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Soapbox for 2020
Note: If you are concerned about a Soapbox comment, please contact the ARRL Contest Manager.

I would like to get a paper certificate, as in 2017 
address is 
 Alexander Frolov
P.O. BOX  38
Russian Federation
My first participation in the Contest, I thank the organizers and all the stations that have
responded to my invitation and until listening next year 73 !!!
FT-600/80W and Dipole
Elev 19' vertical wire @ 31' with 3 counterpoise wires @ 12'
Update wjst-x was used rule says considered spotting
Looks I accidentally submitted as QRP. It should have been low power. Can you correct?
I had only 16 hours to play as I had other commitments on Sunday
morning and late afternoon. Spent 80% of the time running with
good rates most of the time and the rest S&P. Per the name of
the contest I operated RTTY ONLY.  Perhaps the ARRL contest
bureau will see the light (but I doubt it) and change the name to
Digital Roundup along with leveling the playing field by adding
overlays for RTTY only, FT-4/8, PSK, or mixed as with the IARU
contest. Also, the rules need to be clarified so that it is
understood that operating FT-4/8 or PSK automatically puts the
contestant into the ?Unlimited? category as these modes employ
multi-channel decoders. Thanks everyone for all the Q?s.
Milt / AD5XD
AE0JM John observations and comments:
My first contest.  Bob KE0SDV talked me into it, his first contest as well.  (Thanks, Bob, I

I??m in a condo with a very small patio, so the antenna is an MFJ 1m resonant loop on a small
tripod.  30m to 10m, I worked the whole contest on 20m (well, one Q on 15m), and all FT4/FT8. 
Worked nearly the entire event on 25W.

It would be good for the FT4 culture to evolve into using more than the standard frequency for
contests.  It felt rude to transmit on 14080 when the entire 2.5 kHz was already crowded.  I saw
very few operators move up 2,4, etc.

All in all, I enjoyed it more than I thought.  Wasted some sleep by badly picking hours.  It might
be more fun with a real antenna, or maybe the challenge is what made it fun.
It has been many years, this is a lot of fun. Thanks
I ran the entire contest using only FT4 and FT8 - no RTTY contacts. This was my first digital
QSO with HP1XT did not include a State. This was rejected by the log uploader, so I manually added
HP (for Panama)
40   1/4 2222 1                  JI2IXA      569        4
40   1/4 2225 2                  YC7YGR      559        16
40   1/4 2228 3                  VR2CC       549        41
muy buen evento pero quiero saber cuando estan los resultados del concurso RTTY ARRL 2020 73 RUBEN
QRP 5 Watt from FT817 via tuner Z11 to antennas:
80m, 40m, 20m: off-center-fed dipole FD3 (21m long, 8m up)
20 m: 2 Ele Mini-Yagi MFB23, 11m up.
DJ5AN   [photo/doc]  
Thanks to all who worked me, my first FT4 Contest.
Realy nice to work all these states, just a pity i still is 6 staes in Digi mode.
But next time better.
Possible Time hickup in the log diue to MixW Problems
Only used the internal RTTY encoder and decoder of my ICOM IC-7610. Antenna was 15 ft of invisible
magnet wire parallel to the house balcony, house is made from concrete.
TS-590SG 100 Watt to [FD4 with 2-elem.]
An other nice experience - thank you for picking up my little
80-watts-signals wired by a low dipole
E-MAIL: e73km@mail.com
E-MAIL: jafeko@bih.net.ba
Catalonia, new DXCC country/entity.
Asta el proximo concurso
ICOM 7300
Dipole G5RV Long Version
Happy new year and all the best propagation and DX.
My congratulations to the winners.
It was fantastic to share this contest with all of you on FT4.
Thanks for the new ones on FT4.
Best 73 from Spain.
EA4DUT, Angel
Enjoyable contest but not able to complete 24hours.  Thanks all for QSO's.
TRX Red Pitaya, ant SAY3-8
IC-746pro  Ant GP (UW4HW)10-15-2m , INV.Vee DIPOLE 40/80m
30w digi
All qso's in S/P mode,as always in Qrp.
Good idea to have added the category Qrp. Thank you.
Another fun contest but struggled with connections to the TU so wasted time investigating the issue.
Great fun, but limited time to operate this year.
I am not yet convinced that incuding the weak signal modes is
a good idea.
ICOM756pro 100w
3el yagi * GP.s
It was a great experience! QRP Performance - Self-made radio. There is no better fun in the world!
I made a mess with serial numbers for the first 200 or so, probably
giving out wrong duple numbers to different stations. Then I noticed and
eventually was able to correct the logger setup. SORRY for that.
I have tested 80 meters. It's ok. FT4? Marginal.
73 gl in dx
rtx: Icom IC-735, 70w
ant: Windom all band
Great participation and very enjoyable contest. I just perform only FT4 and FT8 on 80, 40 and 20
meters, but always find some friends there. Unfortunately 15 and 10 meters was completely closed
during my checking.
kenwood ts 140 s 40 w ant. windom nvis below of roof!
Just two hours of free time to pass the QSO
to some partecipants.
80 meters dipole broken by the wind
High bands closed for some years already
Activities only in 20 and 40 meters, Operated only for 11 hours.
Excellent openings with NA
Time only for testing new antenna...
IZ4OSH   [photo/doc]  
Great Competition, too bad That I had little time to devote but for next year I organize better.

