Legacy contests are thoses no longer sponsored, such as the August UHF Contest, which was discontinued in favor of the 222 MHz and Up Contest in 2017, or that are now an active contest in a new format, such as the IARU Radiosport Championship which became the IARU HF Championship in 1986. Some are one-time-only events, such as 2019's Hiram Percy Maxim Birthday Celebration (HPM Birthday). Click the contest name at left for the results or Active Contests to return to the main contest page.
Results of legacy contests are provided as scans of QST magazine articles or PDFs of results published online. Additional material and scores may be published in the future as time and resources become available. Please contact the ARRL Contest Program (contests@arrl.org) with suggestions for other contests to include (ARRL-only, please) or if you can provide additional content.