KB3NRY KB3PJD N3OZS WN3N      234   70   49   148   
MSLP  W3ZGD EPA 2014 76,302 471 81 18.0  K3JAW KB3JSV N3VQH WA1HEW WS3C Hilltop Transmitting Assn      59   41   123   211   37
MSLP  W3LRC MDC 2014 72,376 436 83 15.0  KB3BWR NI3C W3LRC WV3D Potomac Valley Radio Club      62   102   104   121   47
MSLP  W3HAC MDC 2014 46,020 295 78 18.0  K0OO K6ZO Potomac Valley Radio Club      69   101   17   71   37

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Scores in italics were received after the deadline and/or are not eligible for awards.