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Soapbox for 2023
Note: If you are concerned about a Soapbox comment, please contact the ARRL Contest Manager.
Please disregard this log. I omitted a qso and resubmitted a corrected log. |
AA4Q |
Only a few hours to operate. 6m from the downstairs shack, low 6m dipole only, other bands from the workroom upstairs with indoor antennas. Paper logging then manually entered into N1MM, I hope I converted the time correctly. |
It was a sunny and fairly warm day for the hike up to SOTA peak Loma Alta (W6/NC-350). I brought my six-band setup. Activity seemed lower this year than previous years. My theory is that is was thet first nice weekend this year, and people just wanted to be out instead of at their radios. By the time this is published, I'll have a video of the experience on my YouTube channel: |
AC4G |
The first evening it took sending approximately 5 "RR73" for any station to confirm QSOs and sometimes I had my doubts whether they received it or not. These were terrible conditions, but thanks to the regional/statewide hams that I worked I managed to make several QSOs. Thanks to all for the QSOs. |
AE3T |
I enjoyed operating this contest from my home QTH using low power and small attic antennas. I was able to copy many more grids than I completed QSO's with. I was also flagged in many grids where I did not copy any stations. |
AE5P/R |
If there was enhanced propagation it hid very well. |
AF1T |
Lots of problems, this time. Antennas were encrusted in snow. 5 GHz XMTR power was low. Hope to do better next time. |
AF4JF/R [photo/doc] |
Finally some activity in the January VHF contest in our area. Maybe thanks to the nice weather, almost short sleeve temperature. |
AF6G |
Here in FM08 land, no SSB activity on 6 meters either day. All QSOs were on FT8. I, and others, on FT8 could have had more Qs, but for whatever the reason, essentially no one was operating FT4. I had more than 1 lost FT8 QSO that likely would have been QSL using FT4. Yes, the prop was abysmal, but "adapt & overcome"! |
AJ4W |
6 keep trying to open but just spurts! |
I had two NJ7A. The first was on MSK144, the second was FT8. A dupe?? |
The January VHF contest in the PNW rarely has any type of propagation and that was the case for me this year. That didn't stop a good number of local stations and a few hardy rovers from getting on and operating. I'm still trying to figure out a good way to get local FT8 stations, on 50 Mhz, to follow to higher bands for additional contacts. Overall, what activity I did find gave me a chance to try out my version of the N6NB multi-band quad rover antenna. It needs a few more improvements before this year's rove during the June VHF. Till then 73's Tim |
dupes included but not counted in points |
Moving, so had almost zero to work with. Dragged up a UR3LMZ 2m transverter, my TS-590SG, and got them talking. First QSO was 6mW output till I noticed a misplaced jumper. Then up to 8W the rest of the time. And the first 3 QSOs were with a loop in the shack. Moved outside at 15' for rest of the time. Fun! de K2AXX |
K2ET/R [photo/doc] |
Late post to the soapbox, but this was the first outing for the EV Rover, and I have to say that everything went perfectly, sure I spent a little time soldering a fresh jumper or two, and a crimping fresh powerpoles for a transverter after parking in the driveway late Saturday night, but that's not too far out of the ordinary. I gave the power system a test back in June as a Portable Op. to see if running the station off of the regular 12v battery would be enough if I allowed the 12v to trickle charge through the high voltage battery when putting car in utility mode while parked. This was great, and offered no problems. I was a little concerned that the WNY cold temps my have some affect on this, but in the four grids I completed there were no issues. This was also the first outing having a 10g xverter of my own, and adding 3400 - I'd had them previously, but on loan from others. I think had I known just how many people were on 10g, I would have tried to add it years ago, before incorporating 2304 even - the band just performed wonderfully. All in all, not too shabby with a score of 36,801 projected - no June contest for me this year, but it was nice to get back in the rover saddle. I may be operating in September this year, we'll see. Hoping to add 5ghz before then, and be a full 10 band rover. I don't really have any intentions of going any higher than that! |
K2MN |
Used an indoor fan dipole and 80 watts. I called CQ TEST on CW various times during the contest but received only one response. |
K3FR |
