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RankCategoryCall SignQTHYearScoreQSOsMultsHoursOperatorsClub160 80 40 20 15 10
MSLP  W4MR NC 2014 202,868 1,237 82 23.0  AA4NC KK4DHF Potomac Valley Radio Club      312   438   280   190   17
MSLP  N2VA VA 2014 152,388 918 83 22.0  KN4KL N2XQM W8RJL WB4DNL Potomac Valley Radio Club      225   199   424   45   25
MSLP  KF3N VA 2014 110,224 664 83 24.0  KF3N KK4QQV      252   118   138   103   53
MSLP  N4KIT VA 2014 79,016 476 83 20.0  N4KIT W4BJP      157   119   143   40   17
MSLP  W4YK NC 2014 36,720 255 72 19.0  Blue Ridge ARC      7   155   55   32   6
MSLP  K4RC VA 2014 30,494 193 79 14.0  AI4QQ AI4WU K1NUH K4MI NR4C Potomac Valley Radio Club      30   14   26   62   61
MSLP  KC4GIA VA 2014 26,568 162 82 13.0  KC4GIA KF4LGS KR4DO      38   21   48   36   19
MSLP  K8DH VA 2014 10,146 89 57 11.0  Rappahannock Valley Amateur Radio Club      22   28   15   16   8

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Scores in italics were received after the deadline and/or are not eligible for awards.