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Soapbox for 2018
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Checking out remodeled club station with a new to us inverted-L for 160 meters. I think I worked everybody who lives in MDC. Maybe a couple of stations west of the Mississippi River. One DX in the Bahamas. break pile-ups or I was finding dupes. |
AB5ZA/7 |
non-resonant 80M dipole, loaded as long wire off tuner, 100W Input, DN35rw, 5430 MSL, and antenna at 39 Ft. AGL. |
AC4G |
Much QRN from storms passing by both nights and mornings. Ran approximately 85 to 90 watts with most DX stations QSO'd being in the Carribean. Low power is tough category to work DX on 160m. |
AC7A |
Very heavy electrical storm QRN on Friday night. Two R0 Asiatic Russia stations made it into the log early Saturday morning. One had about the strongest signal I've ever heard on 160, from that part of the world. They were my most distant contacts. Band conditions were much better on Saturday night because the high level QRN was gone. About a 5 minute opeing to Japan on Sunday morning yielded several JA contacts. Equipment used for the contest was an Elecraft K2/100 to a 45' top-loaded vertical, and a homemade K9AY array for receive. Not fancy, but it does the job. |
I was not able to operate for the whole time, but did get in a bit at the beginning and a few hours Sunday morning. |
AE3J |
Operated from Port Penn with a 60 foot top loadded vertical . Rig IC-703 with 250Hz filter. Power supply 210 AH Battery with wind/solar. |
A busy week with parade support and FT8 contest mode testing meant limited chair time. |
AF5Q |
Better conditions this year |
Always nice to work state side on 160m, some were realy strong but did not cpy me It would be nice if rx antenne would also lsn outside NA Maybe the dx stations should get more points and give more points away ? |
Unfortynately only 1 QSO. Heard some more US and Canada stations but no luck. Will try again in CQ WW 160m. |
IC 7300, ant W3EDP |
fun :-) |
Good condx Pity DX to DX contacts are not allowed in this contest |
Great conditions Saturday AM, lousy Sunday AM |
Conditions were fascinating, but a struggle with 100W. Thanks to everyone who pulled me in. |
GW4W |
I need to get a better antenna! |
TRX: Kenwood TS-590SG 100W TX ant.: 22m high vertical RX ant.: inv.V EWE |
I enjoyed the contest. |
I enjoyed the contest. |
I QRV on a single OP low power. This yerar the condition was better than the last year. I QSOed with only 25stations 1680 points in this yaer, I QSOed with only 25stations 768 points in 2017, I QSOed with 42stations 986 points in 2016, I QSOed with only 10stations 126 points in 2015, I QSOed with only 11stations 110 points in 2014, But I QSOed with only 16stations only 330 points in 2013. But I QSOed with only 47 stations only 2580 points in 2012. First day, When the sun set time in JA. I could QSO with only 6,0 call arias stations. We JA could hear many middle earea stations, But We coule not hear west coast the U.S.A. stations. Every year, It is very difficuld to get answer from the U.S.A. station in the first day. But We could get to answer very easy in this year. It was the special condition in this year. I used my MV (Micro Vertical antenna) 12mHigh on my blcony + Elecraft K2 tranceiver. My MV antenna was only 3.6m length and it was up only 12m high from my balcony of my small condminium. I was surprised that I could QSO many U.S.A. stations with my MV antenna! It is the best to pick up a very weak singal in noise for K2. |
I enjoyed the contest. |
I tried QRP. Thanks for patiently listening to my very weak signal |
Thanks nice QSO. |
I used power less than 5W. |
Bad condetion . |
JQ1EPD/1 |
I enjoyed the contest. |
I enjoyed the contest. |
I enjoyed the contest. |
Points: 225 Secs x 2 = 450 3 DX x 5 = 15 465 Mults: Secs 55 DX 3 58 Score: 465 x 58 = 26970 |
K1GQ |
SkookumLogger K3S KPA1500 OB40-2 2XA-3B-12L wires |
K1VR |
Tkanks goes to Fred K1VR for hosting me at his station in Lincoln, MA nice at both nights with QRN on the second night. sloping full size dipoles. One part is slope, the another one is horizontal 3-5m over the ground. Directions: NE (for Europe), W and S. They worked very well |
K1ZE |
Anyone know what a DX window is? |
Thank you ...Good contest...Fun! |
