Op's Full NameEntrant Type
Joshua Montano  Rookie
Call UsedStation CallCategoryLocationCall AreaTeam
WX7JM  WX7JM  Single Op  AZ  W7
Op CallFirst LicensedEntrant Type
WX7JM  2014  Rookie
Score Calculation:
QSOs Multipliers
 Rookie  Non-Rookie   States  VE Prov/Ter  XE Areas  DX 
QSO Points Total Multipliers Total Score
( 76 + 77 )x35 = 5,355

This was an awesome contest and I believe it is my last Rookie Roundup since I wasn't able to participate in 2014. It was a fun contest and I wish conditions were better, but in all I hope everyone had a fun ARRL Rookie Roundup and got lots of QSO's. 73 de WX7JM!