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Soapbox for 2025
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Thanks to all the schools for participating and getting the students on the air.
Another riveting SCR contest!!! VTARA is so lucky to have so many awesome radio operators that stuck
with it even though we had technical issues and inclement weather this time. Big shout out to Kevin!
We are totally beating Purdue this time!
We had fun again this year.
This was my 4th School Club Roundup that I have participated in. Like always, I have a great time
talking to all the schools and clubs that I make contact with. I think this event is a great way to
get youth more involved doing amateur radio, and that it promotes youth operators in the hobby!


Wonderful event. Very polite and professional young ops! Especially when duplicates occurred. VERY
proud of them ALL.  Vicki
N5HCU   [photo/doc]  
Only one transmitter was operated at a time. Antenna is a 120ft long-wire externally tuned. K5PGF
sponsored the portable equipment at Houston Christian University. All 144 MHz QSOs were made on
146.580 MHz in FM mode. The log only allocates 5 characters for frequency, so this particular
frequency could not be included in the log.
I'd like to thank Mikhail (KK7WGT), Landon (AI7HE), and Patrick (KK7WAB) for helping make this
contest as smooth as possible.

I would also like to thank Nabhan (VU3FPX) and Dr. Lindsay (AC7FL) for helping with equipment 
- Ritwik, KO6EUF
W7FBS had a great time competing for our 3rd year in the February School Club Roundup. The bands
were rough for us to get a signal out, but that's part of the fun of the contest! Thanks to the
Advisors on SRC Groups for being there to help connect our students on the radio. Universities, your
participation is so valuable to our students who strive to find you on the bands and then strive to
go college after high school. Many thanks to all!

Club Advisor
Preparing for and participating in our first SCR was fun. It was a busy week and we are glad we fit
some of our operators in on Valentine's Day because the BNL Stars <3 amateur radio!