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Soapbox for 2023
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Had PC problems and finally got resolved way too late to do any
good.  Attempted DX from EU Friday night, but they could not
hear.  Conditions overall were condusive to distant stations.
Mostly ran 180 watts, but few attempts at EU ran 1KW with no
luck.  Thanks to Caribbean DX and Mexico and all other stations
for the QSOs.
This contest was a good reminder to read the rules before starting- they changed the "low power"
limit to 100W this year from 150W previous. I've typically run 125W in the past, so this came as a
surprise and I had to enter as a "high power" station running 125W. Oh well- lesson learned. 
The band was not great this year in Utah. I never had a good opening to states east of the
Mississippi River, which is the first time in years of doing this contest. I hope states in the east
had better conditions.
Low power, low antenna that will barely accept force-feeding on 160--and a coronal mass ejection!  I
got some new states, so it was a good contest!
Limited Antennas Overlay
AJ1G   [photo/doc]  
Had a great time doing another 160
meter CW contest as a mobile on Stonington Point CT. Ended up with 244 QSOs and a 48 multiplier this
time, despite rough
conditions on Friday night.  Thanks to all of you who hung in there with me to pull my little mobile
signal out of the
muck!  All the best to everyone for a happy and joyful holiday season!  And see you all in the Big
Stew at the end of the month! 73 de Chris AJ1G Stonington CT.
This contest was disappointing. 

We had a new beverage with 200m pointing to stateside and the arrl160 should be
the first proof for it and we want to hear now also smaller stations. But the
result was:
00:00z: no station 
02:00z: no station 
03:24z: the first one, but very weak. 
After the first night I got only 51 qs, but only with the big guns in
S&P-Mode. Cqing gave me only one q. The hope was second night will be
better, because the k-index went during the day from 5 to 1. But the result was
more disappointing. Only 5 additinal qs during five hours of hard work until

During the contest the new beverage became a boS-beverage (beverage on snow)
:-). May be this was the reason for the bad receiving performance. If the
snowing goes on, we will have a bis (beverage in snow).

Best 73s to all participants

Harald, DL2SAX@DQ2C
First night was not bad but realy not good ! Moving up and down on the
band and making a stop at  each "dit or dah". Signals were not strong
but it was !what have to say for the second night   Nothing heard,
only 2 or 3 big gun allready in the log. Only some stations from north
east of Europe made some. So, hope for better conditions next year !
It was good to participate in ARRL 160 using an original callsign from
the Transatlantic Tests of the 1920s. G6XX was used by RSGB for the
fourth series of Tests in December 1923 when it was heard all over
North America. Radio conditions were not great this year with only
short periods of reasonable propagation.
Worst conditions for this contest I can remember. Only a few stations heard in the few hours before
dawn on Saturday. Absolutely no signals heard on the following night or before dawn at all.
I enjoyed the contest.
I QRV on a single OP low power. This year the condition was
very bad than the last year.
I QSOed with only 11stations 108 points in 2023,
I QSOed with 25stations 480 points in 2022,
I QSOed with 25stations 736 points in 2021,
I QSOed with 58stations 986 points in 2020
I QSOed with 71stations 2832 points in 2019,
I QSOed with only 25stations 1680 points in 2018,
I QSOed with only 25stations 768 points in 2017,
I QSOed with 42stations 986 points in 2016,
I QSOed with only 10stations 126 points in 2015,
I QSOed with only 11stations 110 points in 2014,
I QSOed with only 16stations only 330 points in 2013.
I QSOed with only 47 stations only 2580 points in 2012.
First day, When the sun set time in JA,
We JA could hear only west coast the U.S.A. stations,
The condision was very very poor!
It is very difficult to get answer from U.S.A. station
in the first day.
I used my MV (Micro Vertical antenna) 12mHigh on my blcony +
Elecraft K2 tranceiver.
My MV antenna was only 3.6m length and it was up only 12m
high from my balcony of my small condminium.
I was surprised that I could QSO many U.S.A. stations with
my MV antenna!
I enjoyed the contest.
Condx seemed very poor, particularly Friday night at the start. Then the solar storm struck, and
condx got even worse. But they began coming back Saturday, and during an hour or so around 01Z, were
almost good, with the east coast booming in from all over. Never heard Europe or Africa and couldn't
copy the easterners well enough to tell whether they were working Eu/Af, but it didn't sound like
it. Worked a few JAs but didn't hear more than about half a dozen altogether.
Limited antenna.  80m dipole at 25 ft.  Thanks for the contacts.
A Haiku of my QRP experience for the 2023 ARRL 160:

