Op's Full NameEntrant Type
Melanie Glemser  Rookie
Call UsedStation CallCategoryLocationCall AreaTeam
AG4YL  AG4YL  Single Op  GA  W4
Op CallFirst LicensedEntrant Type
AG4YL  2014  Rookie
Score Calculation:
QSOs Multipliers
 Rookie  Non-Rookie   States  VE Prov/Ter  XE Areas  DX 
QSO Points Total Multipliers Total Score
( 124 + 100 )x40 = 8,960

This was my first Rookie Roundup, and my last as a rookie. Although band conditions weren't the best, I had a blast! Thanks to all of the veterans out there who were tirelessly working us rookies, and to all the rookies who got out there and played some awesome radio! It was great to hear a lot of YLs too! 33/73 and I look forward to next year as a non-rookie - I'll "see" you on the bands!