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RankCategoryCall SignQTHYearScoreQSOsMultsHoursOperatorsClub160 80 40 20 15 10
MM  W3LPL MDC 2008 7,224,282 4,797 502   AC6WI AI3M K3RA K3RV K4ZA K4ZW KD4D N3KS N3OC NI1N W3LPL WR3Z WX3B Potomac Valley Radio Club   140/66   966/94   1,418/119   1,963/126   291/91   19/6
MM  K3LR WPA 2008 6,901,344 4,638 496   K3LR K3UA K8CX KL9A N0AX N2NC N3GJ N3SD N6MJ VE3EJ VE3NE North Coast Contesters   264/74   1,009/92   1,317/120   1,814/123   220/82   14/5
MM  W2FU WNY 2008 5,218,521 3,857 451   K0SM K2AXX K2DB K5MA N2CU N2PP N2ZN W2FU W2LB WA2BCK WB2ABD Rochester (NY) DX Assn   265/69   840/88   831/100   1,718/117   195/74   8/3
MM  W3PP DE 2008 3,554,796 2,828 419   K3WI W2GJ W3PP WB4FDT Frankford Radio Club   130/56   324/81   846/95   1,334/110   184/73   10/4

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Scores in italics were received after the deadline and/or are not eligible for awards.