Raw scores as calculated before log checking.

From the list below, select the contest or call sign for which you want to view scores and then click on Go. If you believe any of the raw scores are in error, please e-mail the contest branch manager at contests@arrl.org.


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RankCategoryCall SignQTHScore
SOHP  K4BAI GA 158,270
SOHP  KP2M VI 154,728
SOHP  N1TO SFL 120,530
SOHP  NX4N SFL 78,246
SOHP  W4WF NFL 65,664
SOHP  KQ4R NFL 63,832
SOHP  WF4W GA 48,980
SOHP  K3WT NFL 45,750
SOHP  AI4WW SFL 28,980
10  SOHP  W4ATL GA 20,862
11  SOHP  WP3R PR 11,550
12  SOHP  K5VBA AL 3,348

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