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Soapbox for 2022
Note: If you are concerned about a Soapbox comment, please contact the ARRL Contest Manager.
AA4Q |
part of AZ SOTA Summit Swarm on W7A/AW-040 33.9814, -111.798 |
Another fun year on top of SOTA peak Loma Alta, W6/NC-350. This time I went up again for a few hours on Sunday afternoon as well. I'm glad I did, I got a few good mults. KN6REU also came up with me on Sunday, and she made about a dozen contacts. I was disapponted I couldn't find anyone on 900MHz or 10GHz. By the time you read this, there will be a video summary on the ham_bitious YouTube page, and one on my blog at Looking forward to the next one! |
It was far too cold to do a "real" rove, so instead I did a POTA/WWFF activation. |
AF1T |
The Grid count was really poor due to cold weather, power line noise, and a frozen rotator. Special thanks to AF1R/R, KG6CIH/R, W2SZ, W1FKF, W1RGA, and K1KG for providing many contacts up through 10 GHz. I did not make any Digital contacts. |
Schedule conflict Jan 15-17 |
AJ6T |
I was active in this contest to look for new grids toward 222 MHz VUCC, and I was able to snag two new ones. With just 10 watts and 10 elements on 1.25m I expected all my QSOs would be on FT8, but I did manage one CW contact with K9MRI (321 miles) and one Q65 contact with KU8Y (346 miles). When activity on 222 MHz got low I made a few 6m FT8 QSOs for fun, and I was pleased to find some E-skip to Mexico. |
AK4U [photo/doc] |
Bitter cold, low visibility, and high wind at High Knob VA made this January contest a real challenge. Managed to get on 2 bands for a total of 2 contacts on 2 FM from same grid square. Never seen bands so dead during a contest. Looking forward to June! |
Contains 3 dupes not counted in claimed score |
I expected to work the contest on Sunday but computer video card went bad and had to solve the problem! |
Need seperate contest for Digital, FT-8, FT4 |
K2ET/R [photo/doc] |
This may have been the first contest Iā??ve participated in where, short of two patch cables, everything worked right from moment one. Overall activity seemed about on par to others, at least during the daylight hours. I spent a little more time than initially planned operating the FT modes, but working down in VA, MD, and out to Western MI, and Eastern ME to pick up those extra grids on 2m made it well worth the time. Called it early both days - Saturday for the Bills Game, and Sunday due to weather, but still looking like a close to PR score! |
K2JB |
There was a great six-meter opening into Oklahoma and Texas on Saturday which helped us a lot. |
K3MD |
Everything worked. Everyone seems to have made a successful transition to FT8. Some problems with TVI on 2M. Conditions on 1296 were not good. Activity on ON4KST was there, it was however exceptionally difficult to make QSO;s on 1296. Apparently some are having problems with their IC-9700's not being stable enough for FT8 on 432 and above... no such problems with the FT-736R. |
K3SK |
Had a little fun although running only vertical FM antennas for 2, 222 & 432 MHz makes it tough. I did work 9 states on 2 meters using the wrong polarization. |
Great condx on six for the contest. Spent hours working into New England and Texas. |
K4TG |
Band was dead, had a few sporadic openings on Saturday, Sunday none |
Six meter eskip opening Saturday afternoon added to contest. |
K5EI |
My 6m PAR-30 is damaged, so I relied on a 2m Big Wheel and 2M432. From NTX, which is largely a VHF/UHF island. |
Thanks to the rovers who added to the activity. Conditions poor due to frontal passage. |
K5ND |
See my full write up and photos at |
Maybe a 6 Meter digial contest could be held and a seperate one for SSB/CW because digital is so slow. |
K5ZD |
Not much activity except on FT. Too bad. |
portable, 4 radios, 3 modes, 7 antennas |
K6RE |
Good turnout! Fun to work the usual crowd plus some newly made friends! 73, Rich |
K6VHF/R [photo/doc] |
This is Alex K6VHF. As always I am pleased to participate in this great contest. January VHF for K6VHF is a special event. I was working on all 11 bands from 50MHz and up to 10GHz. 73 de K6VeryHighFrequency/Rover |
K7CNT [photo/doc] |
I had a great time up at Windy Point Campground @ 6000' elv. Thanks to all. |
Very slow - Thank God for FM Simplex |
K7YO |
This was a fun contest. |
very tough going bands just would not behave so many bad/wide signals covering up stations on FT8 |