Was already to have a good weekend contesting. That did not work out the way it was planned Six was working as expected but I couldn't get anyone to answer me, not even locals. After two hours of this I decided to do a recheck of connections; I discovered the wrong antenna connected connected to the two meter port of the 9700. That fixed and signals much stronger on 2m the situation was unchanged until I noticed that the radio was indicating 144.774MHz during transmit - the radio was running an FM +split! Fix something else. With the split fixed I began making QSOs on 2m and making up some lost ground until my power supply went up in smoke. I had been working SO2R and had accidently let the two radios get out of sync and with both running 90 watts output they presented a total load of 120% of the continuous load rating for the power supply. In the end, the power supply went into thermal runaway. Without a backup supply I was dead in the water for any attempt turning in the livel of score that I usually do. I worked a few of the locals using my HT but, for the most part I enjoyed a couple of early bedtimes and a lay-in on Sunday morning. Well, as soon as I get the supply replaced and a backup in place I'll be back on the air. Llet's see there's VAQP, June VHF-UHF, Field Day, CQWW VHF, September, and ... |
Too many stations use FT8 only. They should chech ssb/cw!! |
K3MD |
Everything worked! Ice/snow led to QRT, with antennas turning very slowly. SWR seemed OK though. |
K3SK |
My first January contest in many years. I had a few equipment issues but had fun anyway. |
Another contest successfully completed, no real propagation this contest, bands were quiet, Thanks to the South Texas Contesters, we were able to make a few more contacts. |
Poor propagation, poor turnout, too many forgot what a microphone or key are for, let the computer do it. |
K5QE |
Propagation was awful. Moon passes were truly terrible. The declination was very low and the moon times were short. You have to be a masochist to run this contest. |
The team had three operators in the vehicle and one virtual! |
Rather poor conditions and participation. Thanks to the K5ATX/R, W5TN/R, and KA5D/R rovers. |
K5ZD |
Only heard two stations on SSB. All the action was on FT8. |
6m USB worked OK, no contacts on 2m FM. |
The Sunday afternoon 49ers-Cowboys game brought everything to a halt, but by that time I had worked all the locals and never did hear any skip on 6M SSB. |
This event was a shakedown cruise for a new battery system for the radios in the rover van. I made two dozen contacts from the comfort of my driveway, and then three dozen Qs from the I-5 Smokey Point Rest Area at CN88ve, a nice open area without nearby hills. After finally connecting the right antenna to the right radio, the setup worked well. Now, look: all I've got are two antennas and two radios. So it turns out the odds of connecting them the wrong way around is pretty near 100%. Thank you Murphy! See ya next contest. |
Was too cold and snowy to go up on the mountain this year. Had fun anyway at the home QTH. 6 meters was off and on, mostly off. Can't wait for next VHF contest ! |
Limited Time operation this year. Saturday evening and most of Sunday. |
Terrible Condx Thank God for FM simplex |
rain rain rain so no chance of ducting. no Es either except at the very end on 6m. biggest problem was staying awake, boring. only 22 qsos counting 2 dupes. |
K7YO |
k7YO operating from fixed CN85. |
K8AEP [photo/doc] |
Very low activity this contest on SSB. Made several contacts on FM from High Knob, VA. Had to drive off the mountain in heavy fog, snow and sleet. Had a good time anyway and looking forward to June and more contacts on SSB. |
K8LF |
Never saw an opening this weekend. Never got a chance to really test out the new tower mounted directional atenna for 6 meters. Divided time between HA DX contest and NAQP SSB contest. |
KA0CRO [photo/doc] |
Fun to work the Family Station with my Dad and see what kind of distance we can get by aiming in different directions with the beam antennas. |
Fun contest but need alot more activity. Thanks 73 Matt ka0pqw |
Was not very active as in the past. However it was so enjoyable to jump in an "experience" the atmosphere of this years contest. I encourage past contesters to stay active no matter how small! |
KA5D/R | |
I had a lot of fun, I was a rover, went to CN87,CN88,CN,97,and CN98 I need to make some changes and I need to get more organize I had a tree eat my UHF antenna, and I had a mic that was hiding someplace in the HYlander to many cords and cable KA7RRA |
KB8W |
My second January VHF QSO party entry. Not much Es, just worked local stations. We are living Florida for the winter, change of location from our Michigan permanent residence. |
KC0P/R [photo/doc] |
Very glad the temperatures got up into the teens for Saturday and Sunday. 10 GHz is a real challange when wind chills are below zero. Hard to make the headphones to work thru the ear flapper cap. |
enjoyed the contest |
Just Playing around to meet old friends |
Very poor propagation conditions experienced Saturday likely due to winter weather conditions eliminating typical ducting and RF reflection/refraction over local terrain and along SoCA coast. A few SOTA peak stations heard at distances such as KC6ARY, N7DA, and K6CPR. Only very slightly better propagation Sunday p.m. Many stations worked harder to make local QSOs. Despite the poorer than typical conditions, it was fun. Vehicle mounted vertical antennas for most QSOs KD6EFQ/R traveled to various locations within San Diego Section including local high spots in DM12 at Del Mar Highlands, Poway, and San Diego Sunday DM13 Ramona, Escondido, San Marcos. |
