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Soapbox for 2025
Note: If you are concerned about a Soapbox comment, please contact the ARRL Contest Manager.
7N2UQC |
I could enjoy the good contest. Tnx for a fine contest again. IC-7600, Dipole-Ant. |
All contacts made on 160m EFHW. 10m & 80m were hot! |
Thanks for sponsoring the contest and to those who worked me! Enjoyed it! |
Best 80m conditions I've experienced for this contest. |
My rigs no longer have access to my outdoor antenna, so this year I strung up a 10-meter full-wave loop on the wall of my shack and made surprising contacts, even at 15 watts! |
AD0L |
This was my first RTTY experience. I didn't have a lot of time, so I really am submitting as sort of a check file. Almost all the stateside calls seem to be 1x2 or 2x1, which I had not seen before. I learned a lot, and will try to get up to speed for the next one. DE AD0L |
Finally managed a contest with some decent BIC time. Worked 6.5 hours on day one, but other committments kept me off the air Sunday. |
I |
That was fun. A few months ago I bought a 35-year-old but defective PA with 1x 3-500Z for very little money. After I repaired everything, this was the first big contest. And then even an RTTY contest, which puts the PA under extreme stress. But no problem, the PA still works. The PC setup I used was pretty exotic. I used the already quite rare TR4W and then also with MMTTY in a WINE/Linux environment. It's not as convenient as N1MM, for example, but it works. And it runs super stable in Linux. A 33-year-old (and also repaired) TS-850S was my TRX. The 3-element beam is also almost 33 years old. The combination of TR4W and TS-850S required a real FSK. Since the PA has a fast Tx/Rx switching, this also worked quite well for the non-delayable FSK signal of the 850. In summary: I suspect that I am one of the HAMs in this contest who used the oldest and most exotic setup in combination. |
HNY KX3, 10W, EndFed |
Homemade QRP-Trvcr 4 Watt |
ICOM IC-756 Pro III 100 W Vertical/Dipole |
First, wish a HNY and Good Luck in 2025. I had the feeling that this time there were some stations that continued to call the running station despite a QSO already in progress. This behavior isn't nice and time-consuming due to the necessary repetitions... |
Flexradio 6700 Antennas: Dipol only |
After more than 400 QSOs in PMC-Contest-CW, no drive for RTTY..... sri:-) 73 de DL7YS, Peter |
DL9SUD | didn't go optimally with my receiver... |
DM6G |
Flex-6700 Antennas: Double-Zepp |
DN4TG is an Training Station Trainee yl Silvia took part |
DO3OI [photo/doc] |
QRP <4W with QRPLabs QDX |
Icom 7300 eaxBeam Dipole 40-80 Bazooka |
Flex 6600M Antennas: SteppIR |
Yaesu FT-857D Dipole Windom many propagation with usa and little with Europe |
Antennas: |
73! |
First time for this contest and it was fun with my poor condx. The FB33 is up only @4 M AGL and not open with the house's nearly. CU next ctest ! 73 |
SunSDR2pro Antennas: Windom, GP |
Conditions not that good on 40 and 80 with high noise levels but 10 Mtrs was great. |
10m: 3-ele monoband at 25 feet 15/20: EFHW at 35 feet 40/80: Dipoles at 30 feet ftDX10 @ 5 watts Variable to poor bandx condx due to solar activity. A real shame. Still great to see so much RTTY activity. Poor condx meant little chance to incraese my RTTY WAS scores. Some amazing stations and ears/computers heard my QRP signals! Thank you for the QSOs. 73 de Rich, G4ZFE |
Only managed to be able to allocate about 8 hours on Sunday for this contest, which was annoying, but despite the solar figures, the bands were in amazing shape. I did spend some time CQ'ing, and had a few nice runs. By around 1700UTC, 10 & 15 were closing rapidly, so I moved back to 20m, and heard a fluttery signal just where the radio was left. Moved the beam a bit, and found Massimo KH6ZM for a nice mult. Great fun, and I am a bit surprised at how many I got in the log. |