Very slow contest. at least a little six meter opening. |
Combined operating from as many POTA sites as possible. Thanks and 73. |
I had fun in my first ARRL VHF contest. I enjoyed my first CW QSOs on 2 meters. My favorite contact started on SSB but he couldn't make out my call, so I switched to CW and he picked me right out. CW and QRP work well. |
I had a lot of fun in this contest. I got a slow start. I also thought there was going to be a lot of snow in the areas that I go to but up on Green Mountain there was no snow at 1700 feet. I did find some nice little hills that worked great for the grid I was in out of Granite Falls DAve KA7RRA |
A lot of activity on 6m with Mexico booming in great. Even with a low score it was a lot of fun as always. 73 Michael KB5WBH |
Great to see all the participation. |
KB7QAG [photo/doc] |
Hiving in community called: The Rosemount place, NO antennas on the roof but Having ham shack in closet but do have dualband in the attic. Cence 2008 made contact less thin 20 before moving from gig harbor Myself, Mom and Dad, I had 2 antennas on the roof 2 yegies 2m and 70cm |
This was my second vhf contest, I had some technical setbacks this time around , but had fun anyway. |
RoverLog is terrific! |
KC0P/R |
Signals got very weak to impossible on Sunday afternoon and so missed what would normally be some easy multipliers at 150 miles. |
First contest ever. Goal: Don't finish last. |
Tried 70cm FT8, no joy. |
Used indoor antennas - Arrow J-Pole for FM on 2m and 70cm, and home-brew dipole for FT8 on 6m. Too cold to run a wire in from an outside antenna (I need to drill a hole into the house this spring). Left FM radio running and caught contacts as the called CQ. Had to relearn the FT8 software (WSJT) and used SignaLink with K3 for 6m; mobile iCom 2m/70cm for FM. I also need to find a good logging program; I entered all the contacts by hand. |
Despite a fairly rare snow event, managed to nearly match last year's score. Had a couple of problems with the latest version of N1MM's Logger+ in that I needed to fiddle with the settings for the connection to my rig. Also, while DUPEs were correctly scored, there used to be an indication that the contact was a dupe. Maybe it's buried in the documentation somewhere. Since I had so few contacts, I finally settled for keeping the log sorted in alphabetical order by callsign, and then sending out a message to that effect when a station I had previously worked called me. Sometimes it took a while to get the message across. |
RoverLog is terrific! |
Took an hour or so to contest while troubleshooting 6, 2, and 70cm Yagis. Also had logger issues so it was barely "modest" effort. Long distance propagation did not happen while I was on. |
KD5IKG/R [photo/doc] |
Was a fun contest, best January score yet, my low power transverters for microwaves were all working great due to help from K5TRA and K0MHC, had fun with fellow roverā??s KA5D, KB5PRZ, K2EZ and W5TN, missing were the Oklahoma Rover crew and K5ND. Car side Contest catering by KB5PRZ in the vanagon kept us focused on contacts and socially distanced from everyone! Thanks for the home stations that make these contest fun! Was suffering S5 noise levels on Saturday and could not copy the same stations the other rivers were working, after requiring and clip on toroidal on Saturday night. We were down to S-1/2, culprits were a 12v usb charging port that was added and no impact on HF. Just wiped the VHF bands out, that was a station improvement that got thrown away after the contest! Thanks for the contacts. This may be my last rover outing before a transfer to Europe |
KD6EFQ/R was schedule constrained to operate a few hours on each day. As a portable station in a vehicle, I was able to activate two San Diego County grids from moderate elevation locations. A light rain arrived in San Diego at the start of the contest Saturday eliminating local VHF ducting conditions along coastal SoCA. VHF seemed to have LOS propagation from peaks. Many SOTA ops heard on 144 FM. KD6EFQ/R used a IC-7200 with a portable loop and laptop for WSJT-X on FT8 digital mode on 50.315 MHz without any successful DX QSOs. No stations were heard on 50 MHz except FT8; not one 50 PH station received. CW stations heard on 432.100 but no QSO completed except on FM. |
KD9VV [photo/doc] |
Great contest during the winter doldrums here in the midwest |