--Hearing so many
Who simply cannot hear me
Uncounted repeats--

IC-705, Inverted-L @70 feet
K3CCR is the club station at the Collington continuing-care
retirement community at FM 18OW in MD, just east of DC. For 2023
ARRL 160 M, I (N3UM) was the only CW op available; I did SOHP U.
I hoped to beat my 2022 ARRL 160 M score claim of 98,335. Nope;
not even close. I got 0.8 X the Q pts and 0.87 X the total mults
for a score of 0.7 X my 2022 claim. Condx were poor in 2022, but
even worse this year. Started 35 min.late; ate early, not early
enough! But, ran 2236-0036Z for 180 Qs, 90/hr even with Kp=5; N
to ONE, S to VI, E to EMA, & W to STX. Then 0043-0211Z I clicked
spots for 87 Qs, 59/hr. A run of 21 Qs at 69/hr & clicks for 10
Qs in 8 min. got 298 Qs & 51 mults by 03Z, vs 306 Qs & 58 mults
at 03Z in 2022. I never got that close again. I clicked for 51
Qs & ran for 21, total 370 Qs at 0442 QRT. Back on at 2203Z, I
did runs till rate died, then clicked till band map cleared. I
got 3 runs of 32, 24, & 29 Qs, and clicked for 19, 13, & 13 Qs
between them. At 02Z I had 500 Qs + CO, AR, & NB for 53 sects.
From 0200-0406Z QRT I clicked for 48 Qs in 2.1 hrs, 23/hr, + PE,
ND, & UT. And got V26 XE TO9 & P40; all mults weak w/QSB, many
repeats. Got no W6, no W7 but AZ & UT, no VE4-7, and no EUs.
"Band conditions and activity were lower than usual this year.
Good conditions but many speeds much to fast.  For the average 20 WPM ham trying to copy  a  call
like W5HIS at 50 WPM is too much. Require that speeds not exceed 30WPM
3.5 hours of s & p.  Band sounded good.
At the new QTH for 21 months.  Line noise is still a problem, but
I think it is down to one loud source.  Had Beverages on 135
degrees and 275 degrees, but did not complete the NE Beverage.
However, I did spend several hours both days during the contest
working on it.  That partly explains my operating only 10 hours.
Many called I just could not pull through the line noise - I
apologize.  Next year should be much better.
Fun Contest, band conditions were decent.  Need more hams participating.
Started contest with double zepp laying on the ground, 50W, 3:1 SWR.  If you worked me before
02/1030Z then you were one of those 8 QSOs.  hi hi
Low participation.
I operated remotely using my station near Williams, Arizona.
Conditions seemed very poor Friday, they got notably better on
Saturday evening. I was running 400 watts from a IC7610 and Elecraft
KPA500 amplifier. Antenna was a 30ft high inverted L over mostly
short radials, and not enough of them. Station is at 7000ft
elevation, perhaps that helps.

I also made a few contacts as K6NR from California but
there was bad noise there and it made the band seem pretty dead.
In Arizona I have a 580ft NE Beverage in the trees, along with 3
BOGs that seem to work very well. I could hear much better there,
but my transmit antenna needs improvement. A number of fairly loud
stations could not hear me, although I made to the east coast and
the caribbean a number of times.

