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Soapbox for 2023
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DK1KW   [photo/doc]  
After some technical problems at the start after a 11 month break with EME I had a very nice first
contest weekend with 4 new DXCC and completion of my 23cm WAC thanks EA8DBM and VK3VJP - nice
weather with clear sky, easy to steer my folding dish to the moon. Unfortunately weather during the
second weekend was misserable - snow, ice and heavy winds making the mounting of the dish
impossible. Enjoyed the contest anyway. 73 Werner DK1KW
Hi friends,
I wanted to play the BIG thing this year, but some Murphy struck. It took me a while to get this
remote operation running from my home location to the DL0SHF club station (owned by DK7LJ).
Unexpectedly I was only able to run the first part of the moon passes, as I had to do other things
early next days. But so far things went well and I made 55 (one dupe) contacts on the 1st weekend in
CW and Q65. Some stations were really small with one yagi and 50w or so. So I am happy I could be a
new station to a few. It has been nice to see and hear so many signals on 23 cm. - The 2nd contest
weekend I prepared well and planned to be on as much as possible. But things came different -
Covid19 struck, and I was not able to do anything. The station is heavily used for Radio Astronomy
and some agreement has to be found every time. (DL0SHF JO54cg - 9.5m solid dish antenna adjustable
to less than 0.1 degree - ~1k RF-out).
See and hear you all next year hopefully.
Christoph DF9CY op at DL0SHF
All QSO's were conducted with a portable station.
Icom IC-9700, Beko HLV-1000, LNA on a
single Yagi M² 5WL 17 elements.
DM9EE   [photo/doc]  
just started with EMEM. never worked so many EME QSOs.  
tnx to DL7APV and DF7VX for tremendous support building this EME station.
8 x 11 ele Yagi (DL7APV built)
Lot of activity during this contest on 23cm. Many QSO in digital mode, but don't forget CW mode when
the signal level make it possible because a CW QSO is much more faster!
Best 73s
F6KRK Radio-Club
IK2DDR   [photo/doc]  
Many thanks to ARRL to organize this great contest.It was only my 3rd on 1296.
After good results on 1st leg, i have been qrt on 2nd due a little flu, with cold and fever. Not ok
for stay on. Anyway, i love this band and i hope to do better next year. My setup is: 3.7 m mesh
dish with OM6AA septum feed. VHF DESIGN dual stage 30 db preamp. IC275E+AFEDRI+VHF DESIGN 300 W
SSPA. Linrad+Trakbox+WSJTX+MSHV software.
The call IQ0RM was used on the occasion of the Maker Faire Europe held from 20 to 22 October, a very
bad time for the moon. We used the callsign until Sunday 29 October to give others the opportunity
to connect via moon.
KB2SA   [photo/doc]  
Thanks to all early morning and late night 23cm folks! With a 2-3 hour window for some awake EU
folks from San Diego,CA, I managed 18 states, 23 DXCC, and 3 VE. 95 digital QSOs total. Very close
to my 2022 results. Equipment here is 1.9m mesh wire dish with 900W @ feed. Most of my QSO were
obtained by calling Q65-30B and 60C. Others obtained by watching the logger. A handful were found
using QMAP. Maybe ARRL will give us California folks a bigger EU window for 2024. (-;
KG0D   [photo/doc]  
Just a pair of 20 element home brew WA5VJB yagi's on a tripod with 75 watts out of the 9700.
In road bicycling a century ride represents a fitness level in which 
riders ride 100 miles in one day.  During ARRL EME 2023, 100 6m EME 
QSOs was my personal goal for this contest.

This event made me grateful to have so many special worldwide EME friends.
During my EME 'century ride,' over 100 6m EME fans came on to make EME 
QSOs at all hours and to give EME a try in the face of 6dB degradation.
Many participants used 1 x yagis horizon-only where ground
gain could be leveraged. 

I am truly grateful for all who showed up to try and also for those
who squeezed 6m EME into their already full family/life schedules
noting some even pulled away from CQ WWDX Contest to give 6m EME a try. 

