Op's Full NameEntrant Type
Landon Dean McCord  Rookie
Call UsedStation CallCategoryLocationCall Area
AF5OD  AF5OD  Multi-Op  AR  W5
Op CallFirst LicensedEntrant Type
AF5OD  2013  Rookie
KG5ABL  2014  Rookie
Score Calculation:
QSOs Multipliers
 Rookie  Non-Rookie   States  VE Prov/Ter  XE Areas  DX 
QSO Points Total Multipliers Total Score
( 50 + 63 )x36 = 4,068

The contest was a lot of fun. I want to say special thanks to Joel W5ZN for letting us use his station. This is our first CW contest. Joel pushed us to try for this contest and we have been studying hard for a few months now and it was still very difficult. We were not allowed to use any computer aid for copying it was all by ear. We are not ready for the big leagues yet but we will defiantly keep practicing and improving.