Thanks for the QSOs, 73, Dana
The worst conditions for long distance contacts I've ever seen, due to the solar storm.  Only heard
a couple of west coast stations and very little from west of the Rockies.
I did not have an antenna for 160 meters so using a friends
station with 160M antenna.  99% S&P.  I only worked two DX
stations.  Never got to the west coast of the US.  Worked many of
my fellow PVRC members.  Looking forward to 10 Meters next
fun contest but i don't have a 160 antenna
I had a blast using my stealth end-fed on 160 meters QRP from the heart of Philadelphia! See you
next year, hopefully from the suburbs with a quieter noise floor.
I was able to participate a little thanks to the Elecraft KAT500 that was somehow able to tune my
80M dipole on 160m!   Next year I'll get a proper antenna in the air.
cant understand the mentality of overly fast cw. most people just skip right by. they would gather
more contacts if just to slow down to a resonable speed.
Even though band conditions were not the greatest, the contest was fun anyway.
TU 73
5 watts to a 60' vertical T-top with two 125' radials laid on the ground. Thanks for your copy of my
QRP! I appreciate your patience. 73, Dan  ke0tt
Iâ??ve spent the past few weekends, working in some crummy Michigan weather, trying to restore my
160 loop for the contest season. Although it seemed to perform well, based on a lot of the guyâ??s
comments, band conditions appeared to be even more challenging this year. I seriously thought my
K9AY RX loop was broken as well until I saw similar comments; reception of stations was weak at
best. I ended up using my 160 loop for receiving as well and just let the 7610 do itâ??s magic to
reduce the noise to tolerable conditions.

My efforts at restoring the loop however, seemed to pay off. Even with the poor band conditions, and
low Q count, I managed to reach all states except AK, ID, WA, WY, picked up 8 of the 14 Canadian
mults, and a few DX entities. I didnâ??t get a chance to participate Friday evening. I wasnâ??t up
to doing any runs last night, so remained S&P and ended up with about half the Qâ??s that I normally
would have in the log.
Many not looking for the little guy.
Man, what a horse race!  At the start, I was keeping my eye on Scott KX9RT, as
we have run neck and neck in the past, have similar stations, etc.  As I was
watching the online scoreboard, he was absolutely just pulling away from me.  I
just couldn't understand how he was making such rate?  What was his secret

Not having "report scores automatically" checked in my software was
his secret weapon.  Once I got that fixed, the race was on. Apparently the
six-meter like conditions affected his operation up in WI more than it did mine,
as I began to rack up a few more points.

Friday night was very much like 6 meters.  I'd lose a number in the middle of
someone's call sign, or they'd be totally in the mud with their call, then S9+
on the exchange.  Keeps 160m interesting.

Saturday afternoon, I saw that my competition was *maybe* NJ3K, but I never
thought I could catch him.  He had more countries than I did, and we were about
even on sections.

Saturday, however, was a completely different band.  Looking at the NOAA radio
communications dashboard, the huge red auroral band was all but gone.  Noise was
down.  Weak signals were very steady.  Anything I could hear (even weakly), I
could work.

Soon I was catching Bruce.  We traded spots back and forth all night, and I was
really waiting for him to go to bed so I could.  I could see that the aurora was
back, and all the EU stations had disappeared, so it would make sense to hit the
sack.  I finally threw in the towel about 0730Z, and figured I'd just take my
lumps.  As it turns out, I think he hit the sack about the same time, as I was
still within 5Qs or so of him when I got back on at 1100Z.

I got super lucky with LAX and WTX calling *me* instead of having to look for
them. (As a side note, let's mount a DXpedition to WTX next year for this).  I
pulled ahead by the skin of my teeth, and it appears I hung on.  Log checking
will tell the tale, as some of those Qs were pure ESP mode.  Thanks to all the
ops who hung in there to complete exchanges over many overs, and apologies to
folks I just could not dig out.

And thanks to Bruce NJ3K for a great race!

This is always a marathon, not a sprint.  I'm bushed.

K3 @ 100W, 40' T-loaded marconi vertical, DXLog and me.

