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RankCategoryCall SignQTHYearScoreQSOsMultsHoursOperatorsClub
SO-CW-LP  VE1RGB MAR 2012 119,132 381 79 14.0  Maritime Contest Club
SO-CW-LP  VE3FGU GH 2012 61,248 233 66 9.0  Contest Club Ontario
SO-CW-LP  VA2WA QC 2012 58,240 210 70 7.0  VA2WDQ Contest Group du Quebec
SO-CW-LP  VE7CV BC 2012 54,288 238 58 9.0  Orca DX and Contest Club
SO-CW-LP  VE7JKZ BC 2012 50,940 289 45 7.0 
SO-CW-LP  VE3OM ONE 2012 47,628 189 63 11.0  Contest Club Ontario
SO-CW-LP  VE3IAE ONE 2012 34,600 173 50 10.0  Contest Club Ontario
SO-CW-LP  VA7MM BC 2012 29,376 151 51 5.0 
SO-CW-LP  VA3KAI ONE 2012 13,860 105 33 7.0  Contest Club Ontario
10  SO-CW-LP  VA3EC GH 2012 7,168 64 28 2.0  Contest Club Ontario
11  SO-CW-LP  VE5GC SK 2012 2,728 34 22 2.0 
12  SO-CW-LP  VA3FN ONS 2012 2,576 46 14 4.0 

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Scores in italics were received after the deadline and/or are not eligible for awards.