K3CCR is the club station at the Collington continuing-care retirement community at FM 18OW in MD, just east of DC. N3UM and W3GB did Multi-Op One TX in the 2018 ARRL 160. At start, condx and activity were good. N3UM ran for 228 Qs in just under 3 hr, 77/hr. Then after a 12 min. break he ran for 108 more Qs in 1.8 hr. for a total of 334 by 03Z. The first EU, an OM, called him at 2258Z followed by 8 more EU mults plus VP9 and 51 sects. W3GB then clicked spots 0300-0823Z. He got 31/hr for his first 2 hrs. Rate then slowed but he got 13 sect mults in the far west plus 3 more countries and took us to 457 Qs and 77 mults at QRT. Sat. PM N3UM ran slow and steady for 77 Qs 20-22Z but just 1 mult, C6. After a supper break he got 18 more Qs in 1/2 hr. and 3 more EU mults plus PJ2. W3GB then got 40 Qs in 2.2 hr. plus ZF and NTX mults to take us to 592 Qs and 85 mults at 03Z. N3UM came back 0308-0650Z and got our last 108 Qs, 59 of them in 3 short runs and 49 clicking spots. Condx were great to EU; 17 EU Qs, 9 of them mults, for 28 ctys. Also MB, SK, EWA, ND, WTX, and SCV for 72 sects. Missed NNY (!), AK, NV, ND, NL, NT, PAC, and 4 W6 sects. To our great relief, the solar forecast of Kp = 5 to 8 was way high. In the 19.4 hrs. we operated, Kp was 1 or 2 for 8 hrs. each, and 0 or 3 for ~1.7 hrs. each. This is our best score claim in ARRL 160. We claimed 610 Qs, 93 mults, and a 122.4 K score in 2017, and 713 Qs, 83 mults, and 121.9 K in 2016. |
K3TW |
"Severe thunderstorm QRN limited my operating time in this 160m contest." |
K5LH | |
K5RX |
First night it was hard to believe I worked some EU through the static crashes - some from visible lightning. |
Great fun in spite of heavy QRN. |
K5XU |
Thanks to all who dug my weak signal out of the noise. |
Thanks to Ken, N6RO, for hosting us at his fantastic station. K3, Alpha, Four square and SAL-30 for diversity receive. Some SO2V when it got slower late first night and much of second night. 25 DXCC, 33 JAs. Missed NT and PR. K6DAJ first day, W9KKN second day. Started at 0020Z--traffic getting to N6RO. Good rates for first 7 hours of contest. Saturday morning rain storm (no lightning though.) DX condx ok, but not as good as previous weekend (CQ WW). Best EU path was first few hours of contest. We were spotted in Finland via long path at our sunrise, but no EU LP Qs. |
Good conditions both nights. Many stations heard and worked. Directionsl snake on ground receive antennas proved very useful. Varactor tuned receive loop proved very quiet with deep noise nulls. Thanks to all stations worked. |
K8PK |
First licensed in 2016 |
K9FO |
Lost 4 hours due to storms passing thru. propagation was weak to the west, but had and CQ tests. 73, Will, K9FO |
K9GY |
Fun domestic contest! Work messed up Fri otherwise I would have had another night to play. |
What fun; 50Q's in a Contest on a band for which the most inefficient antennas ever were used! Thanks to everyone with the patience to work this "very weak signal". Hope to get a real antenna up for next year! |
Great contest, except for much thunderstorm QRN Saturday evening. |
2018 ARRL 160M CONTEST |
KG9Z |
Had fun. GAP working very well. New ACOM amp was great! |
TOUGH CALL FOOTBALL ..CONTEST ..YA went for the contest |
KJ9C |
Was it summer? Static crashes made DX tough. |
KN1H |
QRP 5W to end-fed wire |
KO0Z |
Did some work on the base of my inverted L before the storm arrived. A central Illinois tornado outbreak cut into contest operating time. |
KQ9J |
I'd do better if I could stay awake at night! |
KS7T |
A snow storm up hr made copy rough and guys were disappearing in the QSB after sending just one letter of their call then gone sorry for that fustration on both ends but guess all in all didn't do too bad considering 43' high wire homebrew whatsit ant. |
KX6A |
Sending in for benefit of cross check etc. |
Looking for my last US, I saw WJ9B-ID, K7XC,NG7M,K5VWW,W7RN-NV, W7UT-SD,....But Not luck due to bad condx and several thunderstorms in West US. Just happy to work David, WD5COV and here is my confirmation for our QSO like CheckLog. Thank you, David! |
MM2N |
Had to RX on TX antenna. Just moved into new QTH that day. XYL not happy :-) |
N0IS |
Conditions were very bad to say the least. Static crashes were running S-9 and then some for most of Friday night and Saturday morning while the storms moved through. Again on Saturday evening the storms moved in once again and the static was unbelievable. Went on for most of the night. MANY EU stations called that we were not able to copy that should have been an easy contact. Thanks to all that tried. |
N0MH |
Very high static levels SD a joy to use |
N1NN |
N2FF |
It sure would be nice to have a 160M antenna. I was using my 40 meter sloping dipole with a K3. Sorry for straining some ears. Thanks to the many ops who listened hard and copied me and make it fun. I hope to be abck next year with an inverted vee and perhaps HP. |
N2KW |
Thanks to Dave, K1TTT, for the use of his fine station, and to Ed, NT2X for providing relief! |
N3RA |
Fun time. |
N4BP |
2018 ARRL 160M Contest |
