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RankCategoryCall SignQTHYearScoreQSOsMultsHoursOperatorsClub
MSLP  KD2RD NLI 2012 496,164 898 173 31.0  KD2RD N2PL NQ2F
MSLP  K2DFC NNJ 2012 205,936 536 122 24.0 
MSLP  W2MF SNJ 2012 86,304 250 116 12.0  CT1GIF KA2VJI W2MF
MSLP  K2ZC NNJ 2012 62,720 231 70 10.0  Bergen ARA
MSLP  K2ZD ENY 2012 36,432 161 72 14.0  K2ZD N2RVU
MSLP  K2DB NNY 2012 24,064 131 47 7.0  Rochester (NY) DX Assn
MSLP  N2SO NLI 2012 18,056 123 37 9.0 
MSLP  N2FF NLI 2012 12,464 83 38 5.0  Order of Boiled Owls of New York
MSLP  WC2FD NNJ 2012 5,916 90 34 9.0  K2FN KA2PBT KC2VWI KC2WCQ KD2CXC
10  MSLP  AD2TM WNY 2012 5,016 76 33 6.0 
11  MSLP  W2GB ENY 2012 4,400 51 22 1.0  Yankee Clipper Contest Club
12  MSLP  K2BB NNJ 2012 3,276 43 21 2.0  Yankee Clipper Contest Club
13  MSLP  KC2YEA WNY 2012 2,450 49 25 3.0 
14  MSLP  WF2V WNY 2012 1,900 34 19 3.0 

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Scores in italics were received after the deadline and/or are not eligible for awards.