Congratulations to the organizers.
I enjoyed the contest. GL
I enjoyed the contest.
Thanks for the contests
Tnx FB Contest !!
I enjoyed the contest.
RIG: IC-7600 + IC-PW1(500W)
ANT: DIPOLE(80m/40m), 3ELE YAGI(20m-15m-10m)
I enjoyed the contest.
I enjoyed the contest.
I enjoyed the contest.
I enjoyed the contest.
I was wondering whether to entry RTTY or FT8 but I made it RTTY.
Hello, Everyone must have enjoyed the first trial in the contest with FT8.
I think it's so good separated the frequency from the usual one.
uploading Log was difficult than usual contest.I hope "FT8" mode will be a separated entrable
category. Anyhow, Thanks all digital contesters. JF3PNQ
I enjoyed the contest.
Thanks for patiently listening to my weak QRP signal.
I enjoyed the contest.
Thanks for the QSO in the Contest.
I vy enjoyed the contest.
I enjoyed the contest.
I enjoyed the contest.
I enjoyed the contest.
FT817ND, 5watts. DP YAGI
I enjoyed the contest.
Condition was not so good , however I enjoyed the contest.
Thank you.
Yoshi / JR1JRW
I enjoyed the contest.
Condition was too bad
I enjoyed the contest.
Lots of visits from Murphy in this show!
A glitchy radio-computer interface was
repeatedly troublesome.  Was great fun in any
event.  See you next year and 73!
Exchange:    K:  RST, State (48)/DC
VE: RST, Province/Territory
DX: RST, Serial Number
Points:      1
Multipliers: Once Per Contest (Not Per Band)
K States (48), DC
VE Provinces/Territories (14)
DXCC (Except K, VE)
Band    QSOs  Points  Multipliers
160M       0       0  States/DC:                 46
80M      212     212  Provinces/Territories:      7
40M      210     210  DXCC:                      38
20M      279     279                         ------
15M       33      33                             91
10M        0       0
------  ------
734     734
Score: 734 * 91 = 66794
The RU is one of my favorite contests and it did not disappoint.
Would have been on more Sunday except for Vikings game
I??ve been licensed over 25 years and just got into HF digital modes a couple months ago.  Didn??t
realize how much fun I??ve been missing out on with contests like this!  Only operated for a few
hours but was much fun.
Elecraft K3/100,  Dipoles for 80M, 40M-15M, 20M,
K3CCR is the club station at the Collington continuing-care
retirement community at FM 18OW in MD, just east of DC. N3UM and
W3GB operated Multi-Single in the Jan. 2020 ARRL RTTY Roundup.
For years we did RTTY in NAQP only; our best was 300 Qs in 7/19.
CQ WW 9/19 was our first HP 2-day RTTY DX test; we got 706 Qs in
29 hrs, and learned from several glitches and setup problems.
In 1/20 ARRL RTTY W3GB made a great start on 20m. with 91 W/K Qs
18-20Z, 87 running, and 28 mults from AL to CA, > 1/2 of our
final total. N3UM then ran 20-2130Z for 88 Qs, 12 St/Pv mults,
and 16 cty mults, all EUs except a VK5 via long path. W3GB took
the seat at 2135Z, held the freq, and kept the 40m. run going
for 46 more Qs and 3 St/Pv mults. He then got 1 SA and 4 NA cty
mults on 20m. by 23Z. Mults came slow after 23Z, 0 to 2 mults
in most hours, 4 only once. After a 1.5 hr. supper break N3UM
ran for 102 Qs on 40m. 0030-02Z at 69 Qs/hr, mostly W/VE but a
few EUs. W3GB got on 80m. at 02Z and found S-9 QRN in a 500 Hz
filter BW. We feared it was a K3 problem, but a check with the
Orion showed the same level. There was a bad storm north of us.
W3GB persisted and found enough loud signals to run for 105 Qs
0242-0503Z, 61/hr, with 5 total mults and 14 EU Qs. After sleep
break N3UM got 115 Qs on 20m. 1300-1650Z, 92 Qs in 2 runs and 26
clicking spots. Most were EUs, but 9 were W/K, with a ME mult.
W3GB did well on 20m. 1734-2010Z; 127 Qs, 123 running, with KH6,
AB, XE, YV, WY, KP4, NE, and MB. N3UM took the seat at 2013 and
got 16 run Qs till rate died at 2032Z, then clicked spots for 20
Qs with HP, PY, and LU. He next clicked spots for 17 Qs on 40
till 22Z. From 2229-2357Z W3GB ran on 20 and then on 80m. for 48
Qs with HI3 to get us to 830 Qs and 80K points, by far our best
RTTY result. We ran for 82% of our Qs. We got DC and missed only
ND, WV, and DE of the 48 states. We got 188 Qs in 30 EU ctys.
Only FT8 and FT4. Only 40m and 20m. FT4 is a GREAT contest mode.
remote from W2/Taconic.  100W, tribander, wires.
Forget the new time off rules and go back to the old ones: "Single ops work a maximum 24 hours with
off times being at least 30 minutes to count as off time."  I have always relied on a night's sleep
to provide most of the needed contest off time and require frequent short breaks during the contest.
My usual BIC is around 10 hours max for most contests.
I was only able to operate the last 3.5 hours of the contest.
THere was still much activity.
Rig:  IC-7300 & AL-80B
Antennas:   Wire loop antennas
Always a fun way to spend a winter weekend!
RTTY Roundup is a lot more fun and interesting with FT4 and FT8 added to the mix. Making mode
switching decisions adds another layer of strategy that no other contest has. Do I give up the
higher rates that RTTY provides to go chase DX multipliers on FT-8 at a much lower rate? If so, when
and for how long?
It also relieves the monotony because when an hour of RTTY or FT4 gets
tiresome, switching to the other makes a nice change of pace.

I very briefly saw FT-4 rates of 120 Q's/hour, but unfortunately far too often
it got bogged down by repeats and incompleted QSO's. I'm thinking it's a combination of software
that hasn't been optimized for contest ergonomics
plus operators who lack experience with the mode. I'm optimistic it'll get
better in the future.