N4KS |
Surprised how well my station did using a 54 feet end fed wire. The static crashes eventually chased me away. Thanks for pulling out my weak signal! 73, Ken |
N4PN |
N5XJ |
I need better receive antennas!....Many I just could not hear through the static level here. |
N6BT |
Arizona Outlaws Contest Club |
N6TV |
Used shunt-fed 89' tower for TX, VE3DO loop and 2 magnetic loops for RX. Main amplifier faulted after 10 minutes of S&P, so switched to 550W backup. |
N8BI |
Very limited operation with interruptions. Hopefully a warmup for CQ 160. |
N9RV |
Great conditions. |
N9TF |
Always one of my favorite contests. This year weather in the Midwest U.S. was a menace to conditions, especially for the small stations, like mine! By contest start, I still had a block of ice and snow at the feed point load of my shortened half sloper at the top of my 35' tower, from last weeks snow and ice storm. This caused all sorts of SWR issues, so bad I had to use my manual MFJ 949E tuner to help control the sporadic SWR changes. The K3S tuner was no help. One hand on the keyboard, the other on the antenna- matching knob of the tuner to adjust if needed.(it did many times!) Then there was all the QRN from the current storm system winding its way through the Midwest again this weekend! Only having one compromise antenna for TX and RX, it was tough going. Had to shut down for a little over an hour Saturday night during prime time, to let a thunderstorm pass. Good news, with all the rain we had Saturday the log jam of ice at my feed point was now gone, and SWR back to normal! QRN was heavy both nights, making it rough to copy weak signals under S9! Still lots of fun! 73 Gene, N9TF. Rig K3S 100 watts to a W8AMZ shortened half sloper at 35' apex sloping down to 2' above ground. |
No 160 antenna |
ND0C |
Tough sledding with 5 watts to a tuned 80m inv. vee at 38 ft! Thanks for the good ears! |
NF7R |
I cud only participate partially this year, but a great time, as usual! |
NG1I |
Loaded up my 40-80M wire and managed to get out a bit |
NI0K |
Only operated Saturday night and Sunday morning. The static crashes were bad Saturday evening and my amp died just before the contest, so had to limp along at 100W. Sure missed the amp. Had fun anyway! |
NN2L |
IC756Pro, AL80B, Vertical Tee with elevated radials |
NO9E |
Local low-level static followed by thunderstorms. Very few stations from the West, and no KL7 or KH6. Quite a few EU stations calling (away from static and thunderstorms) ment that the proagation was at least OK. |
Only QRV for about 2.5 hours. Good condx allowed me to make more QSOs than I would excpect with the low OCF antenna, only 10m high. |
OL0A |
Just one QSO with VY2ZM who could hear my QRP from the low OCF antenna. |
OU2V |
strong sigs friday evening, less on saturday. |
RC7B | |
S57C |
FT2000, A77D, LQ160M@4-8MAGL |
100W LW 27m |
IC-765+HM AMP 500W |
TM6M |
Lots of qsb made it difficult! Missed some stations ! Sorry for the ones i didn't heard! Was a good game as ever See you in 2019 ; tks for qsos 73s, Oli |
Only manageed friday night :-( |
Noisy at start |
Got on radio the second night just to practice some cw but ended up staying on for a while. It was fun. Thanks to all who worked me. |
Disappointing DX participation. No new DXCC entities. |
I had a lot of fun in the few hours I had to contest late eve and early Sunday am. I worked a few with my '54 Blue Racer Bug and FT-897D rig. 73 Gerry |
Started out trying to operate SOLP remote and as I worked out issues ended up SOHPA but decided to give it up. Sorry for the confusion and hickups! |
FOUR X 15MIN burst from the car just testing a new and improved antenna. It's a modified Scorpion SA-680S. Still have some troubles with the electric foldover mount, but the antenna itself is fantastic! I heard some EU (ON/OK/OM) and ZF9CW (589) and as far west as AZ, but no Q's with these guys. (granted, I wasn't on vy long, maybe condx got better later) Super easy to work most W1/2'...3's tougher. W4's was stretching it, however old faithful N4RM got me quite quickly. A couple 8's (Na8V best ears by far) and really had to work to get N0NI and his crew to hear me, but they had patience and we made it). Not bad for a 5' tall antenna that had to be retuned every few kcs, mounted on a small car ! I know I was weak, but even some guys who I figured out most of my callsign on the first 'over' got me as VE9AAX or VE8AA/mm or VE9AAXX or other variations. NOBODY was expecting to hear "/M" on the band this weekend ! 2009 Mini Cooper, FT-857D, N3ZN paddles. 100w, Paper/pen logging |
Antenna: 160m Inverted Vee at 15m Extremely bad QRN on the last evening in eastern Australia. |