Great contest |
ICOM756pro 50w LW |
TS2000 Kennwood / 400 watts / 10 El. Wire-Yagi Optibeam |
Always a very fun contest. Unfortunately, it was a bad day for me: PC problems, bad weather conditions, and mediocre propagation limited my participation time. I hope to make up for it next year. |
ic 706 mk2 g 20 w ant. windom nvis below of r |
TS-590SG 195 W ANT. LW |
IP4A |
FlexRadio 6600 Antennas: Vertical |
IT9VDQ [photo/doc] |
FTdx5000MP + 5 meters balcony stylus at 11th floor :-))) |
IU0SDC [photo/doc] |
Flex 6400 Antennas: Vertical Multiband |
Thanks all for contacts, kenwood ts590sg windom ant. 70 watts 73 |
SUNSDR Antennas: Yagi |
QRV on RTTY was hard,after long interval. |
I enjoyed the contest. |
I enjoyed the contest. |
I enjoyed the contest. |
Thanks for the contests |
Tnx FB Contest !! |
RIG: IC-7600 (500W) ANT:: Dipole ,3ele Yagi |
I enjoyed the contest. |
I enjoyed the contest. |
I enjoyed the contest. |
RIG: ICOM IC-7300 50W ANT: Mobile Whip Operator's License: Japanese 2nd class Very fun contest. I want to spend much longer period next year. |
I enjoyed the contest. |
I enjoyed the contest. |
This is my first time operating RTTY. I was very excited. Thank you! |
Thank you all stations! |
I enjoyed the contest. |
JH0MJY | |
I enjoyed the contest. |
I enjoyed the contest. |
I enjoyed the contest. |
I enjoyed the contest. |
I enjoyed the contest. |
I enjoyed the contest. |
FT-817ND DP Yagi |
Thank you for hosting this contest. |
I enjoyed the contest. POWER:100W |
I enjoyed the contest. PWR=50W ANT(40m:Twin Delta Loop) (160m/80m:LW/DP) (15m/10m: 4ele YAGI) |
A happy new year. |
I enjoyed the contest. |
I enjoyed the contest. |
I enjoyed the contest. |
Many thanks for picking up my weak signal. 10W + 1sq. Loop ANT |
K0GD |
Elecraft K4D, KPA1500 Antennas: OptiBeam OB5-9 at 50' 144' doublet with ladder line. |
K1DC |
This may be the first time that I can compare results year-over-year with similar station setup (K1KP remote - Thanks, Tony!) Well... the news is mixed. My score and QSO counts are basically even (~900 Qs & 110k score) - not great in that I haven't improved in the intervening year. On the upside I managed this with considerably fewer BIC hours. So.... Hurray! I've def. improved in my use of the bandmap & spots to find new mults & contacts in general. I did check the scoreboard a few times and I did manage to stay in the top 10, finishing 7th, but I realize that is a small sample size so the final results will be much more modest. S&P'ing I was usually able to get a response on the first call. The rarer entries were a bit more challenging, often meaning giving up and coming back later or VERY carefully sending my call once during a rare quiet moment. As usual, running LP means running is a challenge. Sure, I can get a few as the spots kick in but after that first dozen or so the rate drops off pretty quick. Maybe next time out I'll give HP a try to see how the other half lives. hihi last year with both 20 and 10 beating it by a significant margin. Frankly, by later afternoon on Sunday I was running out of new stations to contact. There was a nice streak in the last hour to push me over 900 Qs but the few hours before that were quite the slog through all the bands to find new calls. I'm curious to see the final participant count and how it compares to last year. I did manage to eek out a WAS but only in the final hour adding WY and DE for the complete set. I missed the usual Canadian suspects (NT, NU and YT). And, damn, there are a lot of hams in MN! It seemed like very 3rd or 4th contact was reporting '599 MN'. ;-) last yere - a lot more 'inconsiderate' (I used a different word in my head) operators. Mostly, dropping their calls in the middle of a QSO but also setting up a bigfoot station 200hz away from where I was running. I know they could hear me because I would work them right away to check. Perhaps it was always there and I just didn't notice. mode. I still prefer the speed of phone contests, but RTTY is a good balance of speed, lower error rates and operator skill to keep things interesting. I look forward to the next one! 6400 array |