Looking forward to more mixed mode contesting in next year's Roundup!
Interesting. Waterfall would occasionally flat-line for a minute or so then come back alive. I think
the band was that bad. KA7TTY
Wow. I didn't think the solar & geo-mag numbers looked that
different to me; but the band conditions sure seemed better to
me.  Thank you to all who answered my calls. 73, Jerry
Mainly on to support the club effort. Still amazes me what 100W
on RTTY can do. A nice surprise to work several EU stations on
40M! Adding FT4/FT8 to the equation only turns the contest into a
complicated mess of multiple operating suites and logging
programs so I opted to operate "Old School" Baudot only (N1MM+)
which is really the most fun. I did FT8 contesting in last years
CQ WW DIGI and HATED IT IMMENSELY!. Station: Flex3000, 100W,
Dual-band 80M/40M Inv Vee @ 38ft, 20M 3ele Mono-band yagi at
43ft, 15M 3ele Mono-band Yagi @ 28ft. 10M 4ele Mono-yagi at 25ft.
Just got new IC-7610 the night before contest.  Spent hours
building a cable for FSK then found out I did not need one.
Started late but new rig worked great.  Had tons of fun.  No 10
Meter contacts.
Best work was 20m in late afternoon from QTH, many stations willing to Q and completed the bulk of
them then.  Tried again in the middle of the night on 40m and met limited success.  Again, on Sunday
morning 40m, but not much luck.  Switched back to 20m and found most stations in the east prefer EU
over US contacts.

Station is Elecraft KX3, Hard Rock 50 amplifier and 2m diameter mag loop of copper pipe.  Ran
contest at 30 watts.
My first try at contesting. The introduction of FT8 in last year's RTTY RU and FT4 in this year's
contest made for what I can only assume is a noticeably different contest from previous years.
Trying to study up on good contesting strategy proved difficult due to the relatively new nature of
FT4/8 (and I have no experience with RTTY itself yet, so this contest was purely FT* for me). I was
surprised to find that there was essentially no one working FT8 for the contest and everyone was on
FT4.  I was also surprised that the FT4 band usage didn't seem to expand beyond the default 3 kHz
bandwidth. I wish 160m were included in this contest and I don't understand why it isn't. All in
all, I had a lot of fun and am looking forward to my next contest.
100 % FT-4 mode.
Not a concerted effort for this year,but still a great time utilizing FT4 as a contest mode. 80 and
40 were the most productive bands...at least for a "low exposure" QRP station. Add work on Sunday
and family commitments.  Still, tons of fun!!
Icom 7851 Mosley Pro-67B
First time using FT8 & FT4 in addition to RTTY in the contest
Had a great time and good conditions for a change. Enjoy all the
Many thanks to my fellow RTTY operators for the QSO's 73
K3/10 at 10 watts to 2 selectable dipoles at about 45' high.  Thanks for the fun!  C U next time,
73,  Dan  ke0tt
N.B. This log has specified off times using the Cabrillo OFFTIME
statement format.  Please use these as my official off times and
do not automatically detect the off times. Thank you.  KE2D
First Contest Ever.
I got a rig capable of digital for Christmas.  First ever FT8 contact was on Jan 1, 2020.
Homebuilt 20m dipole taped to the side of the house, approx. 12 ft high.

A lot that I don't know, but it was still fun.
Ham dad W4GHV cheered me on! Doubled score this year!
dancing with the log entry robot
1st RTTY Contest
Another fun RTTY RU in the log book.  Space WX conditions weren't bad this year with Cycle 24 ending
and Cycle 25 beginning to show some new sunspots.  Compared to last year, Debbie KC9ULA and I had
fewer Qs, but we managed three more mults.  Saturday was our best day contact wise.  Sunday morning
was the mult pickup day.  Seems like fewer stations on this year,  propagation or my QTH? Not sure. 
Rig and antennas seemed to be fine.  Still, it was good seeing familiar call signs. I didn't try FT4
in this contest.  Thank you for participating.  Happy New Year.
Only Part-time for this contest weekend.  Operated remote from my RV at a Park near Starkville, MS. 
Operated on 20m with a Cushcraft R4 Vertical at 4ft and 40m on a Buddy Pole at 10ft.  Lots of time
trying to solve feedback issues with the computer which "blue screened" on me at least 10 times. 
Something to solve for another weekend.
vy 73 de Steve - KT4Q/5 Mississippi.
Yaesu FT1000MP Mark-V Field FSK RTTY , Yaesu FL2100Z 450 Watts antenna yagi 3 ele
Rig: IC-7300   100W
Ant: OB16-3
As always the RTTY RU is great fun, although I am a user of FT8
and FT4 normally, I couldn't bring myself to use it in the RU...
My initial log contained 11 FT contacts.  After I found out that they put me into the unlimited
class, I deleted them from my log.  I did save the original log in case you need it as a
Blind operator using WSJT-X with the QLog program.
For more info on QLog, send an email to qlogusers@groups.io to join the group.
Get rid of the stupid and confusing Two-Break rule! I do not need
bereaucrats telling me when I can take breaks. I must operate
contests under family constraints, and I need to take breaks when
it's necessary for ME. If this ridiculous rule in in place next
year, I will not participate. A simple "work up to 24 of the 30
hours" and "breaks must be at lest 30 minutes long" will suffiice.
First contest I ran for more than 10 hours.  Enjoyed it alot.

Station: FT-450D, inverted vee antenna except for 80m, 80m long wire.
Bad cold and bad reaction to meds wiped me out most of the contest. But this is my favorite contest
so I gave it the best I could...
Thanks for all the Q's and 73,
Ron N6EE
Ran QRP, just ONE HALF WATT to a 20 foot piece of wire.
Only one EU contact this year, but all things considered ...
This contest always is a good one with lots of activity.
RTTY contests always seem a bit "casual" to me?!?
I'm pretty sure that's just my attitude, it's a pretty serious
contest for many contesters - and a great start for the year!
THANKS to all for your patience. GO ARIZONA OUTLAWS!  73 John N6HI
ftdx-101mp serial port quit at 1530Z sunday
My first ARRL RTTY contest. Man, FT4 is fast!
IC-756 Pro, end fed wires, homebrew modem and terminal software. HNY ES GL VY 73 ALL.
Had to stop early due to family committement. 15M, closed
Saturday, is working nicely Sunday. Fun, busy contest.
It would be appropriate for the League to re-name this contest as the Digital Round UP.
Or, do the correct thing and and put all non Baudot RTTY, "Digital Mode Varieties"
into a contest of their own. Not a happy ham due to contamination of a long tradition
of RTTY RU. I'm not an FT hater. I embrase the FT digital modes. Just look at my LOTW account
and you will see I am also hooked on the FT mode. I just firmly beleive RTTY RU should remain
purely an RTTY mode only contest. I hope the contest committee will re-evalute their decision
and bring back Baudot RTTY "ONLY" to the RTTY RU. Unfortunately, not optimistic.
Gene, N9TF
NA5M   [photo/doc]  
First time I've worked the entire 24 hours of a contest. Assumed the WSJT-X contest logger included
dupe checking. Will have N1MM up and running next time. 

