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RankCategoryCall SignQTHYearScoreQSOsMultsHoursOperatorsClub
SO-MIX-HP  WB9Z IL 2012 621,300 1,139 190 29.0  Society of Midwest Contesters
SO-MIX-HP  WR9D IL 2012 541,748 1,092 167 24.0  KB9UWU Society of Midwest Contesters
SO-MIX-HP  KE9I IN 2012 438,504 918 151 21.0  Society of Midwest Contesters
SO-MIX-HP  W9IU IN 2012 108,008 327 92 11.0  Society of Midwest Contesters
SO-MIX-HP  W9AV WI 2012 95,344 288 101 11.0 
SO-MIX-HP  KK9K WI 2012 85,626 307 71 7.0  Society of Midwest Contesters
SO-MIX-HP  N0IJ WI 2012 35,916 167 73 5.0  Minnesota Wireless Assn
SO-MIX-HP  W9KXQ IL 2012 22,288 159 56 9.0 
SO-MIX-HP  AC9S IL 2012 8,640 123 36 2.0  Society of Midwest Contesters

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Scores in italics were received after the deadline and/or are not eligible for awards.