The best way to enjoy this Top Band contest is gather a group of ?geezers? and head for a Caribbean Isle! The perfect location, lifestyle and combination of two types of Beverages! Lee Barrett ? VP2MLB/K7NM Had a great time working with three others on this contest from VP2M what a group! Rich VP2MSK/NS7K |
VP9I |
Overcame several gremlin. Missed many stations in the noise. |
W0BH |
143 * 57 in 1:15 |
Well a bigger antenna would help qrp is very fustrating but can be fun 73 john |
My first time on 160m and only got to spend 2 hours on the contest. But what fun! |
Bad head cold, no operating after 11 pm |
W1QK |
Thank you for sponsoring the contest. |
Tried Low Power after 20 years QRP! |
W2EG |
Disappointing showing this year. Same power, rig and low dipole, but fewer Q's, fewer mults, and roughly half the score. Perhaps just goes to show how well I did last year with this poor (for 160) antenna! (And it is not likely to get better since I'll be moving to antenna restricted QTH.) It was a pleasure though to work three good mults just before my sunrise: NM, BC, and AZ. Did enjoy the contest and thank all for the Q's 73, RIch, W2EG |
Rig Elecraft K3, P3, KPA1500 160 meter Inverted-L antenna Hi-Z 3-element steerable vertical Rx array |
IC7610 to ACOM1000 amp. radials. |
IC-7300 |
Anticipated an opportunity for a full time all out effort but once again it was not to be. Got in a few hours Friday but not at all Saturday. Propagation seemed fairly close in for the limited time I was on early Friday evening, working mostly the east coast with few stations to the west heard here. Did not feel like I had trouble being heard by almost anyone I could also hear. Only DX was carribean region. radio: Kenwood TS-590S xmit antenna: 150 foot inverted L(first 60 vertical) with FCP rx antennas: K9AY loops and 20m dipole. As always, thanks for the patience with the fills, although I needed a lot fewer than normal. |
This is the very first time I worked on 160 meter band. |
with 210 volts and 40 ma on the plate at a 60% efficiency there was about 5 watts at the base of the antenna. the receiver was an HQ100 with a BC453 Q5er and a loop antenna on top of the radio. i could hear more than i could work but got all that could hear me |
W7IV |
Part-time effort remoting from KL7. No sidetone or hand key made for some interesting fills, and I am still learning N1MM. No EU, but my receiving antenna is still in the box, so that may be my fault, not theirs. |
W8KA/6 |
Operated Portable in NE corner of Santa Barbara county with solo errected 109 vertical using 4 elevated radials. QTH was private ranch off Balanger canyon road. Murphy came with bad WX wind and rain. Got antenna up and tuned 5 hours before contest started. Temp in tent was typically in low 40's at night and early morning hours. |
With a 160m dipole only up 17 feet and 100 watts, thanks to everyone who worked me; especially NP2J, KP2M and 4M1K for the extra time it took to complete the exchange! |
W9FI |
New 160m low dipole. |
Random wire antenna, no radials, increasing neighborhood noise. Miss the pre-digital-QRM-free days with vertical and 32 radials. Still fun thanks to all who could hear weak signal. Hope to be here for the next 160 test in 2019. |
W9RE |
Great European opening to start the test. |
ten tec orion 2, 238C, inverted 'L'. |
Trying out a loop antenna; IC-7300 at 90 watts |
Operated remote from Tokyo, Japan |
limited time,4 hrs. mosley pro 67b antenna,lots of 'liminum at 48 feet, atr-30 and ft-2000 internal tuners together gave 1:1 match. fun. worked about 75% of all stns called. 73, ken 95 qsos. t u all fer the qs and points! |
I finally got a better (longer) dipole antenna, and have it strung as a nearly 180 deg counter-pose direction for a change - as I am forced to work with limited yard land space ; along with being blessed finding a quality massive MFJ T antenna tuner. So, for the first time, I finally accomplished plenty of successful fun qso's on the 160 - considering that I had since made only two successful contacts on it prior to this contest event. I did get Canada also - 'GTA'. I also made numerous 'VA' contacts. |
My first time in 160m contest, on part time. Made my 80m centerfed Zepp into a Marconi antenna, twisting the ladder line together at the tuner. Got low swr, tuned up great. Previously it wouldn't tune up as an 80m. Worked both coasts and the south. Even heard an OM station. Fun time on 160m. My cw skills need improvement. |
WE9R |
Played around on QRP in this contest from the Black Hole. Worked Virgin Island on one call using QRP on 160 is very cool |
WR4I |
Finally have a 160 ant that works! |
XE2B |
Despite the limited operating time, lots of fun. |