The contest started off very fast with lots of contacts.  By Sunday morning it was hard to find new
contacts.   Perhaps RTTY and FT modes should be on different weekends?  You know conditions are
tough when the best band on Sunday at Noon is 40m.  I kept checking 15m hoping it would open.
NA6US   [photo/doc]  
Flex 6600 and EFV 31'. 

N1MM, FLDIGI, and Radio SmartSDR. 

I started ops with the radio set to a 4K USB Digital VFO/Slice and used FLDIGI Waterfall to monitor
bandwidth. I realized late the radios waterfall would be more effective and switched to a 500Hz wide
VFO/Slice in RTTY mode and moved up and down the waterfall display presented on the radio. Plenty of
family breaks and overall a good experience.
Unfortunately I had to take two 30+ minute breaks early
on in the contest.  While I like the idea of forced
breaks, there should be a longer period before they
kick in - like one or two hours.
Operated RTTY only, had a big blast! Count me in for next year.
log may not have switched between 20m and 40m tried to fix.
tnx 73!
Great conditions this weekend. One of my favorite contests!
Fun contest, fair conditions
vanity call sign for 50 years licensed, so rtty is good style. J2B instead of F1B.
fldigi not being used for years, I feel sorry for my lapses.
RX/TX: Kenwood TS-890
ANT: High End Fed
Thanks for contest!
IC-756ProII, max. 5 W, Mosley Triband Yagi, 80/40m Trap Dipole
WSJT-X 2.1.0
DG mode = FT8
113 QSOs - 4 dupes = 109 QSO pts, multipliers = 29 DX + 9 US = 38
Claimed score - 38 x 109 = 4142
The longest rest period = 2234 UTC - 0802 UTC, i.e. 9h 28 min.
RX/TX  IC-7600,
Antennas:Windom 80-10m
FT1000MP MarkV, PA ACOM 1010, 500W
Ant dipol/80 m, TH7DX/20 m
remoted Flex3000-80w-80/Vertical 40-4SQ 20m-InvL
TVCR: YAESU FT-897d 15 W, ANT: GP, SW: FLDigi 3.21
rig TS-590S, ant dipole 2 x 9.8 m on roof
TVCR: YAESU FT-897d 15 W, ANT: GP, SW: FLDigi 3.21
80 W, 3 band dipole (14,21,28), FD4 Windom
ON5AM   [photo/doc]  
3rd contest in FT4 / FT8. Sunday on 80M and 40M evening not many OMs here in Europe. I had fun. 314
contacts it's fun too !
Yaesu FT-950 80watt - R8 vert ant. and FD4
ARRL RTTY Roundup - 2020

Call: P49X
Operator(s): W0YK
Station: P40L/P49Y

Class: Single Op HP
QTH: FK52al
Operating Time (hrs): 24
Radios: SO2R

 Band  RTTY Qs  Dig Qs
   80:    372      0
   40:    852      0
   20:   1096      0
   15:    509      0
   10:      0      0
Total:   2829      0  State/Prov = 56  Countries = 61  Total Score = 330,993



Great fun, although Saturday and Sunday couldn??t have been more different. 
Saturday was surprisingly good, especially for this portion of the solar cycle. 
Sunday was classic Sweepstakes ??Sunday doldrums?.

One of my all-time highest hourly rates was the first clock hour of this contest.  That??s never
happened before because it usually takes a bit of operating to find my rhythm.  It was nice to hit
it immediately.  There wasn??t as much incoming rate as in the peak years, so that limited the
service rate and it rolled off faster too.  I??ve done this contest 16 years in a row now, so I
watched my hourly results vs. the past 15 years and an average of those years. 

Throughout Saturday I stayed above the average but behind my best years.  When I took my main
mid-contest break after 13.5 hours, I was slightly ahead of the 15-year average. It??s interesting
that a third of the total QSOs were made in the first 5 hours and two thirds are made by the
half-way mark.  That??s just the reality of our limited participation number.

Sunday was a rude awakening.  I only had 20m to work with, without a much of a second band, for an
excruciatingly long time.  40 was open to NA but there were few stations on and even fewer that I
hadn??t already worked.  I wondered if 15 would ever open.  I kept checking and trying to stir up
action, but no dice. 
Finally, at 10:21am local time I got my first answer to a 15m CQ: TG9ANF.  A while later, the States
started trickling in, then a bit of EU.  But even when the band opened it wasn??t as good as
Saturday.  I??m not sure how much was due to conditions vs. activity level.  The rate sheet below
tells the dismal story.  In fact there was a period where it seemed we were headed for an radio
blackout with signals all but disappearing in strength.
I also tried 10m but could never get a Q.  Not a big loss for this contest unless the band is wide
open where additional QSOs are available from the fixed participant number.  Otherwise, 15/20 are
sufficient for the SO2R operator during the day.  Around 3pm local, I couldn??t take it any longer
and grabbed a 30-minute break just to get away from the slow agony.  Coming back, somewhat
refreshed, I ditched 15 for 40 but there really wasn??t much improvement in rate.  There was a
short burst of rate in the late afternoon, but Sunday was definitely not as fun as Saturday.

