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RankCategoryCall SignQTHYearScoreQSOsMultsHoursOperatorsClub160 80 40 20 15 10
M2  EI7M EI 2020 3,873,945 4,841 271 46.7  EI3DP EI3JE EI3KD EI8IR G0CKV SM0CXU SM5DZB   374/45   789/56   1,564/60   1,682/62   432/48   
M2  EA7X EA 2020 3,526,269 4,252 281 47.3  EA5KA EA7PP EA7X EB7A   313/49   689/58   1,487/61   1,307/60   456/53   
M2  RL3A UA 2020 1,845,120 2,556 248 41.3  RA3ATX RL3FT RX3APM UA3ASZ UB7K   273/46   693/57   605/58   919/59   66/28   
M2  HG7T HA 2020 1,802,640 2,634 232 39.4  HA7TM HG5DX   94/31   516/54   999/61   916/59   109/27   
M2  LY4A LY 2020 1,600,704 2,431 224 46.0  LY1A, LY2BKT, LY2CO, LY2RJ, LY2TS, LY3AB LY3BB, LY4A,   211/42   590/55   632/57   987/61   11/9   
M2  RA5G UA 2020 825,282 1,505 186 26.6  R2GL R3GG R3GM RG5G RN3GQ UG3G   73/28   233/46   615/55   584/57      

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Scores in italics were received after the deadline and/or are not eligible for awards.