This is my first contest. I built a 6m full wave Delta loop out of wire and hung it from my bedroom ceiling. Unfortunately the bands were not in my favor and the snow on the roof did not help, but 15 unique grid squares and 26 total contacts isn't bad for what I have to work with. I'm not sure if I should have entered the 3 band category or not. I only worked 6m. |
KE8JCD [photo/doc] |
Have lots of fun participating in the VHF events. |
KF2T |
I forgot to submit my logs on time. If nothing else its useful information for you. I am submitting 2 logs for this contest, one for Single Operator Portable and one for Rover Station KF5RRW/R. This is the Single Operator logs. I am unsure if I should submit for 3-band or not, as I only operated on 2 bands 144 & 432. This 10W portable station was set up on top of the Sandia mountain in the Cibola National Forrest, a 10,000FT mountain top. A flooded 12V battery and a 20w solar panel with charge controller was used for power. The radios used was a 40 year old IC-211 all mode 2 meter radio and an TYT MD-380 handheld for 432. The antenna was a simple 2 meter dipole 5ft off the gound, it was tuned for the SSB portion of the band. I setup on a park bench at the tramcar house. The tram is about 3 miles south of the radio broadcast and ham radio towers which can be accessed by a road. The tram was used to avoid interference from the large amount of RF. There was too much equipment to hike very far with all the equipment in a backpack so the tram ticket purchase was worth it. Weather could not have been better, the temperature was 2 degrees C with very little wind and sunny. |
I forgot to submit my logs on time. If nothing else its useful information for you. I am submitting 2 logs for this contest, one for Single Operator Portable and one for Rover Station KF5RRW/R. This is the logs for KF5RRW/R I used my Honda Civic and a Tram mobile antenna. Drove south to DM64 to get contacts into Albuquerque. Attempted to get into Socorro but I did not want to drive 50 miles for one contact, and it was getting late. I resumed the next day from DM65 half way up the east side of the Sandia Mountains in the Cibola National Forrest. Surprisingly was able to reach into Albuquerque with the 7 element beam and get a couple passing mobile stations on the national calling frequencies. My friend Gary gave me my only 432 band contacts for the rover station. |
KF8QL/R [photo/doc] |
It was a chilly setup in Michigan with a morning temperature of 5 degrees F, but I eventually got the 4 band rover set up, and all the equipment worked fine. Activity was fairly low in Western Michigan, but it always is in January. We enjoyed some winter E propagation around 3 o'clock local on Saturday, which helped the multipliers. I spent time calling CQ on CW but few takers, but moved a few to CW out of necessity as we moved up the bands. |
Nice 6M open on Sat |
My first ever VHF contest participation. I enjoyed it! |
This was my first contest and I enjoyed the day on the summit working the VHF content with SOTA summit to summit activations. Phoenix has a solid community of mobile operators. Looking forward to learning more. 73 |
Equipment: Icom IC-746 connected to 5-element 6m yagi and 4-element 2m cubic quad beams; Yaesu FT-5100 connected to 11-element 70cm cubic beam; TYT TH-9800 connected to Diamond X50A Vertical antenna; Kenwood TK-981 connected to 9-element 33cm yagi. Winter storm IZZY made operating difficult. Very little Es seen. |
First time contesting! Nothing more than an FM HT and a DIY antenna that worked surprisingly well. I'm a bit of a contrarian, as well as space-limited, so I'm very excited to have not one but TWO categories I can compete in. Surprised at the number of hams monitoring 146.52, and some were just as surprised to hear me on the other end. Big thanks to some of the 'big guns' who came over to FM and got on my log for some multipliers, and to everyone that answered my CQ. See you in June! |