KE1R |
KE8JCD [photo/doc] |
(no comments) |
The logging software that I was able to use did not allow me to select standard FM frequency ranges. Any contacts logged with 144.520 should be 146.520. Any contacts logged with 440.000 should be 446.000. Thanks Christian |
Still had fun, but bands were dead!!! |
Was too sick to go and operate as a rover this time around. |
KG9OV/R [photo/doc] |
Only a couple minor improvements have been made to the rover setup since Sept VHF. I finally got the cables made and the third N8XJK booster installed. There should now be plenty of excess capacity to keep from running the individual boosters near their load limits even at full output on any band. I also got a new cable to change one of the computer displays from Mini DisplayPort to USB-C. For whatever reason, when the display is connected via Mini DisplayPort on the NUC, there is noise that completely trashes the entire 432 band. Simply changing that display cable completely eliminated the noise issue. As for the actual route, I was a little lackadaisical and in the end simply decided to hit a couple grid corners I have visited in the past. Saturday would be EN51-EN60-EN61 and Sunday would be EN40-EN50-EM49 and then a stop in EM59 and EM58 on the way home Sunday evening. There was snow in the forecast for the weekend, but it wasn??t expected until late Saturday into early Sunday and only about an inch, so it looked like the weather would be decent for the route. Since the first grid is a few hour drive from home, I was up before dawn to get the van warming up and finish packing in the last bit of gear. Some things like the LiFePO4 station batteries really don??t like below freezing temps, so it took a little longer than usual before I was on the road heading to the first stop. As it turns out, I overestimated the time needed to get everything ready, drive time, and getting setup at the first top. So, I ended up with some time to kill on Saturday morning. No big deal though, better than rushing to get there or not getting started on time. After the couple hour drive everything in the rover was good and warmed up and it was finally time to settle in to play radio. As other have reported and is to be expected on the VHF+ bands in January, conditions were just pretty average. Even with the so so band conditions, there seemed to be quite a bit of activity during the first several hours of the contest. After a few hours in each of EN51, EN60, and EN61, the Qs were slowing down and it was time to start moving toward the new corner for Sunday. After an hour or so of driving I decided to stop and grab a few ZZZs before continuing on early Sunday morning. I had kind of expected there to be snow on the ground when I got up Sunday morning, but it was well into the drive to the next stop before I saw the first snowflake. Just on the west side of Springfield, it started snowing and continued until I got to my spot in EN50. As predicted it only amounted to about an inch and was gone almost as quickly as it showed up. It did make for a couple nice pictures of the rover, even if I did try to kill myself slipping and sliding on the fresh wet snow in the ditch across the road trying to get that ??perfect picture?. It was not one of my more graceful moments to say the least. After a few MSK Qs to pick up a couple multipliers first thing in morning, Sunday just turned out to be another day of average band conditions for me. Though I did see some other folks calling / working the Caribbean, I never heard any of them. I did see the random decode of an east coast or southeast station on 6m FT8 throughout the day, but none of them ever lasted long enough to complete a Q. After several hours hanging out around the grid corner, it was time to start heading closer to home. As planned, I stopped in EM59 and EM58 along the way to get in another shot at the handful of stations that had been following me through the weekend (thanks guys!) and even managed to snag a couple new multipliers with some local stations around home that I hadn??t heard yet earlier in the contest. All in all, another enjoyable weekend playing radio? Gear: Flex 6600 / Q5 Signal 5BVUX 50 - 200w - Par Moxon @ 18?? 144 - 200w - Directive Systems 6el Rover Yagi @ 12?? 222 - 100w - Directive Systems 10el Rover Yagi @ 10?? 432 - 100w - Directive Systems 15el Rover Yagi @ 8?? |
KG9Z |
Limited non-digital activity |
ARRL January VHF Contest |
Two women hams operating rover, one 13 year old son logging! |
KI7OFL [photo/doc] |
