Raw scores as calculated before log checking.

From the list below, select the contest or call sign for which you want to view scores and then click on Go. If you believe any of the raw scores are in error, please e-mail the contest branch manager at contests@arrl.org.


Show scores for U.S. Call Area 8 or Great Lakes Division or All W/VE

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RankCategoryCall SignQTHScore
SOLP  KA8JBK MI 96,760
SOLP  W8UE MI 90,100
SOLP  N8LR MI 87,192
SOLP  AA1JM MI 52,416
SOLP  NF8M MI 35,186
SOLP  K8SB MI 34,450
SOLP  K8VA MI 26,268
SOLP  N8ZFH MI 15,344
SOLP  KB8TL MI 15,120
10  SOLP  WN8P MI 13,804
11  SOLP  N8SS MI 13,248
12  SOLP  W8RU MI 1,664
13  SOLP  N2WXD MI 260
14  SOLP  KC8GTX MI 240

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