K2CYS [photo/doc] |
Good band conditions. Super fun contest. Will have to keep calendar open all weekend next year!! |
K2PI |
A very casual attempt as a QRP entrant from home. I gladly lost most of the first day taking my daughter Michelle, K4MYL (age 16) and Rachel, KQ4AUA (Age 24) to visit the NR4M to operate a port of the contest. There, Steve, NR4M gave my daughters some lessons in RTTY contesting and contesting in general as they plan to operate an upcoming RTTY contest there. I enjoyed what time I did have on the air, and am always suprised what I can work as a QRP RTTY contestant. Thanks for those who didn't give up on my calls. 73 Harv K2PI |
40 watts out doesn't leave much opportunity for CQ'ing--- I did all S&P. The rig was my IC7300 running FLDIGI in AFSK. 10M sloper, 15 & 20 vertical, EFHW on 40. No 80 antenna. I had fun, but was on the air a lot for only 230 QSO's. |
K3TW |
"Greetings from warm and sunny Florida." |
K6FA |
This is the best I have done in a long time in any contest. Most contacts and even worked all 50 states. Now to hope the staes I need for WAS on the different bands QSL via LoTW. |
K6RM |
First RTTY contest in 15-plus years. Discovered that my new QRP rig, the Icom 705, has built-in decoding and encoding so thought I would give it a try. It's a little clumsy but it does work, as evidenced by my 30 Qs. 5W to attic dipole. Thanks for the qs. |
K6ST |
Had about an hour for a quick s&p |
K7BA |
SunSDR2 DX Antennas: Hexbeam |
K8LF |
PVRC had a great turnout and favorable conditions. Perhaps the time of year contributed to my lack of contacts with Asia or VK/ZL, despite the high solar flux. I wasn't able to achieve a clean sweep of NA multipliers. I did connect with a few fellow PVRC members from my local chapter. RTTY is right behind CW as my favorite mode to operate. |
single operatorLocal\Temp unassistedratorLocal\Temp low powerdratorLocal\Temp limited antenna (ZS6BKW @ 30 feet) |
For what time I had, always a blast. Bands were busy busy. Love to diddle. 73 until next year! |
400-500w through OCF at 60 ft. Nearly limited Ant overlay. Casual operation and first RTTY contest |
First contest ever! Lots of fun, hope I did this stuff right. |
It was fun to get my station PC configured for RTTY with a portable station, using FLDIGI. This is the first time operating in the RTTY Round-Up and it was great to be on-the-air with a new-to-me mode I have little experience using. I set up my station portable on a local city park picnic table with a portable 20m ProComm vertical. It was fun to get on the air and make a few RU QSOs for this event. |
100 watts to wires. Enjoyed the contest! 73, Dan ke0tt |
Bands good!! |
Got some 10m DX at the end |
Club: Space Coast Amateur Radio Society (SCARS) This is the innaugural operation of the LIttlest Pistol Contest Station (KM4ND/K4HBZ) Operated with a G5RV and an Icom 7300. Two operators new to RTTY Contesting learned how to work pile ups and work in a highly congested environment. One of these operators had never worked RTTY or with N1MM before and after a few minutes of coaching had a blast. Lots of fun had by all and we now have a marker for next year to improve on :-) |
KN6ZOO [photo/doc] |
First RTTY Roundup! - station: 17 FT whip, AH-705, IC-705, N3FJP. - location: Los Angeles, CA Towards the end of the contest I got into the RTTY groove; felt like a Flow state. Operated portable. Antenna was attached via mirror mount onto a chain link fence. Antenna was obstructed by two obstacles to the east and west. Line of sight to the north with mountains on the horizon and immediate dirt filters to the south. First RTTY contact, ever, too! W4TA. ;D |
