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RankCategoryCall SignQTHYearScoreQSOsMultsHoursOperatorsClub
MSLP  VA7BEC BC 2011 591,840 1,273 180 19.0  VA7BEC VA7KO Orca DX and Contest Club
MSLP  VE6FI AB 2011 217,516 1,237 89 15.0  VE6AQ VE6FI
MSLP  VE3XAT ON 2011 167,272 412 103 11.0  Contest Club Ontario
MSLP  VE4EA MB 2011 134,160 443 78 16.0 
MSLP  VE3AD ON 2011 107,748 458 123 21.0  VE3AD VE3YV Contest Club Ontario
MSLP  VE7IO BC 2011 94,612 266 109 12.0  VA7BWG VA7GL VA7XB VE7FO VE7IO VE7OFH VE7SM Orca DX and Contest Club
MSLP  VE3CWU ON 2011 77,376 220 104 10.0  Contest Club Ontario
MSLP  VE2EBK QC 2011 74,688 395 96 11.0  Contest Group du Quebec
MSLP  VA3DF ON 2011 65,730 196 105 8.0  Contest Club Ontario
10  MSLP  VO1HP NL 2011 35,984 175 52 2.0 
11  MSLP  VE2FK QC 2011 21,216 104 51 2.0  Contest Group du Quebec
12  MSLP  VE2ESU QC 2011 3,840 61 32 6.0 
13  MSLP  VE3AJ ON 2011 1,178 31 19 2.0  Contest Club Ontario
14  MSLP  VE2HB QC 2011 748 17 11 1.0  Contest Group du Quebec

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Scores in italics were received after the deadline and/or are not eligible for awards.