Raw scores as calculated before log checking.

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RankCategoryCall SignQTHScore
SO-PH-LP  PD1RO PA 52,160
SO-PH-LP  PA3CGJ PA 44,000
SO-PH-LP  PA4DV PA 24,921
SO-PH-LP  PD5ISW PA 21,100
SO-PH-LP  PE1AVG PA 16,352
SO-PH-LP  PD4I PA 16,240
SO-PH-LP  PD2AH PA 9,250
SO-PH-LP  PH4E PA 7,562
SO-PH-LP  PD1GH PA 4,592
10  SO-PH-LP  PD4EV PA 2,600
11  SO-PH-LP  PD0FK PA 2,444
12  SO-PH-LP  PD0HI PA 2,117
13  SO-PH-LP  PD0OYF PA 1,095
14  SO-PH-LP  PA4R PA 525
15  SO-PH-LP  PA1GS PA 512
16  SO-PH-LP  PE1GJT PA 192

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