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RankCategoryCall SignQTHYearScoreQSOsMultsHoursOperatorsClub
MSHP  K9CT IL 2012 890,358 1,362 203 28.0  K3WA K9CT K9QQ K9ZO LU7DW Society of Midwest Contesters
MSHP  W0AIH WI 2012 763,938 1,247 189 31.0  KB9S NE9U Minnesota Wireless Assn
MSHP  N2BJ IL 2012 156,744 498 126 15.0  Society of Midwest Contesters
MSHP  K8LEE IN 2012 146,644 423 122 10.0 
MSHP  KK9H IL 2012 67,760 274 77 9.0  Society of Midwest Contesters
MSHP  W9GG IL 2012 40,382 338 61 18.0  W9GG WB9JNZ
MSHP  K9EN WI 2012 22,140 137 45 9.0 
MSHP  W9TC IN 2012 16,296 100 42 4.0  Society of Midwest Contesters
MSHP  WA9IVH IL 2012 7,216 90 41 4.0  Society of Midwest Contesters
10  MSHP  N9GH IL 2012 5,600 66 35 3.0  Society of Midwest Contesters
11  MSHP  W9II IL 2012 1,360 34 20 3.0 
12  MSHP  KM9M IL 2012 1,080 28 10 1.0  Society of Midwest Contesters
13  MSHP  AB4KJ IL 2012 832 18 13 1.0 
14  MSHP  W9IIX IL 2012 644 23 14 2.0  Society of Midwest Contesters
15  MSHP  KR9E IN 2012 252 15 9 2.0 
16  MSHP  KB9NW IL 2012 48 4 3 1.0  Society of Midwest Contesters

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Scores in italics were received after the deadline and/or are not eligible for awards.