Complete this form to submit your Hiram Percy Maxim Birthday Celebration entry to the ARRL for review and tabulation. All fields are required. Click on the Submit Entry button after completing the form.

Submitter's E-mail Address:   Call Sign Used During Contest:

Location During Contest:

What's the highest output power you used during the contest? 5W or less   More than 5W  

Bonus Points claimed: Check each box as appropriate.

W1AW/150 band/mode QSOs (automatically determined)
ARRL Member
Social media publicity
QRP operation (automatically determined)
Portable operation (at least 20 QSOs)
At least 150 QSOs (automatically determined)
Note: Bonus points for W1AW/150 QSOs, QRP operation and 150 QSOs will be automatically determined from info entered elsewhere on this form.

Upload Log: Select your Cabrillo or ADIF-formatted Log File on your computer:
  OR Paste your log into the text area below:

By submitting a log, I certify that I have observed all competition rules, as well as all regulations for Amateur Radio in my country. My report is correct and true to the best of my knowledge. I agree to be bound by the decisions of the ARRL Awards Committee. All contest rules are available at

You'll have an opportunity to enter comments using a link on the confirmation page.