You have all herd it before, you didn't plan to fail, you failed to plan.... My plan was to operate as KI7OFL/R starting at a remote location DM31 and work my way back to DM51. Work and life got in the way, I was getting everything together early Saturday morning to be in position to start the contest as a Rover. Opened the hood of my truck to find no coolant in the reservoir and an obvious drip from the water pump. This is the second time in two years I have had this failure (Two years but about 80,000miles....). I ended up operating from the poorly located back yard within my HOA while I worked on the truck. New water pump, hoses and related was just over $600, could have added another radio or antenna. Hopefully I will be better prepared for this summer's contest. 73 everyone, Bud KI7OFL |
Mag mount antenna on top of vehicle. |
All antennas were mag mount verticals on top of vehicle. |
Very poor condx |
No Soapbox |
lots of fun. I learn a little every year. |
Good turn out; SOTA and POTA stations also in the mix. Appreciate the QSOs along the way; from ops both familiar, and new. |
Great contest. First time going up to Palomar Mountain Boucher Hill Lookout (SDG area, California) and setting up for this event. Pix to be forthcoming. Thanks ARRL! |
KX7L |
This year Mr. Murphy came to visit the shack in spades. At the opening gate I realized I had some computer issues relating to the expiring support for Windows 7 that I had to resolve, then I messed up the WSJTx log files. Finally got a late start, and began making QSO's, but then discovered that the tree next to my house had grown a bit since the Sep contest, and I could no longer rotate my antenna. I was stuck between 90 and 180 degrees! Then to make things worse, no one seemed to be hearing me on 2m. I worked a couple locals on FT8, but my calls on SSB went un-answered. In desperation on Sunday afternoon I turned off the 2m amp, and suddenly people started hearing me. Evidently my 2m amp is now a 2m attenuator! Some station work needs to be done before June. Thanks for all the QSOs in spite of everything! |
N0HZO/R [photo/doc] |
Lots of activity right at the end! |
N0LD/R [photo/doc] |
The Oklahoma Convergence: Several Operators in Oklahoma and Arkansas (N0LD, W0HGJ, K5SRT, KB0YHT, KI5RHN, KM5OX, N5ZY, KI5VZJ, KC0MTM) decided to get together and do some synergistic, grid -square circling, line-dancing. Our primary purpose was to put several rovers on the road at once in Oklahoma and Kansas to introduce four people to rovering: KM5OX, KI5RHN, KI5VZJ, Cyrus Compton. Cyrus is 13 years old and is studying for his license: Cyrus helped log and did a great job! The teams consisted of 5 rovers: N0LD/r, K5SRT/r, KI5VZJ/r, N5ZY/r, and KM5OX. N0LD/r - Randy-N0LD, Harvey-W0HGJ K5SRT/r - Ross-K5SRT, Nick-KB0YHT, Nick-KI5RHN KI5VZJ/r - Ashley-KI5VZJ, Samantha-KC0MTM, Cyrus Compton KM5OX/r - Don-KM5OX N5ZY/r - Marcus-N5ZY An Honorable Mention goes out to KX5S; he operated portable from 3 grids and he worked some of the OKRovers from home towards the end of the contest. The unlimited rover category is a great training area for new rovers with limited radios, antennas, and developing skills. It teaches the planning, discipline, mechanics, strategy, the tactics of rovering. Our OKRovers group is designed to share our joy in rovering with others. We will post pictures on the ARRL website, but our website is great for seeing the pictures in our history: We also have a Facebook group that shares our successes, trials, and tribulations: or you can search "ARRL VHF Contest - N0LD Rover". The OKRovers are trying to develop members into Classic and Limited Rovers. Occasionally you will see some of us spin off into these areas. We really enjoy the thrill of a good long-distance set of contacts from high points in the OK surrounding states. Our three rover (N0LD/r, K5SRT/r, and KI5VZJ/r run began high atop Turkey Mountain on the SW part of Tulsa, OK. We worked EM26 and EM16 at one of our favorite spots in Oklahoma. N5ZY/r met us briefly as he operated high atop Turkey Mountain. N5ZY/r has a new set of roof mounted antennas on his electric car, really a thing of beauty! We drove a few miles south and operated the grid corner and then it was on to Caney, KS and the line-dance at the border between KS and OK. A few miles further north we ran into rain, but continued by working the grid line between EM27 and EM17. We proceeded to Winfield, KS and enjoyed a late dinner at Braum's. Our contacts with the Wichita Metropolitan area growing! I was lucky enough to work KB0ZOM and WA0QHJ in Nebraska in EN00 on 2m from near Augusta, KS and then the next day after I transitioned to EM07. We arrived at KB0YHTs new house on Saturday about 10 PM, pretty much on schedule. The next morning we worked a number of local hams on our way to the grid square corner about an hour SW of Wichita, KS. 6m was a little more open Sunday than on Saturday. (Overall we did not make many 6m e-skip contacts but we did have a brief opening to FN03 and FN04) Our goal was to operate the grid square corner, but then MOVE to the next one on-time to keep our schedule. The EM07, EM17, EM06, and EM16 corner was a little muddy, we avoided the EM17 combinations just to keep our schedule on track. After a restroom break was attempted in Manchester, OK - and failed - we went on to a small town in Oklahoma called "Nash" that thankfully had a nice restroom in a nice