First EME QSOs were completed with K4AKX, AA0RS, and WA1NLG. 

A new 6m DXCC during the contest provided a special thrill: YJ0UC 
(by W6UC & NJ6P). 

David J. Schmocker, KJ9I     4 x 10 LFA array with full Azimuth and
Elevation rotation

Software used: WSJT-X v2.7.1 (for Mac): Q65-60A. dual receive paths:
Rx path 1) SSB Electronic LT6S Xverter behind Elecraft K3S (to Mac
computer) and Rx path 2) AirSpy R2 with SDR-Console v3.2.
First EME contest. Had a lot of fun. 2.4M antenna, Septum feed, W6PQL PA(5-600W), 0.3dB NF Pre-amp,
DB6NT transverter and Flex-6300 radio.
Weekend 1 went fine, had no major issues and worked a lot of new stations.  Weekend 2 started witht
the PA power supply switch burning out. Took a couple hours to fix, the . Then the antenna lost
tracking, but visible moon let me adjust back with the temp being -6C. During sunday the PA fix
decided that it was not going to hold any more.
This year LU8ENU was present in three bands during the contest, 200. 70 and 23cm.
The conditions were good in 200 and 23 cm, but in 70 cm Mr. Faraday did not let me work stations
that were relatively easy to communicate with my setup
In the last stage of the contest the moon was at a slightly favorable declination for the southern
hemisphere, and this was noticeable, in total we were able to work almost 100 and more than 10 new
initials, in the previous contest we could only work about 75 stations in total .
OK1DFC   [photo/doc]  
After the first part of the ARRL EME contest, when I made 150 contest QSOs, I was expecting a sleepy
weekend with minimal new stations to make. I regretted all the more not having a completed SSPA for
the 432 MHz band for outdoor dish use, as I already have for 23cm and 13cm. However, the first part
of the contest on Saturday from 00:00 UT to moonset, or 10° elevation for me, I made 9 new contest
contacts. The interesting QSO was on Madeira, where Alex was QRV as CT9/EA8DBM. During the whole
orbit from 15:00UT on Saturday to 03:00 UT on Sunday I worked 34 stations. By then I was starting to
approach the 200 contact mark, which I thought was impossible in such a contest. In the final leg on
Sunday I managed to find 14 more stations and thus exceeded 200 connections in the contest. Mr.
Murphy took this time off and everything worked throughout the contest without the slightest
problem. Overall the activity in the 23cm band was very high. I have 238 QSOs in my log. The
difference in the number is that I did some stations both Q65 and CW and so the number of contacts
is higher overall than the contest QSOs. An example would be the QSO with the Timor-Leste expedition
4W8X. So overall I have 72 multipliers, 44 of which are DXCC and the rest WAS multipliers in the US
and Canadian provinces. The score stopped at 1,468,800 points after the contest after checking the
log for double QSOs and multipliers. So a significant increase in activity after last year's score
of 1.1 million points. Interestingly, I made contacts in 24 US states during this contest, which was
virtually impossible just a few years ago. Activity thanks to the "umbrella" antennas from W2HRO and
amplifiers from W6PQL is on the rise in the US. Finally, a hearty thanks to everyone for calling in.
I'll look forward to more opportunities to make contacts in 2024. Activity in OK today on the 23cm
band is world class. On the band was in total 9 OK active stations on the 1296 MHz band.
OK2PE   [photo/doc]  
Hello everyone.
Thank you for a perfect contest. There was still a lot to do. I like the telegraph, so I only used
that one. That´s how it looked for me during the contest. Good health and Merry Christmas.
73 Karel, ok2pe.
ON7EQ   [photo/doc]  
First participation in this contest. Limited number of QSO's due to high local QRM from time to
time, but happy for several new initials !
It was 2 nice weekends with contest. I love working the 10Ghz section. Many stations qrv. 65 QSO
worked in either CW or digital mode. Would like more qso would be done in CW as many stations are
strong enough. Some dupes were worked that I did not enter in the LOG entry. 
Conditions were good both weekends 
73 Peter OZ1LPR
I enjoyed participating in the EME contest. Unfortunately I found out too late that stations worked
in the first weekend should not be worked in the 2nd weekend. That is a pity, it makes the 2nd
weekend a bit boring at times.
Please reconsider this restriction, calculate a score for each weekend an add them together.
Many thanks for organising this contest!
73, Ton PA0TBR
Not a serious effort this year, 1st time multiband, I even worked a few on 23cms with my single 70
ele yagi.
PJ2BR   [photo/doc]  
My first time ever on EME! Thanks to everyone who helped me get started in this new Mode. 1.8m dish,
homemade PA 400W, Icom 9700.
RX3DR   [photo/doc]  
I worked for the first time through the moon .
These are my first contacts on the October tour. I hope to continue in November.
73! Sasha RX3DR
This year our radioclub managed to participate in the November part on 1296MHz with the 6m dish.
In the testruns we discovered receiver degradation and in October we had to plan for repairs and
recovered more than 10dB in the RX path. Result showed even an RX improvement from previous year so
our RX was strong. Among the club operators there are CW-only enthusiast and Q65 enthusiasts so
again we did mixed mode operation.
Preliminary log showed more than 75 QSO, 31DXCC and 3 states. Our RX reports varied from 599 CW
stations with powerful dishes down to -23 Q64 stations with yagi and lower power. The operating
window to capture states is short and operation into Monday was not attempted. Nice to work SM - 4W8
on 23cm for the first time. Also nice to see FR5, JA, VK, YB, CT9, ZS, HG5 in log this year.

