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RankCategoryCall SignQTHYearScoreQSOsMultsHoursOperatorsClub
MSLP  XE2AU AGS 2011 163,200 478 96 19.0  XE2AI XE2ARM XE2ARV XE2AU
MSLP  XE2FGC ZAC 2011 39,312 157 63 11.0 
MSLP  XE2CRH AGS 2011 39,308 321 62 16.0  XE2AA XE2AMS XE2AUD XE2AY XE2ERM
MSLP  XE2VHF SON 2011 38,482 191 71 10.0  KI6YAA XE2BSS XE2TPJ
MSLP  XE2WK TAM 2011 960 20 15 2.0 
MSLP  XE2MVS NLE 2011 416 16 13 1.0 
MSLP  XE1BRX GTO 2011 220 11 11 1.0 

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Scores in italics were received after the deadline and/or are not eligible for awards.