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RankCategoryCall SignQTHYearScoreQSOsMultsHoursOperatorsClub160 80 40 20 15 10
MSHP  K9RS DE 2023 4,948,053 3,580 473 48.0  AA3R K9RS N3DXX N8NA Frankford Radio Club   31/24   144/54   409/78   916/104   908/107   1,172/106
MSHP  K3ND EPA 2023 3,219,741 2,445 447 41.3  KU2C W2GD Frankford Radio Club   28/24   123/53   147/66   509/99   698/97   940/108
MSHP  KQ3F EPA 2023 2,833,380 2,408 396 35.6  KC3WX KQ3F N3VZ Frankford Radio Club      84/41   121/62   463/91   618/95   1,122/107
MSHP  W3MF EPA 2023 2,325,168 1,940 402 32.4  K3PH W3MF Frankford Radio Club   18/16   85/42   142/65   306/84   422/94   967/101
MSHP  AD3C EPA 2023 1,697,250 1,637 365 31.1  AD3C K3MD Frankford Radio Club   8/8   46/28   97/50   277/81   364/90   845/108
MSHP  W2ZQ SNJ 2023 937,860 1,007 319 26.2  AC2YD AD2CC AD2EK N3DD W8JRF      12/12   98/50   212/79   281/84   404/94
MSHP  NS3L EPA 2023 442,800 630 240 15.7  N3SET NS3L Frankford Radio Club      10/8   26/22   120/57   246/76   228/77

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Scores in italics were received after the deadline and/or are not eligible for awards.