73s SM0NCL
SM4GGC   [photo/doc]  
This was my second attempt for SO-432

In the first contest weekend on Saturday was the polarisation for EU-EU Horizontal to Vertical which
made it difficult, luckily I have mounted my old 4x21el Tonna for V-pol. I was active for 3 hours
at Saturday evening, 3 hours on Sunday morning and 5 hours on Sunday evening and I managed to work
44 stations.

In the second contest weekend I started on Saturday and with strong Aurora once again polarization
shifted H-V. I was QRV on Saturday from moon rise to 01:30 about 11 hours and on Sunday from moon
rise to 23:00 about 9 hours and worked 32 stations. With a total of 76 QSO and Raw Score 326,800 I
am very satisfied and was also glad to work stations with  single Yagi.

My antennas are 4X26 el YU1CF for H-pol nested in 2m and 6m arrays and 4X21 old Tonna for V-pol.PA
600W SSPA in shack /Stig
SP9VFD   [photo/doc]  
My impression after the contest follow that CW activity was pretty well. Many thanks to all for a
lot of CW FUN! during 2023 ARRL EME contest.

73 and cu agn de Raf SP9VFD
UR3VKC   [photo/doc]  
Very interesting  ARRL contest
Tnx ALL!!
73 de UR3VKC
VA3MW   [photo/doc]  
I made my first 2 EME contacts during this contest. 
After 49 Years in Ham Radio, I still find events to say:
"you are my first contact".  How cool is that!  It took adding a UHF bandpass filter in front of the
preamp to hear the big guns.  Since it was going to rain and snow, I had to find a quick way to
protect the cavity.  A quick trip to Home Depot provided just the container.
My second year in the ARRL EME contest - Thank you so much to everyone for the contacts. I will send
a return QSL a card for anyone who sends me one.
Fun Contest. Lots of activity on 1296. Only part time Participation due to being Sick the first leg
and other obligations.   Also participated as part of the W2ZQ Team for a shift, At home was only
using 1 2.4M dish but at W2ZQ they had a 3.0M. What a big difference! Hope to see you all at 20th
EME Conference near Trenton, NJ, in August.  Check out WWW.EME2024Trenton.org
My first EME contest on 23cm. My log file is received I am very happy about it.
Just participating was a special pleasure for me.
Thanks to everyone, especially Roger W3SZ, who helped me a lot with the Cabrillo log file.