Raw scores as calculated before log checking.

From the list below, select the contest or call sign for which you want to view scores and then click on Go. If you believe any of the raw scores are in error, please e-mail the contest branch manager at contests@arrl.org.


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RankCategoryCall SignQTHScore
SOUHP  K8BZ MI 125,460
SOUHP  N8XE OH 98,770
SOUHP  NO8C OH 65,072
SOUHP  W8EH OH 48,450
SOUHP  N4GO KY 37,596
SOUHP  WE8L OH 34,850
SOUHP  K8TS MI 34,602
SOUHP  W9TO OH 31,968
10  SOUHP  WA8LRW OH 21,376
11  SOUHP  N8HRZ OH 19,690
12  SOUHP  K8PK OH 17,760
13  SOUHP  W8TB OH 3,774

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