Last year I addressed the Sunday Doldrums in RU by switching (unplanned) to FT8 and felt it
increased the rate and total QSO count plus a few mults.  It was a fun experiment and I??m glad I
did it once.  I resisted that urge this year because it moves the entry into the Unlimited
(Assisted) category without the benefit of using Packet for RTTY.  And, I prefer to push myself to
find mults and wanted to operate that way.  Also, I??m on the fence about a multi-mode digital
contest.  I suppose it is analogous to the ARRL 10-Meter Contest with CW and SSB but that contest
provides single mode entries so there??s not the incentive to optimize mode strategy.  OTOH, maybe
that??s a nice format to have for a few contests where the operator has to use mode choices

This is the first contest using the all new towers and antennas at the cottage here.  We took the
old stuff down in late October/early November and got a lot of the new replacements up.  The week
before RU, I did some more tasks and we??ll be back in February to get it all wrapped up.  Well,
it??s never ??wrapped up? because there??s always maintenance and improvements, but the bulk of
the rebuild should soon be complete.  So far everything has worked fine, but it??s never as
straightforward as the plan.

Thanks to all for the QSOs, including the multi-banders (136 on all four bands).
 Thanks to John W6LD/P40L and Andy AE6Y/P49Y for sharing their cottage station. 
Look forward to doing this again with you all next month for WPX RTTY.



Rohn 45 tower (66??): Single boom 2-element shortened 40m interlaced with 4-element 20m (67??);
80m Inverted-V (65??); 160m Double-L (65??)

North Rohn 25 tower (50??): Single boom 5-element 15 interlaced with 6-element
10 (52??)

South Rohn 25 tower (43??): Tri-bander

Beverages: 4 controlled by K9AY switchbox: JA/West-US, East US, EU and East-West (AF and OC)

K3S/P3/K-pod x 2

Alpha amps: 86 and 91B

WriteLog 12.46D, TinyFSK keyer, networked ThinkPads (one per radio plus a main

Cabrillo Statistics           (Version 10g)           by K5KA & N6TV


-------------- Q S O   R a t e   S u m m a r y ---------------------
Hour     160     80     40     20     15     10    Rate Total    Pct
1800       0      0      0    106    114      0    220    220    7.8
1900       0      0      0    109     74      0    183    403   14.2
2000       0      0      0     98     85      0    183    586   20.7
2100       0      0     82    110     10      0    202    788   27.9
2200       0      0     76     79      0      0    155    943   33.3
2300       0      3     74     42      0      0    119   1062   37.5
0000       0     45     93      0      0      0    138   1200   42.4
0100       0     39     84      0      0      0    123   1323   46.8
0200       0     41     65      0      0      0    106   1429   50.5
0300       0     57     63      0      0      0    120   1549   54.8
0400       0     46     56      0      0      0    102   1651   58.4
0500       0     53     48      0      0      0    101   1752   61.9
0600       0     62     39      0      0      0    101   1853   65.5
0700       0     26     24      0      0      0     50   1903   67.3
0800       0      0      0      0      0      0      0   1903   67.3
0900       0      0      0      0      0      0      0   1903   67.3
1000       0      0      0      0      0      0      0   1903   67.3
1100       0      0      0      0      0      0      0   1903   67.3
1200       0      0     11     20      0      0     31   1934   68.4
1300       0      0     19     58      0      0     77   2011   71.1
1400       0      0      1     63     12      0     76   2087   73.8
1500       0      0      0     73     35      0    108   2195   77.6
1600       0      0      0     57     45      0    102   2297   81.2
1700       0      0      0     47     52      0     99   2396   84.7
1800       0      0      0     48     56      0    104   2500   88.4
1900       0      0      0     24     26      0     50   2550   90.1
2000       0      0     21     34      0      0     55   2605   92.1
2100       0      0     32     43      0      0     75   2680   94.7
2200       0      0     35     46      0      0     81   2761   97.6
2300       0      0     29     39      0      0     68   2829  100.0
Total      0    372    852   1096    509      0   2829

Gross QSOs=2869        Dupes=40        Net QSOs=2829

Unique callsigns worked = 1533

The best 60 minute rate was 220/hour from 1800 to 1859 The best 30 minute rate was 238/hour from
2132 to 2201 The best 10 minute rate was 258/hour from 2144 to 2153

The best 1 minute rates were:
 6 QSOs/minute    8 times.
 5 QSOs/minute   43 times.
 4 QSOs/minute  142 times.
 3 QSOs/minute  263 times.
 2 QSOs/minute  398 times.
 1 QSOs/minute  413 times.

There were 1644 bandchanges and 1055 (37.3%) probable 2nd radio QSOs.

----------------- C o n t i n e n t   S u m m a r y -----------------
                 160     80     40     20     15     10  Total    Pct
North America      0    295    663    867    488      0   2313   81.8
South America      0      1      1      4     13      0     19    0.7
Europe             0     76    176    185      6      0    443   15.7
Asia               0      0      7     35      0      0     42    1.5
Africa             0      0      2      1      0      0      3    0.1
Oceania            0      0      3      4      2      0      9    0.3
Total              0    372    852   1096    509      0   2829

Number of letters in callsigns
Letters  # worked
   3         5
   4      1209
   5      1056
   6       553
   7         5
   8         1