73, thanks for the fun!  Jim KK0U
conditions were abysmal, but all in all it was still great meeting up
with fellow
160 denizens. Fell asleep at the switch for three hours... oh well !
Is the sun mad at us Of all the contest weekends it picked this
one to throw the book of negative propagation influences on us.
Most of my qsos I had to struggle to get at my 1 mile high ASL
QTH and never heard anything east of the Miss. on my East sloper.
Hugh amount of QRN from thunderstorms Friday
Wow, that was fun.  If I were to guess, the conditions in the
upper midwest such as here in WI were more difficult than
stations further south and east.  The RBN stations in my area
weren't seeing the stations that others were seeing.  Despite
whatever the solar activity threw a wrench into the works I was
able to work most that I could hear.  At times the close-in
states were very weak along with a strong pipeline to TX, LA,
etc.  The online contest scoreboard was a big motivator to keep
up with the group.
Worn out from CQ WW CW the preceding weekend but fun to get on and see
what 160 meters could produce, despite the big CME impact at the outset.
Band conditions poor; SD worked well as always!
I only operated only for 6 hours.  Band Conditions not good. hardly heard 6 and 7s No EU. Only 300W
into a 43 ft high inverted L.
2023 ARRL 160 Meter Contest
Conditions seemed difficult but I don't run much 160 so my experience is limited in this regard. I
could not hear many stations other than fairly close ones since my antenna is quite small.  After
the first night I was hearing so many Dupes it was hard to find people to work.  I guess my
pedestrian score will help the club a little bit.  It was fun; that's the main thing!
Not as much time to work as I had hoped for, but reasonable results. ARRL 160 is always a grand
300-500Watts  149ft long wire up 28ft
QRP 5 Watts to a 20 foot end-fed wire.
Managed to get 8 QSOs total this year.
Best "DX" Utah 346 miles. Hey, that's
still 17 miles per foot of wire! hihi
Tnx for your patience and the QSOs.
Go Arizona Outlaws! -73- John N6HI
N9TF   [photo/doc]  
Rough sailing for the maiden voyage of the newly constructed shorty
160 Inverted attached to the feed point of my 6BTV ground mounted.
Only 25' vertical and 107' horizontal out to a 40' sprider beam pole
currently only raised to 25'. The antenna did better than I had imagined
especially considering the poor 160 conditions. I actually ran 50%
of the time and had TM6M call me! Runs were slow both nights, but
plentyfull enough to keep me CQing. Very happy to have 6 DX in the log
and to have made over 500 Qs along the way, in poor conditions and LP.
Had fun as always! 73 Gene N9TF
Rig K3S 100 watts to 25' vertical height inverted L attached to 6BTV feed.
Just a couple hours - running 5w to an 80m inv vee.
During the contest I set my goal to do as good as last year or
improve.  I managed to get a few contacts more, but a couple of
less multipliers.  The score beat last year's by 202 points.  So,
by that scale, things were a success.  Locals worked included
N3CW, K4XL, and N4UA.  I also heard, N4DB, KC4D, N3MN, N3AC, and
N2QT.  When Mark  (N2QT) was transmitting, I could tell that
because the AGC went up and the spectrum monitor peaked.  I
suspect he was keeping the shack warm with his amp.  I ran low
power, as usual, and checking an retuning the amp is something I
don't normally check.  I got caught a few times of not checking
the antenna and was warned of high SWR.  Saturday during the
non-productive daylight hours, I setup the tuner to follow the
reported frequency of N1MM+.  That worked well, if I waited long
enough to wait for the motors to stop.  That was caused by
changing frequencies far away to get a new multiplier that popped
up.  At 100 watts, I can usually work the ones I hear.  I can't
seem to hear those passed the Rockies with any success.  I do
like this contest and had some fun.  The little ones in the house
were mostly quiet, but I may owe that to my Sony noise cancelling
head phones.
Worst conditions in ARRL 160 that I remember. High static on
Friday evening. Somewhat better on Saturday. Pretty weak West
Coast. No Europeans except that UR7U and OK6Y called and they
were pretty decent. Also loud JA3YBK. Two KH6, but no ID, SD
and even SK and AB.
Working with Flex 6600 + PG XL amp. For
some reason SWR in my shunt fed 100 ft tower increases from 1.0
at low power to 1.5 at high power. Then PG XL delivers 1100W
From time to time a white noise increases my noise
floor in W and N directions by 10 db. No luck in finding the
culprit yet.
The radio gods seemed to be abed this year.  I was yearning to work VT - my last one needed for
9BWAS, but alas it was not to be.  I believe I saw 4 VT stations posted, but I never heard anything