convenience store. On to Enid for lunch at the Bricktown Brewery. We continued down the highway to Dover, OK and then over to the grid corner only to find that our convenient EM05 part of the corner was blocked by a large crane doing bridge maintenance. As such we went south a mile or two and worked the EM05/EM15 line... we had four rovers - due to a thankful meeting with KX5S! After we had milked all the line dance possibilities and encountered a farmer with an AR-15 rifle mounted in his truck (he had obviously seen a lot of thievery) most of us left that area and worked the EM15/EM16 line. Unfortunately, there were too many hills in between our distance EM05 position and the EM15/EM16 hills. However, K5SRT/r made some good VHF contacts with our good friend WQ0P near Marysville, KS (EM19)! Our experience is that EM06 is on a public road near that position, but there are cattle guards and nervous farmers near that position, so we gave it a rest and moved on! We said our goodbyes to the KI5VZJ/r team as they were heading home to NW Arkansas. EM05 on the overpass west of El Reno is a wonderful location. It is high up and the overpass has a LARGE area adjacent to the overpass. In the past we have worked into Texas, Mexico, and even Nebraska from this location. Today, conditions were worse than flat. N0LD/r made some contacts with N5ZY/r from a park near El Reno. These were not easy contacts, it took a lot of aligning, perhaps even some fortuitous knife edge refraction :) K5SRT/r found a bridge that would have decapitated his rover, so he skipped El Reno. K5SRT/r proceeded to the hilltop with the water tower west of the Riverwind Casino south of Norman, OK by skirting the west edge of OKC. N0LD/r went to the heart of OKC and then down 35 to the same location. Both rovers worked many local SCARS and Norman contesters - many with just FM equipment. A notable contact was with Mark-N5HZR the OK ARRL Section Manager. KM5OX/r met us for his first rover contacts on the watertower hill and some great sunset photos. Saturn, Venus, and the crescent moon were quite striking. We proceeded to Purcell, OK and worked across a bridge to work the EM14/EM15 line, taking a break at the local Braum's and answering many interested questions from the locals. From there, we said goodnight and changed occupants between N0LD/r and K5SRT/r to be able to return home. We are proud of our Oklahoma and Kansas trip and our inclusion of four new rovers to the OKRovers! |
Power ran was 100w on 2m and 6m. 50w on 432 mhz. Running SO3B |
Not a total loss... |
N2KW |
Thanks to Dave, K1TTT, for the use of his fine station! |
This was my first real effort from my new QTH in FN30JU. All antennas on roof, so gave it a shot. No E's entire weekend. The highlight was blowing up my BEKO 1KW 2M amp. Yes, I have bad luck with amps lately. This happened probably due to an overshoot from my IC-9100. The protection failed. I never use it with the Icom, but wanted to get some more power on FT8. That didn't end well, but had fun this contest. FT8 contacts were mainly 6M. All other bands were predominately SSB/Phone. Ended around 0150 UTC Sunday night. |
A fun runup to WFD! |
Easiest log ever to dupe check |
N3YY [photo/doc] |
Arrived at my cabin Thursday evening. Turned on the inverter, got the woodstove going and place warmed up. Then friday morning the ice coating started, it almost ended my weekend but by midday friday, rain then warming melted off the ice and SWR's returned to normal. Used that time to set up my secondary antennas in the front yard ...simple 12 ft pole, bunjees, stepladder jerry rigged ! Then worked on getting my spare FT 991A/laptop connected and networked into main N3FJP . Ugghhh now networking is not working !!! Finally i got both networked, everything's working then the ice starts falling again ! 2100 ft elevation in upstate NY is a double edge sword. Went to bed friday night figuring my weekend was probably finished but Saturday morning i wake up and the ice melted off... and the ice held off til Sunday night around midnight ! Contest started off very well with lots of local/regional activity mostly within 300 miles but VERY VERY strong inside 300 miles ... i was glad to get the occasional EM and EN grids when they popped up . Propagation from me (FN22) to the Carolina's, GA, Fla and EM grids was spotty, not as good as usual and i didn't work alot of the usual calls i often work from that region. Did get to work several local/regional people on 2m FM and 440 FM which was nice ! Had a couple nice, extended Qso's with a few new calls to me ... and a few regulars as well. A little ragchew during the contest was an enjoyable break. I pushed hard into Sat night, planned to hit the hay around midnight but started making Q's again but around 230am EST it ended. I slept from 3am until 5am est Sunday morning, got up, had a quick, cool, bag shower some coffee and started on 6/2 meteor scatter around 6am . Had a blast making some new grids via MSK until that slowed ...then FT8 slowed so i threw on the head phones, got my foot on the switch