------------------ C o u n t r y   S u m m a r y ------------------
Country        160     80     40     20     15     10  Total    Pct
4X               0      0      1      0      0      0      1    0.0
8P               0      0      1      0      1      0      2    0.1
9A               0      2      2      0      1      0      5    0.2
CE               0      0      0      1      1      0      2    0.1
CM               0      1      2      1      0      0      4    0.1
CT               0      0      1      2      0      0      3    0.1
CX               0      0      0      0      1      0      1    0.0
DL               0      9     22     27      0      0     58    2.1
EA               0      2      3      3      0      0      8    0.3
EA8              0      0      2      1      0      0      3    0.1
EI               0      0      1      1      0      0      2    0.1
ER               0      0      1      1      0      0      2    0.1
EU               0      1      4      3      0      0      8    0.3
F                0      3     10     10      1      0     24    0.8
G                0      3      5      8      0      0     16    0.6
GI               0      0      0      1      0      0      1    0.0
GM               0      0      0      1      0      0      1    0.0
GU               0      1      0      0      0      0      1    0.0
GW               0      1      1      1      0      0      3    0.1
HA               0      1      4      3      0      0      8    0.3
HB               0      0      0      1      0      0      1    0.0
HC               0      0      0      1      1      0      2    0.1
HI               0      1      1      0      0      0      2    0.1
I                0      7     30     32      0      0     69    2.4
*IT9             0      0      3      0      0      0      3    0.1
JA               0      0      2     35      0      0     37    1.3
K                0    275    615    801    457      0   2148   75.9
KG4              0      1      2      1      2      0      6    0.2
KH6              0      0      2      3      2      0      7    0.2
LA               0      1      1      2      0      0      4    0.1
LU               0      0      0      1      3      0      4    0.1
LX               0      1      1      0      0      0      2    0.1
LY               0      2      2      2      0      0      6    0.2
LZ               0      2      2      1      0      0      5    0.2
OE               0      2      1      0      0      0      3    0.1
OH               0      0      1      4      0      0      5    0.2
OH0              0      0      1      0      0      0      1    0.0
OK               0      6      9      7      2      0     24    0.8
OM               0      0      3      0      0      0      3    0.1
ON               0      4      4      5      0      0     13    0.5
OZ               0      0      0      3      1      0      4    0.1
PA               0      4      5     21      0      0     30    1.1
PY               0      0      0      0      7      0      7    0.2
S5               0      4      3      4      0      0     11    0.4
SM               0      2      1      6      0      0      9    0.3
SP               0      3      9     13      1      0     26    0.9
SV               0      1      6      2      0      0      9    0.3
TA               0      0      2      0      0      0      2    0.1
TF               0      0      0      1      0      0      1    0.0
TG               0      1      1      0      1      0      3    0.1
TK               0      0      0      1      0      0      1    0.0
UA               0      2     12      6      0      0     20    0.7
UA2              0      0      0      1      0      0      1    0.0
UA9              0      0      2      0      0      0      2    0.1
UR               0      5     18      6      0      0     29    1.0
VE               0     16     38     61     27      0    142    5.0
VK               0      0      1      0      0      0      1    0.0
XE               0      0      2      3      0      0      5    0.2
YB               0      0      0      1      0      0      1    0.0
YL               0      3      1      3      0      0      7    0.2
YO               0      2      4      1      0      0      7    0.2
YU               0      2      4      2      0      0      8    0.3
YV               0      1      1      1      0      0      3    0.1
Z3               0      0      1      0      0      0      1    0.0
ZF               0      0      1      0      0      0      1    0.0
Total            0    372    852   1096    509      0   2829

------------ M u l t i p l i e r   S u m m a r y ------------
Mult     160     80     40     20     15     10  Total    Pct
-DX-       0     80    197    233     23      0    533   18.8
CA         0     26     55     64     40      0    185    6.5
PA         0     22     37     50     28      0    137    4.8
VA         0     20     39     38     20      0    117    4.1
NY         0     15     32     40     26      0    113    4.0
TX         0     10     32     39     32      0    113    4.0
MN         0     13     30     36     28      0    107    3.8
IL         0      7     28     42     21      0     98    3.5
OH         0     11     30     31     18      0     90    3.2
ON         0     10     18     32     17      0     77    2.7
FL         0      9     23     39      5      0     76    2.7
NC         0      8     21     30     14      0     73    2.6
TN         0      5     16     21     16      0     58    2.1
MI         0      9     18     19     11      0     57    2.0
MD         0     10     15     16     12      0     53    1.9
IN         0      8     13     18     13      0     52    1.8
WI         0      6     14     21     10      0     51    1.8
AZ         0      7     14     23      5      0     49    1.7
MA         0      7     17     14     11      0     49    1.7
NJ         0      8     13     13     14      0     48    1.7
WA         0      4     14     25      5      0     48    1.7
AL         0      8     11     15     12      0     46    1.6
MO         0      5     13     17     11      0     46    1.6
SC         0      5     13     16      8      0     42    1.5
OR         0      6      9     17      7      0     39    1.4
CO         0      3     11     16      8      0     38    1.3
CT         0      3      7     11     10      0     31    1.1
KY         0      5     10      8      7      0     30    1.1
IA         0      3      8      9      9      0     29    1.0
ID         0      1      8     11      6      0     26    0.9
KS         0      4      6     10      4      0     24    0.8
AR         0      5      4      9      5      0     23    0.8
NH         0      3      5      8      7      0     23    0.8
MS         0      2      5      9      5      0     21    0.7
GA         0      0      8      8      5      0     21    0.7
QC         0      2      8      7      2      0     19    0.7
BC         0      3      4      8      2      0     17    0.6
ME         0      3      4      6      3      0     16    0.6
NV         0      1      4      6      2      0     13    0.5
LA         0      3      4      4      2      0     13    0.5
SD         0      2      4      4      3      0     13    0.5
MT         0      2      3      6      1      0     12    0.4
VT         0      2      2      3      3      0     10    0.4
UT         0      1      3      4      2      0     10    0.4
WV         0      0      2      5      3      0     10    0.4
NM         0      3      2      5      0      0     10    0.4
AB         0      1      2      5      2      0     10    0.4
RI         0      0      2      4      2      0      8    0.3
OK         0      0      4      2      2      0      8    0.3
DE         0      1      1      3      2      0      7    0.2
SK         0      0      3      3      1      0      7    0.2
NS         0      0      2      3      2      0      7    0.2
NE         0      0      2      3      1      0      6    0.2
WY         0      0      1      3      0      0      4    0.1
MB         0      0      1      1      1      0      3    0.1
NF         0      0      0      2      0      0      2    0.1
DC         0      0      0      1      0      0      1    0.0
Total      0    372    852   1096    509      0   2829