This was fun, licensed since March 2024, EFHW antenna 4 to 6 meters above ground, I used the built-in features of my IC-7300 transceiver exclusively. Thanks for your patience with the newbie. |
KT7G |
broken ftdx3k did not decode well if at all |
MW1B |
1st go in this.COLD.800m ASL in snow for superb takeoff. Monster signals from US on 10m Sunday,sustained run of picking callers from the jumble.Enjoyable but need more bands. Logging with touch screen/mousepad is not slick with numb fingers. |
N0VT |
Flex 6600 Antennas: |
N1NN |
N2PX |
Highlight was working N3FJP, while using N3FJP contest software! |
N3FR |
Great contest! Missed hitting my last year's score....not real happy about that little fact. Will be better prepared next year. Thank you goes out to ARRL for yet another fine contest! Best 73's to all! Bob, N3FR |
N4IW |
This was an enjoyable event punctuated by many family related activities and of course football. My system performed perfectly though I constantly tweaked my F-Key File to suit me better. I actually Ran a little bit, but S&P seemed to be a better use of my time due to my puny station. Thanks for the Qs. |
N4QS [photo/doc] |
Due to ice storm, power went out about 10 times but always came back on quickly. Lots of fallen trees on property, but antennas seem okay. We will get a better look tomorrow. Nice contest to start new year! Ran 500 watts. 73, Dave, N4QS |
This is Jon in Wagoner Oklahoma. This is my first time using RTTY in a contest. |
N6HI |
ONE HALF WATT to a 20-Foot End-Fed Wire. Tnx for your patience and the QSOs. Go Arizona Outlaws! -73- John N6HI |
The solar event of January 3rd messed things up from a propagation point of view here in the higher latitudes. The 10 and 15 meter band started to open around 2000 UTC and even then only strong stations could be heard. The 20 meter band was not much better. I was only able to work stations generally in the 1,500 to 2,000 mile range (the end of the skip zone) and from my QTH, that is pretty much W7 and some W6. An occasional station in the midwest and east coast could be worked. Absolutely nothing on 40 and 80 meters, other than a sizzling, frying egg sound. Nothing was heard from Europe, JA, VK, ZL. Hopefully, conditions will be better next year. |
Just keeping my RTTY/ N1MM setup knowledge fresh and trying out MMTTY vs 2Tone. |
A grand time was had until late in the contest when the power went out. Luckily it was just a few minutes before my end time. |
N9OK |
First contest with new (to me) Flex 6500. Was very pleased with how well it operated. Conditions did not seem great to me but it was still fun. |
N9TF |
Lots of fun. This contest is one of my most favorites, next to the 160m contest. Based on my raw score, it looks like a personal best! Another almost missed contest due to tracking down another intermittent feed line/antenna open/short Long story short, bad 50' section of buried coax cable from distribution box to 6BTV feed. Laid a new 50' cable on top of the ground to connect up antenna to dist. box at 10:30am Saturday just before contest start. Crossed my fingers I had isolated the culprit. I think 665 Qs is proof I found the issue. Now to disect the cable and see where it failed! Goal was 500 Qs minimum. Once I hit 500, I still had some contesting time left before other family commitments, so I made more Qs until the family alarm clock buzzed! Did I say lots of fun! 73 Gene N9TF. 100 watts to 6BTV ground mounted. |
NA1S |
Good contest, good conditions. |
ND2T |