First time setting up a VERY limited multi-op. Zero effort put into FM. The goal was to have fun, introduce a friend KN4BLG (KN4) to VHF/UHF contesting and make the best out of what promised to be rough conditions. KN4 has had his Technicians for several years but was inactive, being bored with repeaters. I motivated him to get his General a few months ago. He fell in love with his IC-7300 and FT8 on HF with a home brew antenna. He passed Extra a couple days ago. This was going to be a whole new experience for both of us. I had him watch N5XO's contest video just in case it got busy so he would know what could, but probably wouldn't happen. Station: 100W on 50, 144, 222 & 432 working SSB, FM & FT8 A 12' boom beam for each band on my Jeep fold over mast. KN4 set up his IC-7300 in a small trailer next to the Jeep with the 6m feed line switchable between his 6m only IC-7300 and my FT-991A which covered all four bands using a DEMI XVRTR for 222. We were located in urban Va Beach at 30' ASL. The rotor controller stayed in the Jeep so when KN4 wanted a bearing change he would call me on an HT to move it. I spent a lot of time in the trailer so I got very wet and very cold running back and forth to move that rotor. Claimed score: 4017 Band QSO's Multi's 50 60 20 144 29 13 222 3 3 432 4 3 Not exactly rock star territory. Comments The goal was to have fun and introduce KN4 to VHF/UHF contesting. KN4 really put the hammer down on 6m FT8. After a few hours he had multiple screens open with contact maps, signal reports and spotting networks. He monitored our signal reports and had me move the beam around looking for possible openings, staying where it was strong and moving when it faded. When the signal reports came in strong he would let me know and I would jump off 2m FT8 and try SSB on the 3 higher bands, occasionally having him give me the 6m antenna but that gained us nothing, conditions were bad. When he saw other stations in the local area get good reports on other bearings he would have me point the beam in that direction to work new stations and grids on FT8, I would tag along, first trying 2m SSB then FT8 in the Jeep. Every time he got a new contact outside the local grids he was excited. There were several "difficult" western stations KN4 kept seeing but were just out of reach: W5LO EM03, W5TRL EM10, AB5CC EM14 & K0TPP EM48. By working the propagation and with persistence (but not target fixation) he finally got all of them. K0TPP was special. KN4 chased K0TPP all day Saturday but time and time again as soon as he tried to work K0TPP the propagation would falter, sometimes mid exchange, that doesn't happen much on 20m and he would try again or move on. We set up MSK-144 for Saturday night. Despite A LOT of MSK activity our 100W only managed to fully complete one contact, N4SVC in EM80. After 4 hours sleep we got back to work. KN4 on MSK-144 and FT8 and me on 2m FT8 & SSB. A little after 5 am I heard KN4 yelling over the HT " I GOT HIM, I GOT HIM" Yes, he finally got K0TPP and he did it on MSK-144. He has been telling the story of how he bounced a signal off of ionized meteor trails to family and friends ever since. They are as amazed to hear that such a thing is possible as he was thrilled to do it. Digital modes on VHF/UHF are a heck of a lot of fun. A few KN4 quotes are appropriate: "This is a lot more effort than 20m, I love the chase". "It's a lot of fun and a challenge to dig them out". "Its like a scavenger hunt, every opening and every contact is special". "This is harder and more fun than I thought". "The XYL says I can go to the mountain in June" Observations Our score sucked, out location sucked, the propagation sucked, the weather sucked, my station even sucked, its a lousy example of a limited multi-op set up. WE HAD A GREAT TIME. VHF/UHF contests are a tremendous amount of fun. This contest was no exception to that. We exceeded all expectations and pegged out the fun meter. Its not the QSO rate that matters, you can get that any day on 20m or 40m. Its not the multiplier count or even the score that matters (done far better on FM Only). The fun is in the challenge. The fun is in finding and being rewarded by working the openings. The fun is in having your persistence and effort pay off in digging out a weak and difficult station. The fun is in changing modes when needed (FM, FT8 or MSK). Above all, the fun is in overcoming the obstacles put in front of you, be they weather, propagation or technical mishaps. The fun puts a big smile on your face and leaves you wanting to do it again. Still smiling Monday night and I can't wait to do it again. 73 John KM4KMU |
6m was pretty good on Saturday, very little on Sunday. |
That was interesting....1st FT8 6 mtr operation....Don't think I'll do that again, especially with a small yagi. But if it gets any new Hams interested in contesting or operating in general, it's a good thing. |
first time working as a rover. a lot more productive and a lot of fun. |