U.S. Call Areas Worked
Area    QSOs     Pct
   0     247     8.7
   1     161     5.7
   2     194     6.9
   3     238     8.4
   4     328    11.6
   5     189     6.7
   6     215     7.6
   7     180     6.4
   8     194     6.9
   9     202     7.1
Total   2148    75.9

Multi-band QSOs
1 bands     752
2 bands     402
3 bands     243
4 bands     136
5 bands       0
6 bands       0

------- S i n g l e   B a n d   Q S O s ------
Band    160     80     40     20     15     10
QSOs      0     42    224    407     79      0
No FT8 just plain RTTY.
Great contest! Some band openings to a very active north america
Rig TS590 barefoot; output 70Watts in RTTY mode.
Horizontal dipole, only 17m long, trimmed for 15, 20, 40 & 80m bands.
Very nice and relaxed contest. Many thanks!
PU4TPM   [photo/doc]  
Icom IC-7300
PA=90 wtts
R4AJ   [photo/doc]  
(no comments)
FT-2000    IV
ICOM-756PROII, Ant AV-620, Inv.V (40-80) 8m high
Hi! It's a bad idea to use FT8/FT4 at the same time ...I would also like to see a separate offset
for FT, there is almost no software for FT and RTTY,PSK..As I understand it, N1MM+ can do it,but it
is a complex program and not everyone can do it....de Mike RA3QH
Thank you for the contest
PWR_100 w, ANT_6el 3band Yagi, TNX FOR NICE CONTEST!de Igor.
TX 5 Watts, Ant Magnetic Loop (indoor)
No qso on 15 meter ...in cq ww ssb lot of stations 

my amplifier not worked good in my finnish time

waiting on better conds for ssb and rtty    73 de sm3lbp/Anders
The new (?) "Two Break Rule" is simply silly. Lawyer stuff?
super contest. see you in next year.vy 73 Chris
RIG:FT-950 PWR:15 ANT:2elDeltaLoop & KV2
rig-IC746 ; pwr-100Wtts ; ant-GP
42min, 2h 11min, 3h 4min=5h57min
I loved this contest, because I learned how to RTTY with help of listening to other stations
RIG: Yaesu FT-450AT
PWR: 100 W
ANT: 20/40/ m - Dipole
TNX For Contest 73!
TNX 73!
IC-756PRO 100WT DELTA 80M GP 20M
Thanks for the good contest
IC746 ant Delta loop
SDR trcvr SunSDR2-PRO, PA 100 W.
160,80,40 - dipole Up18m, fider 70m.
20,15,10 - Spider Up 10m, fider 30m.
недо?або?ки положения ?ес?а..
1.. все связи о?енива??ся в 1 п?нк? - независимо о?
2.. м?л??? ??и??ва??ся ?ол?ко один ?аз- независимо о?
м?л??? за?або?анн?е с бол??им ???дом на 80м и 40м - легко
пе?ек??ва??ся на 20м и ?е?яе?ся всякий см?сл
"в??а?ап?ва??" и? на 80м и 40м
HP on rtty, 100W on FT8/FT4
Casual part time effort. Fun as usual. Thanks to all who
responded to my calls.
My first real effort at an RTTY contest.  Wasn't even meant to be really... was just going to play
for a little while, and like a good book, couldn't put it down.  100W and a wire... inverted vees up
about 40 feet, and an IC-7300.  Will definately do this again... maybe with proper antennas for
10/15/20 next time.  Cheers, and thanks - Wayne VE3WRL
First rtty for me. As I can not type wort a darn enjoyed usinf FT4.
I had a lot of fun operating the RTTY Test. Rigs used FT-897D and
a Vintage IC-751A.N2WK was out of band QRMming the Trans
Canada Net on 14.140. 73 Gerry
Only the saturday was available so stopped when I had WAS.

sure that FT4/FT8 made a mess of the log :)
dipoles in the trees.
One of the best RTTY contests of the year. I know, it is a "Digital" contest but in the past the use
of other digital forms other than RTTY were negligible.Trying to integrate the FT forms is a giant
mistake. FTs are wonderful for ham radio but to try and force a mix with RTTY in this contest
atmosphere is not realistic. If this isn't a classic example of forcing a round peg in a square hole
I don't what is. Really, somethings are best left alone. This is my observation after many (20?)
years of operating RTTY RU on a competitive "go for it" stage. 
Bands were not in their normal shape. Fewer DX QSOs on all bands than previous years. It was
difficult to keep our rate at a decent level, so we tried FT8/4 this year, which seemed to help.
Looking forward to more sunspots and better condx in the future.
Thank you for sponsoring the contest.
This was a first for W2ROO and W2NTN.  We operated the ARRL
Roundup multi-op QRP using the W2ROO station in WNY, using only
FT8.  We used a combination of local operation by Jamie while he
was at his home QTH, and since he had air travel during the
event, remote operation by Craig, and even some remote operation
by Jamie from an airport lounge during a layover.  It was both
fun and a learning experience.  Thanks to all who participated.
Feel blessed to be able to run a 1990s antiquated
PASCAL based RTTY program using a TU on a PC running
xP connected to a 1983 HEATHKIT SS-9000 rig running
barefoot using only a BUDDIPOLE and DIPOLE.
Surprised how older formal polite protocols have fallen
by the wayside in favor of contact brevity.
This was my forth time participating in the ARRL RTTY Roundup. I wish that I had tried this contest
sooner in life as it is an incredibly fun way to start the first weekend of the new year. My station
was still basically set up from the November Sweepstakes contests. I just had make some minor
changes to use RTTY, which was already loaded on my Windows 7 station computers and my two Elecraft
K3S??s remembered the data settings. I missed the practice sessions so I hoped that everything
worked properly at the start and fortunately it did. The first 12 hours were very intense, I focused
on rate by keeping both radios CQing and never getting out of the operating chair. By the halfway
point I had logged 1000 QSOs with a peak hour of 115 contacts running on 40m and 80m. This was a
blast, certainly not bad for LP at the bottom of the solar cycle. There is generally not a lot of DX
activity in this event but I did have a good European opening on 20m just after my sunrise where I
logged hundreds of EU stations. This EU opening not only helped with QSO points but it also really
improved my country multiplier total and overall score. Thanks to everyone for the QSOs, especially
those worked on multiple bands. About 2% of my contacts were duplicate contacts. Since this can
occur for various reasons I happy worked them again but it seems high in a day of computer logging. 
I would also like to really thank my QSL manager Tim, WD9DZV for putting my logs on LoTW, Clublog
and E-QSL as well as answering all QSL card requests. Tim even bought us lunch at Portillo??s when
my wife and I visited Chicago over the Christmas holiday, what a great guy!