and started calling CQ . Made alot of one after the other local/regional Q's on voice while it lasted. Love it when i can get any kind of a run going on SSB voice, about 20% of my Q's were on phone . Wish more people were on phone as you can really rack up points fast. From midday Sunday on, i jockeyed between bands making lots more regional Q's and also running out in the rain to armstrong the secondary antennas between eastward (toward NYC, NJ) and then straight down the east coast towards Phila, Wash/DC and VA ...Just so many calls this weekend within 300 miles i haven't seen before was nice ! Then sometime around 5pm Sun, the lack of sleep started hitting me so i made another coffee, threw my alum foil/prepackaged leftovers meal on the woodstove, ate dinner around 6pm with B.i.C trying to keep making Q's ...7pm i'm getting really tired but i'm staying in military mode ! FT8, just after 8pm all heck breaks loose. I start seeing all kinds of SA and even snagged a few for some new grids . Then i'm copying a guy in the southwest around 1000 mi at +18db , i make the Q and he sends me (i think) around +20 !!! Had a few more Q just like that, approx 1000mi into the South/Southwest, abnormally strong copy and receive . This SA and SW opening continued until around 930-10pm . The excitement provided a much needed second wind for the final push and a bunch of new grids ! Spent the last hour looking everywhere for any more crumbs and Q's ...throwing out CQ's on 2 and 6 phone, listened on 432.174 where i randomly found and made a few Q's in the last hour. The end came and i treated myself to one dark stout beverage and pretzels ....which went down so good . Pics of my QTH and setup are both on my QRZ page and the FB group Eastern States VHF & up Chat . Two FT 991A , two networked laptops, mobile hotspot in my phone for internet. Main Yagi's at 60 ft: M2 6m5hxp, M2 432-9wl, 15el K1FO on 2m . Secondary Yagi's at 12 ft in front yard my 1990's M2 2m-12 , Sirio 3el 6m yagi(nice wide pattern) To the couple rovers i worked, Thank you ! I myself started doing weak signal as a rover, mid 90's with K3YTL (Yellow Traffic Light) 6m-10Ghz . I'd like to coordinate better with rovers and work more of you ! Thank you everyone for all the fun and the Q's ! 73 ...Steve |
Tnx to all the Rovers KG9OV/R, NV4B/r,K4NO/r,AG4V/r,glad to see Rover activity pickup in this area |
N5BF |
EME only in support of contest ops |
RoverLog is terrific! |
N5ZY/R [photo/doc] |
This is my very first VHF contest as a Rover in my vehicle with my equipment. Obviously I was not expecting anything but learning opportunities and I did not expect to make many contacts. That expectation came true but I did have fun and the weather was wonderful for January. It was a miracle I had everything prepared and was able to get on the air since I was assembling everything the night before. I owe Randy N0LD/R,, a huge thanks for inviting me to join them again and for all the preparation work he did getting everyone together to plan their trip and strategy. Being in an electric car with only a 64kW battery I obviously couldn??t follow them but I like to find a nice place to park in a new location and see what the propagation will allow me to do. Unfortunately both days I did not start my trip until 6M propagation was ending. It was mocking me as it was incredibly busy while I was resolving problems. Saturday I traveled to Tulsa??s Turkey Mountain which is 884 feet. It overlooks the area as required for VHF. This is a park with many mountain biking, walking, hiking and running visitors, and today, amateur radio visitors. It offers a nice gravel parking lot with a few scenic overlooks. It does come with QRM from all the vehicle engines in the parking lot and those on the roadway adjacent to the parking lot. Also there are high voltage power lines running overhead and the urban QRM all around the mountain. Background noise was often high. Sunday I traveled the opposite direction to POTA location K-7685 American Horse State Fishing Lake near Geary Oklahoma. This location was 1,600 ft but surrounded by other ridge lines, many of which had wind generator farms. I was also surrounded by oil fields with electric motors on the pump jacks and scrubbers with I presume electric igniters. So in some directions there was plenty of QRM. At one point however the noise went away. As I was driving the last 10 miles to the location the noise was actually very strong but then when I arrived at the top of the ridge and turned the car the other direction the noise disappeared. I suspect it was QRM from a nearby oil field. For both locations I unfortunately arrived when 6m was finished for the day, or nearly finished. For 2m on Saturday there were some locals I managed to speak to but the national simplex frequency was busy with chin waggers and calling CQ off-freq didn??t score any contacts. For Sunday I was not able to reach anyone except Randy, N0LD/R, when he arrived in El Reno. He heard me calling CQ and he came back to me. I did hear another person on 2m very loud - when he came