Raw scores as calculated before log checking.

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RankCategoryCall SignQTHScore
HQ  DA0HQ DL 25,415,520
HQ  GR2HQ G 23,466,896
HQ  EF4HQ EA 23,010,536
HQ  S50HQ S5 20,609,316
HQ  SK9HQ SM 19,468,272
HQ  YT0HQ YU 18,603,866
HQ  OP0HQ ON 16,481,508
HQ  SN0HQ SP 16,066,479
HQ  9A0HQ 9A 15,855,856
10  HQ  LZ0HQ LZ 15,454,416
11  HQ  HG0HQ HA 12,946,122
12  HQ  OE0HQ OE 12,503,582
13  HQ  PA6HQ PA 11,613,000
14  HQ  E7HQ E7 11,574,196
15  HQ  YR0HQ YO 11,524,029
16  HQ  OZ1HQ OZ 10,905,240
17  HQ  HB9HQ HB 6,503,814
18  HQ  LN2HQ LA 6,379,233
19  HQ  R4HQ UA 4,802,985
20  HQ  ER7HQ ER 4,268,530
21  HQ  II9HQ I 3,238,279
22  HQ  EI0HQ EI 3,132,346
23  HQ  II2HQ I 3,095,457
24  HQ  SX0HQ SV 2,945,358
25  HQ  OH2HQ OH 2,922,426
26  HQ  Z30HQ Z3 1,835,254
27  HQ  Z60HQ Z6 1,789,920
28  HQ  II4HQ I 797,034
29  HQ  OY1CT OY 410,032
30  HQ  HB0HQ HB0 304,447
31  HQ  II6HQ I 271,728
32  HQ  LN3HQ LA 196,042
33  HQ  C37HQ C3 194,873
34  HQ  CS5HQ CT 185,045
35  HQ  ES9A ES 170,275
36  HQ  II0HQ I 73,488

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