John KK9A
IC-7610 EFHW
Had a total of 12 operators this year for a real club effort. Added two new RTTY contesters which is
always our main goal. FT4 was used as a rate filler when RTTY slowed down. RTTY has proven to be
faster at making contacts than FT4.
LP Unlimited class
This was m first ever Radio Contesting event of any kind. I hope I did well and operated as
Amplifier failed after 50 QSOs, so had to finish the contest barefoot.
So many setup/rig problems this year. Still all
in all, glad I was around for another event.
Keep dreaming of those years gone by.   Great
fun on RTTY around 2011 - 2014.  Happy New
Year to all.
WA2BOT   [photo/doc]  
RTTY Round Up 2020 ?? Thoughts / Reflections ?? Jeff Pulver WA2BOT

Just spent 24 hours this weekend using only FT8 during the ARRL 2020 RTTY Round Up. When the contest
was finished, so were my logs..and I felt energized from this experience. About an hour after the
contest ended the contest logs were shared on LoTW and submitted to the ARRL contest portal.  This
may be the norm in 2020, but it has been twenty five plus years since I dedicated a weekend to
contesting. To put things into perspective, there was a time in my life, back in the late 70s and
early 80s when ??Contesting? was my life. Ham Radio was an integral part of my life and my
friends from High School and College knew this.  The weeks after a contest ended I worked on my logs
and then submitted them. 

In the 80s,when I participated in a contest, I enjoying having SSB responsibility (sometimes shared)
and enjoyed working pileups and speaking as fast as I could. The only automation I remember having
was a tape recorder and eventually a digital recorder used to save my voice on calling CQ.

The WA2BOT Contest station of 1982 was my dream station. Looking back, I am forever grateful to my
parents for helping me create it. In 1982 I had Telrex monobanders for 10 / 15 / 20 (5 elements
each) and 40 meters (3 elements) and wire antennas for 80. My contest station operated at the legal
limit. Even though I was just a W2 in New York, I was able to attract pileups during contests and
generally got through most pileups.

The WA2BOT Contest station of 2020 was quite modest in comparison. My only antenna was a G5RV at 40
feet and my rig had 100 watts on 80 / 40 / 20. This time around I did not need a microphone but
instead a laptop, and I was able to rely on the genius of Joe Taylor, Steve Franke and everyone who
has contributed to the evolution of digital communication leading to the creation of FT8.

To prepare to use only FT8 in this contest, I spent the past month using FT8 on 40 meters. Using
FT8, 40 meters was open 24/7 in most of the days leading up to this contest. On Saturday morning
band conditions took a turn for the worse and mostly did not recover by Sunday afternoon. The QSO
highlight for me was working Japan (JR4OZR)long path on 40 meters on Sunday. In the end I ended up
working hard to get to 304 QSOs and worked 31 countries, 41 States and 4 Canadian Provinces. I only
operated on 80 / 40 / 20. The couple of times I checked, I had no meaningful propagation on 15 or 10

While I had hopes of getting to 500+ QSOs with 100 multipliers, I am grateful for the experience I
invested my weekend in. I am looking forward to using FT8 in future contests.

Wishing everyone a great year ahead. 73s, Jeff Pulver WA2BOT
The only antenna I had up was my 80 meter wire vertical up a tree. I
had a lot of fun with this low power setup!
Operated remote from Tokyo,Japan
First who plans contest during a play off weekend?
That was bad enough but their were so many ft8 stations on the air last week end but 3/4 of them
weren't contesting. Their choice of course but it sure would have made the contest more exciting.
Very late start because of a terrible computer problem.
It lost most of the settings for the RTTY applications and logging programs.
And, of course, all of the Station detail books are still in boxes somewhere in the house or garage
waiting for the remodeling to finish.
But finally got it figured out - click this, then click that until something worked... the next day
and many hours later.
Still, it was a lot of fun playing radio.
I'm still using the temporary vertical antenna that is fed with RG58 so I ran at 500 Watts.  No
smoke or arcing.
Thanks for the Qs, Bill
FT4 only
I didn't have much time to work this contests, but I enjoyed every minute of what little time I had
This is another WQ6X portable operation from W7AYT's QTH in
Fallbrook) I ran a
test-run some new
105 watts FULL DUTY w/o breaking a sweat.
Vee and CHA-250 vertical essentially
everything I heard.
LooK for a write up on this GiG at: http://WQ6X.Blogspot.com
Rules should have been specific about use of FT8/FT4 modes would automatically put an entry in
"unlimited" category.
Two trees and a wire
Really was a wonderful contest with many modes to operate and great time with my daughter, wife and
YB1IM   [photo/doc]  
nice rtty roundup but propogation in my qth not good during contest
Just a casual operation. Was busy in some forest cleaning work operations. So the main goal was to
work in wood. Fresh air etc.
IC-7300, 80W fsk, 41m sloping wire.73 Szigy.
RIG: KENWOOD TS-450SAT 100 W; ANT: FD4 & LW 41m
IC 7300 PWR 100W
An enjoyable contest.  Conditions seemed good. Unfortunately 10m
didn't open as it had on the day before the contest.
Operated portable with batteries and solar power but couldn't make
myself heard with 100W at times on 20m, which was frustrating.
Used an IC706 and a dipole or vertical on 40m.  2-element wire
Optibeam on 15/20m.
Off-times were 0200 - 0430 and 1430 - 1800 hrs UT.