from the East Coast.  30WPM CW eventually makes my eyes cross, but the effort is worth it and it is
FUN to pull a new one out of the noise - even if it is only a new one for this contest.  By this
time next year we will likely call Idaho home and we will be starting over on WAS.  Hope to see you
all on the air then!  73 es gud dx de NT5A - Bob
Very pleased with my FT-710 and its ability to handle strong signals right next to weak signals. 
Pretty amazing for such a low cost rig.
FT1000MP MarkV, PA Acom1010 - 500W, dipol, beverage
Thank you all for QSO. 
My working conditions: SunSDR2 DX, PA SPE 1kW. TX ant: Inv L, RX ant: Beverage 300mtrs to NA.
This year the propagation conditions were very bad.
73! See you next year!
ELECRAFT K3 100W + quarterwave INV L + 120m Bev
Issue with receiving antenna SAL-30 and not so good conds. 73 de SM5SIC Gran
Terrible conditions, could only hear very few stations, so only
spent a couple of hours trying. 73 Steve PJ4DX.
With Aurora Level 1st night was hard to bad! Second night looked like
i was no antenna the worst i ever seen around 6 qsos only waouh! It
was crazy to still alive in such no conditions! See you next year
maybe!! Tks for qsos Oli
QSO Count=9
51 years licensed, and this is my very first ever contest other than FD.  Fun!
I don't go on 160m often so I didn't know what to expect.Very deep QSB and high noise level made the
contest challenging at this QTH. My inverted-L worked OK but hears QRN way too well. Need good low
frequency antenna such as Loop on the Ground for better reception. However this was a fun contest
and I was pleased with my result.
A great contest for experimenting with new N1MM+ features, and antenna tuning! Conditions were
disappointing, and few could hear my little Butternut vertical.
The 160 Contest was a lot of fun this year. I changed the length
of my Loop Skywire and it worked great on 160. Band was great.
Only a few hours on Sat night with my homebrew transceiver, HBR2000 at 100 W. and Vert T ant.  Was
able to work everyone I heard.  I use a terminated loop and noise nuller to reduce receiver noise
5W into a EFHW
Operated only for a limited amount of time but it was very nice to hear so many stations on the Top
Band.  One of these times I will make a more serious effort in this contest.  I found band
conditions to be generally good.  A few loud stations flat did not hear me.  1 KW is definitely an
advantage on this band.  But over all a very enjoyable contest.
W1AW   [photo/doc]  
Being it was ARRL VOTA week for Rhode Island, The Providence Radio Association chose to support the
VOTA program by registering to operate as W1AW/1 in this contest. This is in lieu of our W1OP
callsign which we have used since this contest first began in 1970. We were honored to be
representing the ARRL and to honor and bring awareness to all the many volunteers who support the
League and Amateur Radio.
Thanks for the contacts. Thanks to the ARRL for sponsoring the
contest and processing the logs/scores. 73, Dan - W1QK
This ARRL 160 meter contest has been another great event. This one allowed me to learn and gain more
experience on 160 meters, while also having fun. My thanks to all of you, who patiently slowed your
CW for me, and worked hard to pull my callsign out of the noise.  Thanks also to ARRL for their work
behind the scenes to make this and other events happen. The antenna for this event was a temporary
coil shortened wire vertical (coil compliments of Gary, N2OT), with a few temporary (on the ground)
radials. Some say it is better to be lucky than good, and during antenna tuning a nice SWR dip
unexpectedly appeared at 60 meters.  A look at the antenna dimensions revealed a quarter wave
between the antenna feed point and the coil. Nice. Enjoy our hobby! Craig
Determined to submit my contest log. Three QSOs after more than an hour. 20 minutes of listening to
determine each frequency runner's call sign. I THINK those were call signs. They were sent at 35
wpm). My code speed (10 to 13 wpm) reached after a year of work, by golly, is less than required to
enter "the contest club." ARRL recognizes lots of categories and designations for contest entrants,
except maximum code speed of which the operator is capable. Kind of like a boxing commission that
says 'Feather weight vs heavyweight in a match? Well, it's technique that really counts.' So, I'll
be back after a little more practice--ahem... practice that more closely resembles fun.
W3HKK   [photo/doc]  
With the K=5, there was not a lot of DX or 6/7-land mults to be had here in Ohio in this years'
contest but I managed to make 477 Q's on Day 1 - pretty good considering. However I  sensed the 
rate was below normal, and it really swooned after the first couple hours ( which were around
110/hr)   Later in the evening the bandscope showed  large areas that were spot-free, that was
unusually early 