We upgraded our plans from last year’s Multi-Single to Multi-Two and produced an excellent West Coast score. Conditions were challenging. Europe, with all its mults, was never runnable for us on any band.This is in contrast with previous years when at least one band could run EU for at least some of the time. This year 40m was often our best band for EU.10m never opened to there. An antenna problem prevented us from beaming JA on high bands while beaming elsewhere on 40m. So JA Qs, often a staple here, were down. The K6MTU station, on a mountain top above San Jose, CA, is quiet on receive and loud on transmit. It is a joy and privilege to use. The operators did a great job. It was a lot of fun working M2 together with this team. Thanks for the Qs. See you next year. |
NI0K |
Decided on 80M single band to try out new antennas. I have 3 TX/RX antennas: an NVIS EDZ which is terriric for NVIS, a 120 degree inverted vee with the center at 80' and a GAP Voyageur vertical. I also have a switcheable Beverage NE or SW. Using a K3 with diversity receive. I wasn't able to get diversity receive to work for me. I'll have to work on this later. Operating for a few hours Saturday night and Sunday morning the band seemed poor, likely due to the solar events a few hours earlier. Copy was poor with a lot of print errors. Thanks for all the QSO's from MWA'ers! Did *ANYBODY* from the midwest work any DX on 80 or 160 |
NW7D |
Fun contest, good conditions |
OH5Z [photo/doc] |
ARRL RTTY Roundup at OH5Z In 2023, we started planning to collect an RTTY competition team, within which we could activate the OH5Z station in all major RTTY competitions and above all in their Multi classes. The main target would be in CQWW and WPX contests, but other bigger RTTY contests could also be considered, such as ARRL RTTY Roundup, JARTS, SARTG DX RTTY, etc., if schedules allow participation in those contests. One of the team's goals is to set a new OH record in the selected class in each contest. So far, the goals have been well achieved and we will continue in the same approach. We have previously participated in the ARRL RTTY Roundup contest in the M2 class for training and station testing purposes. Now we decided to participate in the MS class, because the number of operators limited participation to classes that require more operators and considering the technical structure of the station. The radio conditions were not the best as the contest progressed, but on the first night we were able to enjoy a long NA opening up to 10M. This gave us a good start to the contest in terms of collecting NA multipliers but also in increasing the number of QSOs. We ran the contest with 5 operators in two shifts in a 2+2 style and in 5-hour shifts, where the fifth operator was responsible for the station's technology and, if necessary, applied for multiplier optimization when band changes allowed to do so. The contest proceeded as planned and in the evenings the operators had the opportunity to refresh themselves in a Finnish sauna. On Sunday the conditions were no longer as good as on Saturday. We focused more on the lower bands, because the propagation on the upper bands no longer gave a good enough response to the RUN station, except for increasing the number of multipliers. Fortunately, a 30-hour competition is not loading on the operators as a full-length 48-hour contest and it is possible to keep the level of activity high. The radio propagation was not the best throughout the contest, with the A-index being high, which weakened the propagation for stations inside the auroral oval. Despite this, the result satisfied the team – the raw score is clearly higher than the current OH record. In fact, the highest score ever achieved from Finland in any contest class in the history! Thanks to all participants that have been in contact with OH5Z. See you in the next contest! Operators: Jukka; OH2BVT, Jouni; OH2JIU, Pasi; OH2MZB, Niko; OH5CZ and Mikko; OH6HZH Raw Score: 169 510 DXCC: 78 Sec: 56 |
FT-817ND, 5W, Butternut HF9V 80-10m |
rig TS-570D, pwr 100 W, ant wire 21 m length 26 m up |
Flex-8400 Antennas: FB-33, 80m horizontal loop |
OK7O |