KO4ECD [photo/doc] |
Weather forecast for the mountain tops I like to operate from was expecting up to 24" of snow with freezing rain, so I decide to set up a 3 band station on my back deck thats in a HOA. I used a Coment GP-9 vertical for 2m and 70cm FM, a 8 element Yagi for 70cm SSB/DG and a 6m and 2m M2 halo loops for SSB/DG. very pleased with the results considering antennas used and my QTH is only 20' ASL. Looking forward to June. 73 KO4ECD |
Operating portable, FT991a, 2m 6el yagi from N4HER, and 6m Halo - 10-50w, from Blue Ridge Parkway, POTA park K-3378 for the Support Your Parks weekend! |
Enjoyed the contest even though only a limited number of contacts. Introduced my wife to contesting and she said she had fun too. |
KO9A |
Great conditions on Saturday! |
KS1G |
1st time entering, 100% FT8, using my HF wire for 6M and satellite antennas at 10ft AGL for 2M & 70cm. Best DX was EL89 (KM4HI) on 6M and FN13 (K2TER) on 2M, Inspired to have better antennas (backyard portable?) and be ready for CW & SSB for June. |
KV2X |
This contest was a leaarning experience for me. Using FT8 for first time Learing how to operate my new IC-970 |
Casual operating just for fun. |
KW4XK/R [photo/doc] |
First time operating as a rover. Had a blast running 5 watts with an assortment of homebrew antennas for 6m, 2m, and 70cm. SSB and FM seemed to be dominant in SoCal - just a few FT8 contacts and no luck at all with CW. Canā??t wait for June! |
KX7L |
Too many things going on this weekend, but I did manage to get some time in for the contest. I only heard a few brief "flashlight openings" into the Bay Area, but couldn't manage any QSO's that way. Still great fun working the locals. Always a treat to work the W7MEM "Super Station" over the mountains. Thanks for all the Q's! |
N0IS |
Good conditions on Sat but no CW or SSB activity. NOT good. Bob, N0IS |
N0JK [photo/doc] |
There was an amazing and unexpected sporadic-E opening on 50 MHz in the 2022 ARRL January VHF Contest Saturday afternoon and evening January 15. From northeast Kansas (EM28) sporadic-E first appeared around 3 pm (2100 UTC) to Florida. I was QRP portable outdoors from a hilltop west of Lawrence, KS with a strong north wind and 15 degree F temperature. Had to fight the wind to keep the yagi up. I first worked stations in Florida, then then opening spread to Georgia and the Carolinas. Around 2300 UTC stations in Kentucky, Mississippi were logged. Some Es to Minnesota and Michigan. Even some foreign DX with XE2X (EL06) in the log. I had a PSK flag from ZF1EJ. The opening continued to about 7 pm (0100 UTC) Jan. 16. I was running 10 watts on 6M FT8 with a classic MFJ-9406 and a 2 el yagi. The MFJ-9406 radio did a credible job once it equilibrated with the chilly temperature. It can drift in frequency and sometimes doesn't get decodes. Next morning one 6M sporadic-E contact to XE2YWH (DL92). Worked K5QE (EM31) on 50 MHz meteor scatter Sunday evening, took almost 30 minutes ! Thanks -- Marshall and crew persistent. A pleasant surprise with the Es. There was aurora the evening before in North America. Aurora can sometimes spark Es the next day and may have played a role. A last note. After operating outdoors Sunday evening I felt ill with a sore throat and cough. I tested + Monday. Please get your vaccinations. I am glad I did. |
N0LD/R |
We stopped operating by 2311 UTC on 15 Jan 2022 due to one operator feeling unwell. |
First time submitting using hte new One Grid Rover category. Operated from 3 different locations within FN31. Only operated a couple of hours on Sunday afternoon/evening. |
Had very little time to operate. Results were ft8 contacts on two bands Never heard anything on 432 |
Using a home-brew program to generate Cabrillo file - please advise if errors found |
N2WK |
Another FT8 contest. When will it end? Hardly any CW/SSB on 6 and 2m. Thanks to the rovers. Bless you guys. Had 39 Q's with KF2MR/R. Good SHOW JARRED. Thanks Ev W2EV/R for 25 Q's and Kent K2ET/R with 24 Q's in my log. Thanks for the multi band fix stations in the area W2FU, K2TER, K2DH, NR2C, N2OA, K2UA, KA2ENE ,KD2LGX, N2JMH and any other fix stations I may have missed here. Thank you to our Canadian Friends VE3DS, VE3MIS and VE3ZV for running the bands with me. Only did 15 hours and 25 min this time due an array of problems and other unavoidable sources. All the rovers complained about the cold so there was no 5 and 10G setup this time around. It should be warm in June however and those bands will be gladly welcomed. |
