Raw scores as calculated before log checking.

From the list below, select the contest or call sign for which you want to view scores and then click on Go. If you believe any of the raw scores are in error, please e-mail the contest branch manager at contests@arrl.org.


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RankCategoryCall SignQTHScore
SOHP  KM7W MT 206,550
SOHP  N9RV MT 202,470
SOHP  K7NT EWA 165,410
SOHP  KL7SB AK 159,630
SOHP  N7EPD WWA 113,560
SOHP  AL7LO AK 79,050
SOHP  AL1G AK 56,700
SOHP  W7GB EWA 47,700
SOHP  N7AGP MT 46,350
10  SOHP  WA7PVE WWA 32,234
11  SOHP  W7LKG WWA 11,200
12  SOHP  WC7Q WWA 10,560

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