FT1000MP MarkV, PA Alpha91B-1kW, 6el./10, 5el./15, 4el./20, 3el./40, dipol |
Due to a problem with the R8 vertical antenna on 40m, I have fewer connections on that band. TRX YAESU FT-950 and R8 + Skyloop (10-80m) Power 80 Watt |
PA1M |
Flexradio 6600 Antenna: 4 band vertical (10-15-20-40) |
PA1T |
Flexradio 6600 Antennas: |
Happy New Year all! |
PA4G [photo/doc] |
(no comments) |
Flexradio 6600 Antennas: SteppIr |
ICOM 7300 FB33 |
PE2K |
HNY 73, PE2K |
PR4C |
Son and father M/S operation. |
R2HY |
TNX73 |
R4CI |
TNX 73! |
RG2Y |
FT-1021x |
TX 5 W, ANT MAGLOOP on 11th floor balcony |
S53K |
Antennas: |
S53X |
Flex-6600 Antennas: |
SI3A |
YL-Operator |
SK6D |
Some solar flares, but same for all of course. Only able to work 20/15/10 due to antenna maintenance. |
Next time i will use more than 100 watt 73 Anders |
Flex 6600 Antennas: 11 el/3band SP7GXP |
Antennas: |
Yaesu FTdx3000 |
TRx Icom IC-735, ant.dipole |
rig-IC746 ; pwr-100W ; ant-GP(7-28MHz) and LongWire56M |
TA4A |
I don't know, it didn't go very well, my signal didn't reach nearby places or far away, there was a strange probagation TRX : Hermes-lite n1mm |
Bad AU did not help in this test. |
Rig: FT-450 AT Pwr: 100 w Ant: Dipole-20/15 m |
FT-1000MP V-beam 40-80m |
ICOM-756 PRO-II 70 W Dipole InV-40/80 m |
Thanks for the good contest IC746 ant Delt |
Flex-6400 Antennas: Windom, Spider |
73! |
While propagation wasn't the best for this year's RU, It was nevertheless an enjoyable contest. One of my favourite RTTY events of the year. Happy New Year to all and see you in the next one. 73 Serge VA3SB |
FT-950 |
A few hours of fun dispite solar conditions. Not much DX. |
RTTY RU was a great way to pass the time on a Blustry weekend |
VU2IBI [photo/doc] |
My first contest this year, conditions were favorable, whish i could have spent more time with the radio |
W0KI |
First Contest from new QTH. Goal 100 QSOs. IC 705/AH705 with 20m base loaded portable vertical whip, switched to an 40m EFHW after dark. |
W1QK |
Thanks for the contacts and fun on the radio. Thanks to the ARRL for sponsoring the contest. 73, Dan - W1QK |
W3TB |
W3TB in Franklin TN Tennessee Contest Group |
New to RTTY and perfect timing to immerse me in this new-to-me mode. Sloppy first contact but got the hang of it thereafter. W6MVT |
W6R |
This GiG was part of a dual-OP operation designed to secure a number of all-time records, during one single overall contest event. With W6R, the goal was to reprise last years, San Diego (SDG) section running unassisted this time. The difficulty with this setup was losing access to VNC viewer to fully control the station on the other end. While I could run the radio remotely and could change bands, between 80, 40 & 20, because the high bands are run via a Stepp-IR yagi, being unable to access the Yagi's band change app meant that the yagi could not be changed to work 15 & 10-meters - only 20. Nevertheless, the goal of setting another SDG section high score record was indeed successful. |
W7CXX [photo/doc] |
Managed to stay at the radio for the entire 24 hour operating period! This was a major accomplishment for me. Last year I only operated 20 hours and came up short on final score. Maintained steady runs on 20, 15, 10 meters. At one point hitting a peak rate of 166/hr then back down to between 70/hr - 130/hr on upper bands. Worked 6 fewer DX stations due to conditions. Was pleasantly surprised whenever a DX station called me. Missed working NS, NT, NU, YT. Not sure if they were active. Received additional motivation by watching the Online ScoreBoard. Thanks for the contacts. Always fun working fellow Arizona Outlaws Contest Club members! 73 de Jack, WA7LNW Station: K-3, KIO HEX @ 50', HF-2V vertical for 80/40 with elevated radials. |
Like always with RTTY contest I did a serious effort I think contest need a new Overlay category "Senior league " or "Over the Hill Group" 73 and Good Night from Alabama. BoB WA1FCN |
