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Soapbox for 2012
Note: If you are concerned about a Soapbox comment, please contact the ARRL Contest Manager.
Great Contest! Too bad more bands were not open. |
Bands were terrible, had to fight for the few I got with 40 watts and a vertical, it was fun! |
Almost no one was on the air. This submission is much more inconvienent than other contests where thy have a Cabrilo checker. |
This was the first operation by the St Charles High School Radio Club. The club will have its own equipment in place and on the air in time for School Club Roundup - see you there! 73, Daniel, Ellen, and Ward |
Great contest. Learned a lot about my antenna performance. |
Unfortunately, the SFI was on a downward trend and 15m had virtually no RTTY activity at our location, so we worked every RR RTTY station we could hear on 20m! We found scant few new contacts the last hour of operation. Special thanks to Gene, W5DDW, for the use of his fantastic station and for being the best Elmer a Ham could have! |
Just realized I am still a Rookie and so I jumped in for my first Rookie Contest. Lots of fun. |
A lot of fun and first time using RTTY. Will want to do it again sometime soon. |
I really enjoyed my first chance to operate a digital mode in a real contest and apprecaited the coaching from Joanna (K6YL), Rebar (N6DB), and Rick (N6DQ). |
Thanks to Joanna (K6YA), Rebar (N6DB), and Rick (N6DQ) for the excellent coaching and access to the wonderful Stanford station. |
This was my first contest. I really enjoyed the experience, and I would like to thank Joanna K6YL and Rick N6DQ with helping me with the mechanics of the contest. Not to mention the hard work of Rebar N6DB for setting up the station on a beautiful northern California Sunday morning. Also I want to thank the other members of the team, Peter KJ6PUN and his dad Keith KJ6PUO. Thanks guys! Overall, this was a great initiation into contesting. I would highly recommend this type of contest to all those new to ham radio. |
Conditions were rough stateside but great for DX!! Was able to work 6W (Senegal), J6 (St Lucia), and ZD7 (St. Helena) for new DX. Plus I (Italy), PY (Brazil) and HC2 (Ecudor) were booming. Hope everyone had as much fun as I did, 73 de KK4BJV. Scott |
We only operated for three hours from the club EMCOMM trailer, but it was a great introduction to digimodes and the trailer capabilities. Another veteran brought his WinLink2000 kit and demonstrated HF email. |
HC2/AL1O is a German On DX-Pedition in Ecuador. I counted this as a unique entity of Ecuador. |
KS5A |
Humm, starting to wonder who the real "Rookies" were! An awful lot of great RTTY ops out there. Superb job! I hope to see all of you in the next RTTY contest. |
KU4V |
First Time - Interesting. Too bad there was not more participation. Glad to be able to pass out a few QSO's Needs to be better suggestions for difference in CQ header for Rookie vs Non-Rookie so OM do not waste time calling other OM. Some rookies used "[call] (11) CQ" to set them apart, I used "CQ ROOKIES KU4V (78)"; others you had to guess, then call them anyway. I will participate again! |
KX9X |
Always fun working the Rookies in this event. I made my station available to Becky, W1BXY for a short time and she got some experience with RTTY. She's taking the General class in a couple weeks, so hopefully you'll hear her on 20 meters soon. Sean KX9X |
N1EN |
Didn't have much time to play this afternoon. Figured that I'd try to hand out a few CT's in between a sked and a net. I'll admit that I did feel a little guilty about being a Rookie with a 1�?2 call, but getting D64K on first call on a couple of bands, without needing to correct my call makes up for that guilt. :) -- de N1EN (ex AB1OD) |
As a new HAM this was a great way to work a new mode of the hobby. |
Score may be low, but it was fun. |
N6HE |
GREAT way to introduce "Rookies" to HF and RTTY! I enjoyed it. I am a NON-Rookie entry- Calling CQ R (vs CQ RR) seemed to have people calling me who were licensed pre-2010, and therefore non-rookies, and as I read the rules, these QSOs don't count. But I am submitting what happened and hope ARRL can straighten it out - wouldn't be the first time I misread rules... Thanks for a great concept! Would have spent more time in the chair but our club had its annual picnic today and they were in the Lighthouse/Lightship weekend, as well. But it was fun while it lasted.... Thanks again! 73, Ray N6HE |
Conditions were very poor and few operators online. It would probably provide a much better experience to shorten the roundup to maybe 3 hours. Calling CQ for 4 hours and averaging one response every 10 minutes is not terribly fun. Thank you for organizing the RR and I look forward to the next one. |
NX8G |
It was difficult to call CQ and get only rookies to respond. |
I tried and tried. I just couldn't get through to the mainland today. I spotted many RR QSO's, but I just could not be heard. Maybe next time. It was fun trying. |
We operated from the PCARS club station and invited all the new members that qualified as rookies to come operate. We had a total of 5 Rookie operators that learned how to operate RTTY. Everyone learned something about contest software, operating procedures and learned how to operate the radio equipment. Everyone had a fun time and I believe will return to operate more RTTY. Don AF4Z Coach. |
WA1N |
Great conditions and it was good to see a lot of returning rookies from last year! |
WM9I |
My first Rookie Roundup! Great fun even if I could only be on at the last couple of hours. |