On Day 2 the prop improved (less noise/QRN, and more solid signal levels) BUT there was still a
paucity of  DX, CA and much of  7-Land.  

Also  the DUPES  grew to   nearly 50% of  the replies to my CQ's, especially on Day 2.  I worked
through them ( easy way out) but after a particularly bad stretch, began  checking the log before
replying.  If a DUPE, I gave their call, said "SRI DUPE" and resumed CQing.  That seemed to help and
the dupes declined.

And  while the qso total was  reasonable, the   mults were about 13 fewer than average and the DX
mults were only 1/3rd of normal with zero EUROs in the log.
So the score suffered. 

Overall, once again, Ole Sol showed who's boss, so that - and the dupe problem   reduced my  OTA
time, which is  usually determined by  the primary driver.....Rate!

Thanks to all who patiently  repeated info.  These 82 yr old ears  arent quite as sharp as they used
to be.
W3TB in Franklin, TN - Tennessee Contest Group
I enjoyed the contest. The majority was S&P, only about one hour of RUN as Iâ??m learning to touch
type as I receive. I apologize for taking so long and asking for repeats but still in the learning
Thanks for your patience!

W6LEN   [photo/doc]  
It was a fun contest in spite of the major storming during the first night. I had a good time with
just 100 watts and a 43 foot vertical. Not a major score but I knew that going in. Being 83 and
living in a seniors mobile home park puts a crimp on my antenna selection. Thanks to all that logged
me. 73 de W6LEN / Jess
It is obvious that conditions are lousy when you can't even work PJ2T.
Only a short time available to operate. Conditions were not great, with some s
I had an antenna problem that I was unable to
diagnose. Conditions weren't great on Friday but
struggled to get 10 QSOs. Thanks to all who
pulled me out. 73, Ron (W8RU).
My first 160m CW contest at age 73. Great fun. Worked hard in Nov putting up a top loaded 50 foot
vertical in the woods.  Slogging radials in the ground with a garden edger.  The last radial on the
day before the contest and wouldn't you know, we get a giant solar flare.  Running S/P I finally ran
out of new prospects, so I think I did pretty ok for a beginner.  de WA1X
I used my TX antenna only, my RX antennas are broken. NX6T called me for ORG and DK9IP called for 5
points!  I was going to do QRP but I wasn't getting out well enough so I switched to LP.  I'm having
abdominal pain and was asleep when the contest started.  The pain drove me from the chair at 02:47Z.
 I started again at 04:09Z and stayed until my sunrise.
Very limited antenna.   80 meter doublet at 45 feet connected as a Marconi
T.   TS-990 and Alpha 87A.   Very limited time on the air: 6.9 hours airti
me.  Great to see so many friends.
As always, I enjoy this event and any other good opportunity to get
some good 160 Meter contacts. Thanks for this contest ; I look forward
participating here again next year.
WD8DSB   [photo/doc]  
Very poor conditions again this year and the Geomatic Storm probably played a big role in this the
first night of the contest with lots of flutter in signals.  Hardly any stations from the Western
part of the US were heard at my QTH near Indianapolis.  Put more hours in the chair operating to
make up for the poor conditions and had a great time as always working this contest and especially
working familiar calls.
Don (wd8dsb)
WJ5K   [photo/doc]  
First, thanks for all y'all be patient with me. This is my first 160m contest to ever participate in
and I'm not really a contester, so my style and abilities are not great.
Secondly, I really enjoyed it. I was using a very compromised antenna, as it was a 80m EFHW, loaded
up. It worked better than I expected. I experienced a lot of QSB during the contest, but worked
through most of the QSO's. 
I'll be back next year, and maybe work it more seriously. 

vy73 de WJ5K - Rob in MS
TNX to all who exercised patience when fills were requested, due to heavy QRN                    by
lightening crashes wiping out some letters and numbers, requiring many repeats for me to log you.
Because of operating with Low Power this year, I took advantage of the new Self Spotting rule which
helped put more QSOs in my log. 73 de Ric wo4o
This is a RARE WQ6X 160-meter operation from EB section.
In between a couple of late night shifts for NX6T I found some time
to diddle around on 160.  The MFJ-993B IntelliTuner tuned the 8JK
Cobra Dipole array on 160 meters working all states West of Colorado.
An onsite Comet CH-250 vertical made for an AWEsome low-noise receive
antenna, altho no one came back to me when I transmitted on it.
At least I can say I wuz there.
Read more about this at: http://WQ6X.Blogspot.com