Op's Full NameEntrant Type
Keith Amidon  Rookie
Call UsedStation CallCategoryLocationCall AreaTeam
KJ6PUO  W6YX  Single Op  CA  W6
Op CallFirst LicensedEntrant Type
KJ6PUO  2011  Rookie
Score Calculation:
QSOs Multipliers
 Rookie  Non-Rookie   States  VE Prov/Ter  XE Areas  DX 
QSO Points Total Multipliers Total Score
( 32 + 70 )x27 = 2,754

A big day of first for me. My first time working on 15m and 40m, my first DX contact, the most contacts I've ever made in a single day. The rookie roundup has been a great skill and confidence builder. Many thanks to Rebar (N6DB) and the Stanford University club for hosting me and my son for the contest.