back to me he said I sounded over-modulated and he couldn??t understand but then he faded away and I never heard him again. On 6m I copied a station in Mexico a few times but never made contact. My goal was to activate a POTA location for the VHF contest but Turkey Mountain is not a POTA park and the following day I was at a POTA location but nobody could hear me. Also I was simply not prepared at all to activate a POTA location. I changed logging programs 3 times and chased Windows COM port mappings, etc. Next time I won??t have all the construction time and I can spend more time on the software/setup. Instead of taking one day off-work I should have taken two but I had no idea how many hours I would spend assembling 2 antennas and all the PVC pipe and the roof rack. My setup: IC-7610 on 6M IC-9700 on 2M, 70CM, and 23CM Battery: LiFePo 12v from Bioenno Power (ABS, BLF-1260AS) Antennas: 6M: Par Electronics Stressed Moxon 2M: M2 2M7X 70CM: M2 440-11X 23CM: Comet CYA-1216E (M2 23CM22EZB not in stock) |
N6RH/R |
RoverLog is terrific! |
N6ZE/R |
With limited operating available this time, I just used 5 in-town locations with my mobile rigs with whip antennas plus two ALINCO FM handhelds with whips for a few 223.5, 902.1, & 1294.5 MHZ QSOs. All Thousand Oaks (DM04) sites had little tropo noted: there were substantial winds & no temperature inversions were noted. All QSOs were on USB or FM. Thanks to all who operated. |
We had a lot of fun during this contest clocking in just about 600 miles over the weekend. We operated from 2 new grids this time and look forward to re-visiting these spots in June. Special thanks to the XYL, K7LSX/R, who is the best rover companion a guy could ever ask for. She makes it fun. Hope to hear you in June. |
N7VD |
A huge thanks to the rovers and their effort. No 6 meter opening made for a slow time but FT8 and meteor scatter helped. |
N8KH |
Started 4.5 hours late due to funeral. Propagation poor. |
N9TF |
Well, another January VHF in the books. Only 6m capable here, and it was very sporadically (cough), open, sort of. I did make a couple SSB contacts locally, and called CQ on both CW and SSB from time to time, but all the activity, sparce, sporadic, and difficult to work, was on digi FT8. Very challenging with only a 3 element beam up off the ground about 18' fed with about 160' of DXE 400MAX direct burial coax. I was kept busy making trips out to the antenna to turn by the armstrong method. No rotor as of yet. Still planning the VHF antenna farm! Lets hope OL'SOL keeps producing MORE sun spots and the SFI keeps climbing. Maybe by next January conditions will be more like June or even better, with Es and F2 prop mixed in. I can dream can't I! 73 Gene, N9TF. 100 watts to 3 elements 18' above ground. |
NZ1I |
Terrible Conditions. |
SO3B |
Fighting myself to ensure I submitted my log, having missed the June VHF 2022 by an hour or so! Up Skirt Mtn. on Sat. Sunday, with our only Island N-S hwy blocked by a geologic survey crew, I couldn't go N (fm CN88) to CN89, so trickled west to CN78. Then, at SEA LEVEL!!! and with no 'net access still roused some contacts! 50 MHz had major line noise so stayed with 144. Lesson learnt, set up all the gain antennas one has! Tnx all. |
VE3DS [photo/doc] |
Had a late start, as spent the week prior putting the station back together with the Elecraft K4D, Q5 Signal 5 band transverter and my switching system as well as 2304 and 3456 Mhz. Happy to report that everything worked including 2304 and 3456 this time. Enjoyed the contest, with typical winter up and down propagation. Glad to see so many locals on 50 Mhz and up this time! |
BAND QSOs MULTS 50 107 32 144 95 21 222 41 9 432 42 11 902 17 5 1.2G 18 7 2.3G 8 2 3.4G 3 1 5.7G 2 1 10G 5 1 24G 1 1 123G 1 1 LIGHT 1 1 |
My transmitted mode is shown for cross-mode contacts Claimed score does not include two duplicate QSOs (VE3OIL/R, VE3ELL) Equipment - 50 MHz Yaesu FTDX-10 60-100 W, attic dipole 144 MHz Elecraft K2+xvtr+amp 100W, 5 el Yagi @ 25'.FT290RII 25 W, indoor GP on FM. 222 MHz Elecraft K2+xvtr 20W, 7 el.indoor Yagi 432 MHz Elecraft K2+xvtr 10W, 10 el. Indoor Yagi.FT-818 6W, indoor GP on FM. 903 MHz Elecraft K2+rx conv., homebrew tx, 5W, 7 el indoor Yagi 1296 MHz FT-290R+xvtr+amp 6W, 10 el indoor Yagi 2304 MHz: FT-290R+xvtr 1W, 9 el indoor Yagi 10 GHz: K2 + 2m xvtr + DB6NT xvtr/amp 2 W, indoor 2 ft. dish |
BAND QSOs QSO Pts GRIDS 50 4 4 2 144 11 11 2 222 0 0 0 432 4 8 1 902 1 4 1 1.2G 3 12 1 2.3G 1 8 1 3.4G 0 0 0 5.7G 1 8 1 10G 1 8 1 24G 1 8 1 123G 1 8 1 LIGHT 1 8 1 29 87 13 Calculated score = 87 QSO Pts x 13 mults = 1131 |
I did not invite Murphy into the shack for the contest but he showed up and decided that I should not be able to use my 2M beam for most of the contest. So much for upgrading to new antenna for the contest. Apparently new antenna does not like wet weather in its curent configurations. Guess what It rained in Vancouver in January |
W1AW [photo/doc] |