N2YU |
N3EXA [photo/doc] |
(no comments) |
Seems like everybody has left SSB and CW for FT-8. |
Every little Propagation to EM64 |
Kenwood TR751A 25 watts, IC-47A 25 watts, indoor antennas |
1 |
RoverLog is terrific! |
N5QYC [photo/doc] |
Entered the contest with a new vhf/uhf setup using transverters and a ICOM IC-718. Antennas were a stack of four individual yagi's for 6 meters, 2 meters, 222, and 432, on a single mast. From reports I received, my setup worked well and my score showed it. Even though we had a major snowstorm during the contest, a real good excuse to stay in and play radio, everything, but propagation, worked as I had hoped. With this first, in a long time, contest under my belt for 2022, I hope for better results in future vhf/uhf contests. 73, Joe N5QYC |
Sending this one as a checklog since I forgot to set my call to /R |
4-grid Rover including 3 POTA parks! |
N6RH/R |
RoverLog is terrific! |
N6ZE/R |
1. I made use of the new ROVER rule permitting a minimum of 1 grid activated. I operated from 4 locations within DM04 2. I utilized PHONE only; I heard very few FT-8 (data) stations in the few times I monitored FT frequencies. 3. Most QSOs made with FT857 (6m/2m/70cm), Kenwood mobile (125cm), handhelds for 33cm & 23cm, WA6EJO H/B for 2.3&5.7GHz. Antenna = whips only for 6m-23cm. 4. 22 QSOs in DM12, including 2m & 125cm handhelds+whip antennae. 5. I operated primarily from DM04qb in Santa Monica Mts & DM04ne Tarantula Hill in Thousand Oaks, CA 6. Nice to see lots of local activity for this contest. 7. Weather nice! No Snow! NWS forecast 40 mph winds died down early on Saturday morning & light showers noted a couple of times. |
N7DA/R |
You know it's SoCal when you work a station on an HT who is sitting outside in January watching a water polo game! |
Very little rover activity. When will single ops have a limited category (6m through 70cm) like rovers and multiops enjoy |
N7VD |
Thanks to all the rovers for their efforts. |
A couple of big accomplishments this year: Tripled the number of QSOs on 33cm. Saw a brief 6m FT8 opening on Saturday. A fun time was had by all. |
N8KH |
I made only FT8 contacts, because no other mode is possible. This is because other hams won't use any other mode. FT8 has ruined VHF/UHF/Microwave contesting. |
N8MP |
Not a great score but still great fun. |
My first Contest! |
NE3R |
Just left the radio on while I was going about my weekend, would come back to calls I heard. |
NT1D |
DG on 50 MHz improved activity; DG on 144 MHz reduced phone activity |
Member of Dallas Amateur Radio Club, W5FC |
NU2H |
Could only operate for 1 hour so set up backyard portable. Horrible S7+ noise prevented SSB/CW/FM contacts only made 2 FT8. As they say though, always submit a log! |
NW2M [photo/doc] |
Some close-in grid squares were elusive- like DE and HI for Worked All States (WAS). I may have to move! Is it legal to put FT8 tones on a FM carrier for FM-Only contest credit ??!!?? |
NY0V |
Decided to go with FT8 as conditions did not seem too favorable for Ph. Most paths were to the east coast and south to TX. |
Two is better than zero :-) - I tried SSB/CW but with a vertical antenna I was I gave up and moved to NAQP CW Perhaps I will install a small yagi for 2M/70CM and a 6M - that's all I could have here. 73 ERIC VA3AMX |
First time activating on a contest. Indoor at home QTH with a handheld, rubber duck antenna and 6W power. |
Difficult propagation conditions for this contest. I used FT8 at 50 watts to a 6m horizontal dipole up 25 ft. Rig was an ICOM IC-7300. |
I think everyone was working digital! |
Analog only: SSB-FM |
VE3IPS [photo/doc] |
It was -31 degrees C with wind chill on the hilltop. After 45 minutes I started to lose the feeling in my finger tips so it was time to pack up and go. I decide to hang in there another 15 minutes to try to work another grid. Thanks to VE3DM I struggled to take apart the antennas and get back down. SG Labs 23cm transverter 2 watts, Icom 705 IF and 5 watts on 2m using an Arrow Backpacker antenna. I was glad I had a pencil for the log as my pen had froze. I was happy adding another 1296 contact to my list and working the locals on 2m. |
First actual log submission for this contest. |
BAND QSOs MULTS 50 55 17 144 89 21 222 27 7 432 27 7 902 11 4 1.2G 13 4 2.3G 8 2 3.4G 4 1 5.7G 0 0 10G 1 1 24G 1 1 123G 1 1 LIGHT 1 1 |
