Call: N6WT   Event: 2022 ARRL Field Day

To share your experiences in this event in writing and/or with photos, complete the appropriate section(s) below. Warning! Do not remove existing Soapbox comments from the text area unless you want them deleted.

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Document Upload
Select a document on your computer that describes your activity in this event. The document must be less than 6 MB:
Document descriptionSelect file
Photo Upload
Select one or more photo files on your computer for upload that show your activity in this event. Each photo must be less than 6 MB.
Check the Youth? box if a photo includes one or more individuals less than 18 years of age.
Photo caption and creditYouth?Select file

Notice: By uploading images to the ARRL website, you are granting the American Radio Relay League (ARRL) the non-exclusive right to use the images in any and all of its publications, whether for promotional or commercial purposes, including electronic media or any other media yet to be invented, without payment or any other consideration.