A last minute deal to put W1AW/0 KS on 6 Meters for the January VHF Contest. Thanks to Drew, K3PA for letting me do it. Operated single op portable with a 3 el yagi on 6 Meters. Overnight Saturday it snowed, and Sunday morning the rural roads to my operating site were icy and slushy. Almost didn't go out due to that, finally decided to try for a few contacts. I was surprised when I turned on the radio after setting up and the band map screen was full of strong traces at 1505 UTC. There was a surprise sporadic-E opening Sunday morning. Es open to W1, W2, W3, VE3, and W8. The Ontario stations were booming in. Even some F2 with PJ4MM FK52 peaking at -8 dB! Glad to hand out the VOTA W1AW/0 callsign. Noticed some ops were receiving the hash <...> instead of W1AW/0. Especially when I called other stations. Calling CQ seemed to work well. 73 N0JK. |
W2EV/R |
Catastrophic failure on day 1 led to abbreviated activity, but had fun anyway. |
W4IU |
Too much emphasis on FT8!!! Award multipliers for CW and phone. PC to PC is taking the fun out of the contest. |
W4MAA [photo/doc] |
Forgot the contest was this past weekend. Did not work much of it at all on Saturday with less the favorable band conditions. Sunday was much better and watched football and had a few beers working the contest. Cheers from W4MAA |
W4PM |
Poor propagation very limited CW activity. 6 meters has become a FT-8 band. Changes should be made to this contest. Allow 2 points for analog contacts especially CW and mults should also be allowed mode. Need incentive to get on CW. Puck W4PM |
W6YX/R |
Cabrillo merging from multiple sources is a pain. |
W7IMC [photo/doc] |
New Comet GP-9N, Comet CX-333, and Hustler G-3754 worked wonderfully with first time simplex contacts into adjacent grid squares. Special thanks to all those who came back to my CQ Contest call in SW Idaho. This was my second VHF contest and I was much more organized this time around 73 Scott W7IMC |
Great contest! A few very short sporadic E openings and some unexpected late evening F2 to South America on Sunday night helped the score. Seemed like more local activity than last year also. |
Nice weather this year. |
Back on 2 Meters after a long hiatus. Quite a paradigm shift from previous contests. Very little phone and CW activity. Mostly FT8. Had a lot of fun. |
RoverLog is terrific! |
Fun! Got to use N6ZE's extra ALINCO 222/902 MHZ handheld for some QSOs. |
Hiked up to the SOTA peak before sunrise. Operated as a QRP portabe 5 watt station from DM33, SOTA Peak W7A/MN-119. Using an FT-818, 4 HT's, small beams on 2, 432, 1296, a Dipole on 6M, and Duckie antennas on the other bands. Quieter than last year, and much colder also. Activity down from last year is seemed. |
The ARRL January VHF Contest is always a contest of survival, especially for QRP portable operators. Besides worrying about the weather, there is concern about band conditions, which is usually not optimal in January, except for a short Sporadic-E opening. I was very happy to work a CW station during this event in the CW portion of the Six Meter Band! Band conditions were pretty poor with stations west of me in FN20 being weak and not workable. I still enjoyed this contest and fortunately, the weather was not too bad in Long Island this year! |
Just a few openings to Soth Fl. Only got to operate Saturday |
Unfortunately, the 6 Meter band was dead - not even any noise was heard. I got Mike in Loudoun County VA. about 25 miles from Washington DC. on the 2 Meter band on CW - one of my farthest QSO's on the Two. His CW carrier signal had its typical VHF varied fading echo flutter tone. Unfortunately, that was the only distant 2 Meter signal to be heard. |
WD9EWK [photo/doc] |
Hi! This was an unplanned activity. As I was driving back to I-10 from the DM51/DM52 line where I had been working satellites, I saw N7DSX's truck parked near Dragoon AZ, with both N7DSX/R and K7LSX/R in action. After a quick tour of the truck, I asked N7DSX and K7LSX if they wanted some contacts from my portable gear - Yaesu FT-817 for 6m/2m/70cm SSB, Kenwood TH-D74 for 223.5 MHz FM, all at 5W output. Happy to contribute a few QSOs to their efforts. 73! |
WF1L |
First Contest in a while. Disappointed with my station performance and the number of participants on the air. |
WF4R |
WO3X |
I am operating analog, which is FM and SSB according to the ARRL Rules. |
WU4G |
Please consider changing the VHF contests to allow contacts with a station for EACH MODE per band. My digital transmit ability was broken so only operated CW and there was almost nothing there to work! Almost everyone was on FT8. This contest needs to utilize more than one frequency on each band or we are going to lose our allocations! |
WX3K |
A good one day contest effort for me on the lower 4. Some missed grids opportunities. ON4KST chat is always awesome ! A lot of sloppy FT8 etiquette out there. Seems to be related to NA VHF mode perhaps. Some ops had decoding issues. Can there be a "information bar in WSJT to show decoding errors or possible issues to inform the operator ? I think there are a lot of puzzled operators out there when the exchange goes beyond 3 exchanges during a contest ! |
WZ1V |
Analog-Only |