This was a very low key effort this year. I only got 3 contacts while also geocaching in the city of Toronto. I did not hear much activity, it seems there were signals on the FT8 frequencies (which I do not have in the rover) |
My transmitted mode is shown for cross-mode contacts Log includes 2 duplicate QSOs not counted toward claimed score Equipment - 50 MHz Yaesu FTDX-10 60-100 W, attic dipole 144 MHz Elecraft K2+xvtr+amp 100W, 5 el Yagi @ 25'.FT290RII 25 W, indoor GP on FM. 222 MHz Elecraft K2+xvtr 20W, 7 el.indoor Yagi 432 MHz Elecraft K2+xvtr 10W, 10 el. Indoor Yagi.FT-818 6W, indoor GP on FM. 903 MHz Elecraft K2+rx conv., homebrew tx, 5W, 7 el indoor Yagi 1296 MHz FT-290R+xvtr+amp 6W, 10 el indoor Yagi 2304 MHz: FT-290R+xvtr 1W, 9 el indoor Yagi 10 GHz: K2 + 2m xvtr + DB6NT xvtr/amp 2 W, indoor 2 ft. dish |
2m & 6m only for this contest. With the cold wx forecast, I pre-set the 6m beam to the SW and glad I did. Rotator was froze in that direction til noon on Sunday. Amazing who I worked on MSK144 even with the antenna pointing in the wrong direction. I think this was my best 2m ever with just over 100 contacts. Great to hear rover stations out there braving the elements. Hope to have 222MHz and 432MHz up and running for June this this year. |
Only heard / workred locals this time. Also working NAQP CW at the same time. Hoping for better in June |
VE4MA/K7 |
This contest was quite different than 2 years ago. There was much more emphasis on 2.3, 5, & 10 GHz and less on 2m QSOs. One highlight was a pileup on 2.3 GHz ! The 7 Rovers here are amazing operators and very well equipped. Unfortunately liaison with some of them was not good, so we missed many opportunities for QSOs. I had only one digital QSO and used JT65 on 1296, as I was having trouble getting decodes with the heavy aircraft scatter in the path. The signals were relatively strong ( good enough for CW) and perhaps we should have tried FT8 as it would have speeded up the QSO. I will be better prepared with 3.4, and better systems for 5 & 10 G. |
I only had a short time to operate this contest. |
Local simplex QSO'S are rare here in GN37. I was lucky to work the few stations that I have in the log. Equipment was an Icom 7200, and the antenna was an antron 99 through a tuner. Not very efficient, but it is all I have up at the moment that is relatively close to 6 meters. For 2 meters, I used a Kenwood TM271A, running to a vertical dipole at 30 feet. QTH is at 600 feet above sea level, with the majority of the surrounding area being at 160 feet above sea level. Hopefully I will do a better job in the June VHF contest. 73 de Aaron, VO1IV |
No digital |
W0KI |
SOTA Activation of Berrian Mountain (W0C/FR-060) |
W1TR |
FT8 draining all the contacts away from SSB CW... Need contest rules change, Work once per Band per Mode, not just Once per Band. Modes: CW, Phone, Digital. |
W1YU |
Tyler N2RTS operating as W1YU with permission from license trustee. I think the following QSOs were done before the contest started: QSO: 144 FM 2022-01-15 1511 W1YU FN31 N2TRX FN30 QSO: 144 FM 2022-01-15 1602 W1YU FN31 KD2MRW FN20 QSO: 144 FM 2022-01-15 1602 W1YU FN31 KB1YWT FN31 QSO: 144 FM 2022-01-15 1627 W1YU FN31 WB1ELG FN31 QSO: 144 FM 2022-01-15 1642 W1YU FN31 WB1FWG FN31 QSO: 144 FM 2022-01-15 1825 W1YU FN31 KS3TUX FN31 Please let me know if these do count and I will include them. |
W2CCC [photo/doc] |
Added thought, we have wanted to rename the club for this January Contest W2CCC - the COLD CONTEST CLUB |
This operation was with the IC705 at 5 watts. It was fun and a very good learning experience. My thanks to all those who worked to pull my peanut signal out of the noise. |
very slow |
First contest in new Florida QTH. Love the diverse propagation here in EM80. Completed VUCC (officially) on 6m because of the contest. Also got to shake out some of the demons of fully automated FT8 operations, but there is more to learn. Some guys were using different FT8 message sequences which was confusing. We need to settle on what is "Hoyle" and communicate it better. Lots of fun and I sure that we'll do better next time. |
Bet ever points |
W3JG |