My first ever RTTY QSO's. Used just the IC7300 for RX/decode and it's memory for TX/sending. Now I'll have to research what I need to get setup properly. Back after 45 yrs QRT, still having fun trying new things that I never did back then. Thanks everyone for the QSO's, 73, Dave |
Operated from North Padre Island, (NA-092), with 100w and a six meter half waveloop…on10m a (quarter wave loop). I was surprised how well it worked off the condo balcony. It’s difficult to compete on a single band in this contest because multipliers become limited on a single band. 19 DXCC mults helped. Still a fun time passing out a bonus IOTA contact. Any thoughts about single band entrants in future contests? 73, Rich WA5LFD |
Lots of contacts, nicely spaced. A good event. |
Another super fun contest... I was able to get W.A.S. by early afternoon on Saturday without trying hard. I started on 10 Meters but gads, was it crowded. It was wall to wall RTTY signals past 28.140 MHz. Did a bit of S&P and running on all bands. Unfortunately, we had Lots of family and some errands to do on both days. So, thank you for all of our QSOs this weekend. See you next year. Bill |
M/M worked out good here using N1MM networking 2 PC's. Running 100 watts using our Ugly BPFs on 2 antenna's, a yagi at 51 feet and a 5BTV ground mounted vertical. M/M is high power but M/M gives both an opportunity to operate simultaneously with Yaesu FT-1000 and Yaesu FT-710 using Donna's call WB9TFF. This increases Donna's RTTY Q's towards awards, band fills and we have fun contesting together. Was logged into contest-online-score board, that helped with BIC to increase our score, that's fun to watch. As others have said condx weren't good, with the K index up both days. We got KH6, no JA's or VK's out in that area and weak on EU. We were on part time, Sunday we watched the Chicago Bears beat our Packers, that didn't sit well with BIC. Didn't do as good as last year. Should of been on 40M the last few hours on Sunday, more Q's than 10,15 or 20. Thanks for all the Q's and it was a fun RTTY contest as always. 73, Gil ES Donna |
WE6Z [photo/doc] |
Conditions were up and down, with solar flairs happening during the contest. 10 meters was pretty darn good. A-22 K-3 SSN 190. |
WQ6X |
This GiG was part of a dual-OP operation designed to secure a number of all-time records, during one single overall contest event. With WQ6X, the goal was to reprise last years, San Diego (ORG) section win running unassisted this time. Weird space-Wx conditions made for some strange QSO possibilities. Unfortunately, running 40-meters to Asia on Sunday morning was not very productive so I went back to bed. All states except UTAH and NM made it relatively easy to the log. My questions is, where were the Canadians Outside of BC, AB, SK, ON and a FLUKE LB station the log, Canadians were just not hearable. The same thing with EU - virtually NO EU stations were copyable in So. CA. Hopes for more So. America stations did not materialize. Running stacked arrays probably skipped my signal over the intended USA multipliers. Having access to a 4-Squar vertical array on 80-meters made the difference, altho I prolly shoulda started up on 80 much earlier. Nevertheless, the goal of setting another ORG section and Southwest Division high score records was indeed successful. Read about this GiG at: |
Terima Kasih / Matur Suwun |
73 |
TS-480sat, Delta loop |
FT-897D RIG, W3DZZ & DIAMOND CP-6 ANT, SCU-17 interface, MixW 3.2 soft, Windows 7, ASUS laptop. Time on abt 15H, QRT Sunday after 6 PM local time to watch Liverpool - Manchester Utd, exceptional play (2-2). |
RIG: FT-897 100W ANT: GP |
Trx: YAESU FT-2000 Ant: INV-V for 40 & 80 m bands DX88 for 10 to 80 m bands Optibeam OB 17-4 |
first time RTTY, second contest at all. thanks! |
Very funny !!! |
40M DIPOLE @ 35FT |