As many have commented, and as this weekend demonstrated so clearly, the digital mode FT-8 activity has nearly wiped out voice contact during the VHF contests. It's a real shame -- beside the human contact aspect, it makes it so difficult to find people with whom one can climb the frequency bands into the UHF and beyond areas. Contacts at 220 MHz and up have virtually vanished, unless you pre-arrange with friends or club members. Idea & suggestion: Let's reserve the FIRST THREE HOURS on Saturday, and the LAST THREE HOURS on Sunday, for non-computer contact only. For those six hours, only SSB/AM/FM voice and CW allowed. Digital voice (C4FM etc) allowed, as long as it's carrying human voice communications. Hope you'll consider my suggestion. |
This was my first VHF contest. I didn't operate very long but had fun when I did. Thanks W3SO and W3XOX for their efforts! |
W5MO |
Check Log Submission |
W8RU |
My time on was unfortunately limited. Thanks for the QSOs & 73! -Ron (W8RU). |
W8TN |
I had to quit early because my antenna iced up and SWR went too high. |
W9JN |
6m data only |
W9XA |
Enjoyed the activity level, and the 6M openings. The antennas were frozen pointing to the East from EN51uu. It was especially nice to see more activity on the phone segments. See you in June ! |
Just a short opening here in STX, but loud signals. Hoping for HI /KL but no luck! |
WA4UF [photo/doc] |
Another contest, another bout of antenna work, another propagation desert My homebrew wooden tower disassembled itself in a storm last Thanksgiving, and I just now got 'round to putting it back together temporarily. I'll have to redo it this spring to get some more height, but at least the VHF station is back on the air. Alas, the propagation pixies were to busy sprinkling their dust elsewhere to bother with EL89. :) |
Only was able to operate a limited time but had fun. Wash hoping to work some new FFMA grids but no such luck. |
Great 6m E's on Saturday made this my best effort in many years. Added new grids on 6 and 2m to VUCC as well! Thanks to all the rovers and fixed stations! |
Only was able to operate a limited time but had fun. Wash hoping to work some new FFMA grids but no such luck. |
Operated QRP Portable from SOTA Summit W7A/MN-119. Hiked up in the dark with the backpack, mast, and antenna bundle (YAGIS ON ALL SIX BANDS). Got on the air about 8 AM. WX cold in the morning, but warm by noon. Activity was lower than last year...not sure why, but I suspect Digital Modes had a hand in it. |
WA8ZID [photo/doc] |
6 meters was open to the gulf coast until just after the start then almost nothing for the rest of the weekend. Did get one new grid at the start. |
The ARRL January VHF event is always s a challenge for QRP portable operators like me that are located in the Northeast US with regards to both weather conditions and band conditions. For the 2022 event, band conditions were generally poor, especially on Six Meters, for me during my portable operation in FN30. I soon found out that four of the usual FN30 stations were not around for this contest, so I did my best to provide the FN30 grid square to others. Thank you, Dave, N2SLO, for providing FN30 to me on the lower four bands! I operated on CW and SSB for Six Meters, Two Meters and 432 MHz Weather conditions were so cold on Saturday at 20 degrees F, and my 222 FM HT did not function at all at this temperature, so this band was not available to me that day. I did make three 222 FM QSOs on Sunday. I had two nice moments during the contest - an enhanced opening to FN01 on Two Meters on Sunday morning and a narrow Sporadic-E opening with Florida on Six Meters with a QSO with WA4GPM in EM70, shortly after noontime. |
The VHF bands did not open - So, I gladly had fun talking (phone mode) to some local guys on the two meter band on Sunday afternoon. |
WG1V |
Was prepared to work a lot of CW and SSB, but it turned out FT8 was my mos t productive mode. Was also surprised I never heard anyone on FM Simplex. F irst time I had antennas up for 6M, 2M and 70cm, so I had a lot of fun play ing the 3 bands. |
WJ7L |
10 GHz never gets old! |
WM5L |
WT4R |
Icom IC-7100 and a wire rectangular loop for 6m hanging at about 20 feet. |
WX4DAT [photo/doc] |
Worst time to have contest in my area. Worked through a winter storm. I am a budget type Ham. Low power station and low budget shack. Using verticals antennas and two OCF dipoles. Made only three long range contacts being on 6m. After that just all local and had to get creative. Made 26 contacts total and that frustrates me, it being my first VHF CONTEST. Kinda embarrassing but worked hard to get everyone. More calling than taking calls. But I damn sure had fun. |
WZ1V |
note - left dupes in log |